Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Chapter 119: 2 best

At noon the next day, while Su Hu's family was happily visiting Furong Town, the newly appointed magistrate of Mingshui received a secret order from the Imperial Secretary in a very bitter way.

He was ordered to complete the matter within two days without delay.

The county magistrate of Mingshui was so frightened that his legs and feet became weak, and he immediately took people to the hut academy to learn more about the registration for the spring semester.

The dean of the thatched cottage academy, seeing the county magistrate personally intervened in this matter, his face changed greatly in shock.

This time, the number of admissions is tight, and he and the stewards of the academy have received a lot of benefits.

Seeing the county magistrate rushing in with an officer with a look of apprehension on his face, he mistakenly thought that something happened and wanted to arrest him, so scared that he almost staggered and fell to the ground.

The magistrate of Mingshui County has been in the officialdom for many years, so he is naturally not a fool, and he can see the tricks at a glance.

Ben was unwilling to come here, but after understanding the whole story in detail, he had a flash of inspiration and had a new idea.

The imperial court assesses the performance of state and county officials once every three years. If they can make a big fuss about this matter, they can do something for the people in the villages and towns, expand the academies, and expand the number of children from poor families.

Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds to not only be able to complete the tasks assigned by the secret agents of the imperial court, but also improve one's own performance.

The county magistrate of Mingshui became more and more excited as he thought about it, and immediately sent someone to call the parents of the students who entered this spring, and they worked on-site at the thatched cottage academy to discuss with them about expanding the academy.

This time, all the students who can enter the school have very good family conditions.

Some people's elders, even local wealthy businessmen, are very rich and rich.

When the county magistrate issued an order to expand the academy, these wealthy households naturally did not dare to have any objections, and they all donated money and materials very honestly.

Some wealthy businessmen even took the opportunity to flatter the county magistrate and promise to take over all matters related to the expansion of the academy.

Before the fall semester starts, the county magistrate will definitely show the brand new academy.

The county magistrate was very satisfied, rubbed his chin and smiled at Mimi, showing the treachery of the fox.

On the same day, he made a decision on the matter and dismissed all the parents of the students. He also specially called the dean and the steward to him and ordered them to arrange for another student to enroll.

No matter what method you think of, the youngest daughter of the Su family must report to the academy smoothly the day after tomorrow.

Naturally, the dean and the steward did not dare to have any objections. The two promised that they would find a suitable way to arrange for people to enroll as soon as possible.

The county magistrate left contentedly, while the dean and steward of the academy were relatively silent, silently wiping off their cold sweat.

The two of them had the same mind and the same heart, and quickly picked out a new student who entered in the spring, persuaded him to leave because he was young and couldn't keep up with his master's progress, and reserved a spot for the student specially arranged by the county magistrate.

The student's parents also participated in the mobilization meeting for the expansion of the academy called by the county magistrate that day, and they were forced to donate a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, I received a notice from the academy the next day that my son was persuaded to leave because of his young age.

He is not a fool, he understands that there must be tricks in it.

Thinking that the county magistrate went to the countryside to pay attention to this matter, even though he was full of dissatisfaction, he still resisted and brought his son back from the academy.

At this point, the matter of Su Qingluo's going to school has been settled, and the eight-year-old girl has begun the happy time of carrying her schoolbag to school.


On the first day of going to the academy, Su Qing woke up early and opened her eyes before dawn.

Glancing at the little prince who was still sound asleep, he tucked in the quilt and tiptoed out of bed.

Put on the clothes, combed two refreshing and neat shofar braids, carried the small schoolbag on the back, walked out of the bedroom through the curtain, and went to the living room to have breakfast.

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