Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

  1. Flee from the Heroes (12)

#11 Their situation: The situation of some soldier(?)

-He says he’ll let me catch him forever, ah ah ah ah!

“What the hell is this nonsense…?”

I was suddenly awakened by the loud roar that echoed out.  

“What’s going on?”

I asked my colleague who was currently on sentry duty, but got no response.

“Was it just a dream?”

With the sounds of ‘Gotta catch him, gotta catch him’ continuing, it seems I had a nightmare about being caught.

“If nothing’s wrong, I’m going back to sleep.”

As I yawned and was about to go back into the makeshift tent I had simply made,

“Hey, it’s an emergency!”  

The guy who had been blankly standing there suddenly blurted out.


“I said it’s an emergency! Wake everyone up!”

“Damn it, it wasn’t a dream!”

Seeing my colleague cursing quietly with a serious expression, I realized that what had put me to sleep earlier was not a dream.

Fortunately, the next sentry shift was supposed to come on, so did this incident happen before they came on?

“That can’t be.”

In itself, the fact that an incident occurred means we have to go fight.

“Hey, everyone get up!”

Barely holding back the curses that wanted to come out, I started waking up the people sleeping around me.

“Ah… What is it?”

“Why… I hadn’t even slept for an hour…” 

“What is it? Is it time to change sentry shifts?”

Grumpy voices burst out here and there.

The battlefield was still unfamiliar to us. 

As students forcibly conscripted and brought here, it couldn’t be helped.

“What the, you’re still not awake?”


The grey-haired man in front of me is the famous trickster Rizen, one of the first members to bring about the revolution in Yugrasia!

Before Yugrasia was called the strongest academy, as the only S-rank summoner he racked up numerous achievements, and after the revolution he greatly contributed to the academy league championship wins.

“This is why I say guys who haven’t been hit properly have no use…”

Girin, our senior in the academy as well as a summoner who attained the title of knight and furthermore, that of Count. 

When someone like that glares at me with a frown, I can’t help but wake up fully.

“I’ve heard that since the Demon King appeared, many professors deserted the academy so you guys haven’t received proper lessons.”

“No, that’s not it.”

“As if. Guys who haven’t even been hit by a metal bat or a wooden bat, what could they have learned at Yugrasia?”



There are things commonly called bats whether they have metal or wood attached to them.

It’s a weapon that Professor Rain, who people say is so handsome even men would call him good-looking, wields.

In the beginning of our enrollment, during the commonly called adaptation period, the Demon King appeared and we couldn’t see that weapon.

Our 2nd year seniors said it’s better to fight evil spirits rather than that devil’s weapon.

In fact, our 2nd year and higher seniors who were forcibly conscripted to fight the Demon King said it’s nonsense to say it’s fine since they haven’t been hit even though they clearly have.

“I don’t expect much from you guys. But make sure not to be a hindrance to our allies. Understand?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Good. Next is…”

With those words, Senior Rizen disappeared from our sights.

To think the person who was right before our eyes just a moment ago disappeared.

“That is Loki’s contractor…”

It wasn’t spatial movement magic that was used.

By summoning and wearing the Shoes of the God Loki that allow you to move through space as if teleporting, he disappeared that quickly.

(Those who have finished preparing, assemble at the meeting spot!)

Surprised by the voice coming from the communication magic tool while blankly staring at the spot where Senior Rizen had been, we started packing up to assemble at the designated spot.

And so, when we gathered at the spot, Her Highness Sia Nel Karan, the 1st imperial princess of the Karan Empire and leader of this army, revealed herself before us.  

“I won’t waste time with long speeches.”

Even though she amplified her voice using a magic tool, her voice wasn’t loud.

“My goal is over there.”

It was such a small voice that if there were any murmurs nearby, it probably wouldn’t be heard.  

“I won’t say this is our goal. Because this is not for the empire.”

Yet it was a voice with such charm that you couldn’t help but lend an ear.

“It is my goal. It is what I desire. So you who are under me must…”

Like priests receiving a revelation from god, we blankly looked up at Her Highness and a revelation, no, an order came down to me from Her Highness.  

“Smash through any obstacles, and capture these two men.”

The moment Her Highness’ words ended, the faces of two men appeared in midair.

One looked like an ordinary middle-aged man in his 40s or early 50s.

And the other had beautiful blonde hair that left a lasting impression with just one look.  

“And while you’re at it, kill the Demon King as well.”

What kind of existence is the Demon King?

He was a being that even with almost all of the heroes on the continent combined, as well as the power of numerous empires and affiliations, they were still lacking in strength when fighting him.

Yet calling that casually taking care of him on the side…

“Yes, Your Highness!”

But no one said it was impossible.  

Just respond with, ‘I understand’.

Without a word, everyone swore they would follow Her Highness’ will, as if it was only natural to answer like that.

After that, things progressed very quickly.

Following the orders of the commanders of our respective platoons, we swiftly left our hideout in the mountains and started going down.

A straight line.  

As Her Highness said, smashing through all obstacles, we went down the mountain in a straight line.


By the time I came to my senses, I was already at the mountain base.   

“Where is our destination?”

It was then that someone who seemed to have just regained their senses asked, and our commanding officer gave a very short reply.


Hell? He said hell!

My hands started shaking uncontrollably.  

Of course, the being we had to fight was that Demon King.  

A battlefield against the Demon King might as well be called hell.

Just as I thought that, 


“We’re under enemy attack!”


The vanguard started getting attacked.  

Although the rest responded and started counterattacking, we 1st years from Yugrasia including myself couldn’t help but freeze up.

“Eh, elves?”  

“Why are the elves…?”

What was attacking us were elves.  

“D-Did they get mad because we destroyed nature?”

“That can’t be it!”

A sudden ambush by elves.  

While we were surprised and at a loss, the commander leading us frowned.  

“They’re enemies! Those in the back, prepare for combat!”  

Together with his words, a tremendous explosive sound was heard.  

“Response is too late!”

“Se, Senior?”  

“Even so, you made pacts with summons, right? Summon them to block the attacks!”

Thanks to the seniors currently enrolled at Yugrasia, we were barely able to block the enemy’s attack.  


“Humans? Why are humans…?”

This time, what attacked were not elves but humans.  

They were people with scars on their faces or large builds, but were undoubtedly humans.  

“When even elves are attacking, is there a rule saying humans can’t attack?”  

“But, but!”

Our enemy is the Demon King, so why are we being attacked by elves and humans?   

If they were of a different race, I’d think that an evil Demon King made them his evil god army, but elves and humans were races that would not become part of an evil god army.


I summoned Pyris, a fire elemental that takes the form of a small dragon.  


This elemental I have a contract with, an intermediate fire elemental with an unusual form that walks on two legs!

“Pyris, fire breath!”  

At my command, Pyris opened its mouth and started breathing fire.

“The flames of an elemental?”

How can those guys who look like hoodlums all be using swords?

“Th-This is definitely strange!”

“You idiot! This is real combat!”  

A man who blocked my attack swung his sword at me.  

“Shooting sword energy?”

Even if they can use swords, their skill levels are not equal.   

Simply being able to infuse magic power into swords makes you a junior, being able to sharpen that infused magic power or adjust sword length makes you intermediate, and being able to brandish the magic power within the sword to unleash it makes you top class, or so I heard. To think the one attacking me is a top class swordsman!

“What are you doing!”  

“Se, Senior!”

“Weren’t you a summoner?”  

Just as I was thinking this would be the death of me, a 4th year senior swatted away my attacker’s sword energy.   

“I, I’m alive…”

“What do you mean alive, with so many enemies around.”  

As Senior said, battles were unfolding everywhere.   

There were no casualties yet, but it was the same for the enemies as well.  

“If you don’t get a grip on yourself, you really will die.”  

The reason there were no casualties wasn’t because the enemies were going easy.  

Simply put, it’s because our allies were stronger so there were no casualties yet.  

On the flip side, if there were no casualties among the enemy troops…

“They’re strong enemies. There’s a limit to how much I can help you.”  

The 4th year senior described them as strong enemies.  

It’s said that 3rd year students from Yugrasia can’t even deal with ordinary knights, and 4th years can fight on par with imperial guard knights.  

For a 4th year senior to say this…

“This truly is hell…”  

Like the commander said, this place was hell.  

When all I can do so far is barely even summon elementals for training, will I be able to survive this place?  

And then,  

-Why are you guys fighting amongst yourselves, ah ah ah!   

The voice I heard as I was drifting off to sleep started echoing again.  

-First, defeat the Demon King! You are all allies! The side attacking allies will not get to read this letter!  

Allies? Letter?  

“What kind of bullshit is this?”  

The swordsman who was about to cut my neck said what I wanted to say.  

Right, what is this bullshit?

-I’m announcing to all troops. Unless the enemy attacks first, capture the Demon King first.  

But after hearing that bullshit, Her Highness who led us gave an order to stop fighting.   

Of course, unlike what the man said about allies, Her Highness referred to them as enemies, but still.

-Cease attacks! Until the letter is taken from the hero’s hands, listen to what the hero says!

Another order came down, but it wasn’t Her Highness’ voice.  

The voice was very similar to Her Highness’ voice, yet slightly different.

“So what?”  

The communication magic tool the voice came from didn’t belong to us, but to the man trying to cut my neck.

“We have absolute obedience to our commander’s orders, so we have no plans on listening to you… What about you guys?”

“It’s the same for us.”

“Is that so? Then…we’ll have to wait for a backstab, I guess.”  

“Isn’t it you guys who’ll backstab first?”

After provoking each other, my senior and the enemy sneered at each other then turned their backs on one another.  

“Will it be okay, Senior?”

“I don’t know who this commander guy is but he has his men on a short leash. They won’t attack without that guy’s order, so don’t worry. However…”  


“Looks like that commander guy’s goal overlaps with Her Highness’ goal.”  

“You mean…”

“Right, we don’t know who’ll get that letter first but… The moment someone gets it, they’ll be attacked from both sides.”

Both sides.  

Upon hearing those words, I realized the elves who ambushed earlier had become quiet.  

“Even the elves…”

Just what is that letter that has us as well as unidentified strong guys and elves targeting it?  

I’m completely clueless.  

In order to find out…

“Now then, let’s go capture the Demon King first.”  

First of all, we had to take down the Demon King who was the apostle of evil god.

#12 Their Circumstances: The Circumstances of Sia Nel Karan

A snicker, a laugh leaked out. 

“You’ve grown a lot.”

– Should I burn you? Should I burn you up?

– Stop it and fight properly!

Seeing my former junior holding a brand new white envelope in one hand and a flame spell in the other, I could feel just how much time had passed.  

Seeing my cute junior desperately trying to take down the Demon King, I specially stopped the fight.

“That human is no help….”

However, it didn’t seem to sit well with Alice.

“What’s the issue, Alice?”

“…The ones I sent to the vanguard were all people who talked badly about finding dad.”

I see. 

So when she insisted on personally selecting the advance team members herself…

She was setting up a mass murder plan.

“People naturally want to complain about things when working.”

It started as a small, elite team, but as time passed and we felt the limitations, we started expanding the scale.

As a result, most of them were people who had surrendered to force or were working for money, except for a minority.  

While they do absolutely obey the hierarchy, but… I haven’t been able to change their way of thinking.

“I don’t know about that, stepmom.”

“Alice, not stepmom…”

Seeing Alice pout her cheeks, I gave her a gentle smile.

“It’s alright. The Demon King is strong, you know. Fighting the Demon King, you’d be half dead.” 

“Uhmm… Yes.”

As I gently patted her head and spoke, Alice heaved a small sigh and nodded.

“You’ll soon get to meet your dad, so endure it a little longer.”


After giving Alice some simple snacks and telling her to wait a little, I moved to the annex.

“So, Master is still staying still?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Hmm…. What exactly is the intention?”

Ever since the hero appeared and directly fought the Demon King, Master has just been sitting still, only watching the battle between the hero and Demon King.

“The kind of person to run away at the first chance when the hero is fighting…”

That’s why I told the troops hidden in the Beresselyl Kingdom army to not take their eyes off of instructor but…

“What exactly is it?”

That wasn’t the only suspicious thing.

The letter.

If my junior was sane, he wouldn’t have lied to me and the Imperial Princess. 

“It could be a trick.”

“That’s not it.”

I quickly denied my aide’s words.

“He’s not the kind of person to trick people with lies.”

Rather than deceiving people with lies, Master enjoys deceiving people by using the truth.

“It’ll be full of traps but the contents of the letter should be real.”

And I can vaguely guess what it is.

“Even if he says he caught Master, without the letter it’s invalid. And even with the letter, if he didn’t catch Master, it’s invalid.”  

“Sowing discord, I see.”

“That’s right.”

No matter how great Master is, physically handling all the massive forces surrounding him is impossible.

So he sows discord using the letter and himself. 

“The side without the letter will attack the side with the letter when they capture Master.”  

“And the opposite, the ones with the letter will obstruct the others if they try to capture him.”

“That’s right.”

Assuming he’s already surrounded, he created a justification to attack each other with a single piece of paper.

“That explains why he’s staying still. First wait for the Demon King to be captured, then see the hero get captured before making a move.”

“There’s a possibility he’ll be slipping away while straddling the fence like that but…”

When there are so many other easier methods without going through the hassle, I wonder why he’s not moving at all?

I don’t know.

Even though I’ve only thought about Master for countless hours, I still can’t fully read Master’s thoughts.

The method to read Master’s thoughts is… It seems there is no other way as always.  

“I’ll have to catch him and ask directly.”

This time… I absolutely won’t let you get away, Master.

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