Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 146: Round 2

Chapter 146: Round 2

Lucan used his soul stone to resurrect himself.

"That's right, 1 to nothing. I am winning. Dunnowhosthis is the best. I am unstoppable, you are doomed to fail." The mage stopped his victory dance when Lucan appeared. "What is up with those face tattoos, and what is up with those burn marks on your face? Hey, do you have two different color eyes?"

"That is none of your concern." Lucan said pulling up his cloak and activating his ring to change his face, getting rid of his planeshifter tribal markings and the evidence of Menta's eye. "You won't be so lucky this time." Lucan said.

"Name your game. It is your right. as the loser. Ha, ha, ha."

"Fine, give me a few pieces of your hair. I will put you to sleep, if you survive in your dream, you win. If you die in your dream, I win."

"I don't know, that sounds like it won't be fair for me."

"Why should that matter, do you think the potion game was fair to me?"

"He, he, true. Okay fine. Here."

Lucan took the hair from the mage and then pointed his wand at the man and cast his sleep spell.

Dunnowhosthis slumped over in the chair he had returned too.

Lucan began to cast Nightmare. He used every bit of mana he could get his hands on. The artificial dream realm would be under his control, but the more mana he put into the spell, the more he could make use of once he entered Dunno's dream.

Lucan finished his spell and sat back in his chair, letting sleep overtake him.

The warlock entered Dunno's dream. The mage was sitting on a mountain top at a garden table drinking tea. He sat and watched two armies numbering in the tens of thousands fight in the fields bellow.

Lucan was going out on a limb and testing his new spell. Dunno had created this world when he went to sleep but Lucan would be able to change it from a dream into a nightmare. Once he materialized his presence, he would not be able to leave until he canceled the spell or one of them died. He took a moment to plan his attack.


Dunno sipped his tea and cheered for the southern army bellow like he was a sports game.

"Yeah, you can do it! That's right, bring out the catapults, show them who is boss."

Suddenly, Lucan appeared in the seat next to him.

"Ha, I have been waiting for you." The mage said while conjuring a blade of black flames and slashing towards Lucan.

The sword of magic spilt him in half before he could say anything. But to Dunno's surprise, blood didn't spray out. Blue butterflies fluttered from his wound before flying back and solidifying his presence.

"You should just give up." Lucan said while picking up a cup of tea.

"This may be a dream, but I can still hurt you." The mage dismissed his sword and launched a black fireball towards Lucan.

It rammed straight into his chest and then exited his back.

50 small butterflies flapped their wings before reforming the hole in his chest.

"Tisk, it won't be that easy."

The chair beside the mage suddenly reached out with a dozen tentacles, pulling him into a seated position.

Directly in front of the mage a green portal appeared. A 1,000-foot-long shadow drake came barreling through.


Adrestia flew forward and stretched out the claws on her feet, grabbing towards the mage.

Dunno closed his eyes and kicked at the ground. His chair toppled backwards. Just as he was about to tumbled down the mountain the landscape changed to an empty city street. Dunno had changed the environment in his dream.

"No matter." Lucan said.

The butterflies that made up his body separated and took to the air one by one. If someone looked closely, they would see the real Lucan was the size of an ant and riding on the back of the smallest butterfly.

While the mage was still stuck in the chair. The swarm began to cut at the flesh of Dunno. In a few seconds he was covered in hundreds of cuts.

"AHH!" The mage yelled and unleashed a fire spreading from him in all directions, burning the chair in the process.

With a small yelp, a centipede crawled out of the chair and burrowed into the ground.

"Enough!" Dunno yelled as a dome of earth kept the swarm away from him.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crunch*

The walls of the dome began to crack. Dunno found himself held tightly by a large fist.

A 500-foot-tall Lucan scooped up the mage and hurled him into the air before he could cast a spell.

Flying through the air, Dunno closed his eyes and tried his best to do the only thing he could. Change the landscape. As he was about to hit the ground, a large body of water appeared.

Lucan snapped his fingers, exerting his influence of the dream realm. The water became salt water filled with deadly beasts. It was only a delusion but, in a dream, delusions became much more powerful.

"AHHH!" Dunno howled in pain from the salt water alone as it bore into the hundreds of cuts on his body.

Beasts began to swarm around the mage who was floundering in the water.

After something in the water took a bite out of his leg, the mage changed locations again.

Each time he did, Lucan would add in a deadly threat. He kept repurposing the illusions used by his delusion to save cost. But he chose to never deal the final blow.

"Just kill me already, this is torture. It's your win."

"Ha, ha, death will not come that easily. Tell me, why does Bone Crusher want you to beat me up?"

"What? You knew?"

"He, he, I do now."

"Hey, that's not fair, I am not supposed to give out information on my clients."

Dunno was freefalling through an endless void as debris kept flying upwards towards him while Lucan's voice sounded in his ear.

"What was his goal?"

"He just wants you to look bad in front of that girl."

Lucan couldn't believe that Jason Thomas would waste so many resources to continuously try and make him look bad. It was too stupid; he was worried that there was something he was missing.

"I told you what you wanted to know. Just kill me already so we can get to the third match."

"Nah, I like it here. It's nice."

"Come on man, we have already wasted an hour in here."

"Nope, time is slower, it's only been twenty minutes. I can have fun with you for another 2 hours until the spell is over."

"What do I need to do. I am sorry. I will consider anything but throwing the third match. No matter how much you torture me I will always preserve my honor as a gamer."

"Hmm, okay, become my acolyte then buy something and I will kill you."

"Fine, activate the pact."

Lucan forced Dunno into purchasing his phantom rouge spell. That way he could get back the maximum experience.

Suddenly Dunno sat at a table with 10 potions in front of him.

"Drink the potions and you will die." Lucan said.

"Is this supposed to be some kind of joke. Whatever."

Dunno started to drink the potions one by one when suddenly a sword poked out through his chest, he had been impaled from behind.

The mage suddenly woke up from his dream in a sweat. He received a notification that his stats would be lowered by 5% until he was able to gain a good rest. The amount of experience he gained would also be less.

He sat up straight in his chair to see Lucan grinning at him from across the table.

"Keep smiling all you want, because I came prepared. For the last game, we will each take a sheet of parchment and write down a number. That number will be the value of the gold and items we plan to give to each other. Whoever gives the other the most is the winner. He, he, he."

Lucan shook his head. "So basically, if I don't want to get beat down, I have to buy you off."

Dunno smiled. "And I would like to remind you, that you have already used your soul stone. So unless you want to die for real, it's time to empty your pockets. Make sure you pay enough because if I give you more, you will die."

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