Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 149: To The Nine Hells

Chapter 149: To The Nine Hells

Silent had been stripped of the rest of her gear and was in her plain cotton beginner clothes that offered zero stats.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Let me out of here! You can't keep me locked up forever!" She yelled while pounding on the door with no response.

She eventually heard a sound from outside. She stepped to the side as the door was opened.


She threw her fist at the person's face, but he held up a hand and blocked her punch.

"Jason you asshole. I will never marry you. If you don't let me go, I will just kill myself."

Bone Crusher frowned. "Do you see that black band around your ankle. If you die, it will force you to respawn at the nearest graveyard. I already have people there waiting. So be my guest, kill yourself. You still won't be able to escape. And you should know that this whole place is surrounded by space sealing formations. That warlock won't be able to come in from other realms."

Silent wasn't sure if what he said was true or not, but things weren't so bad that she was ready to kill herself to find out. Her biggest worry was Lucan. She knew that he must be going crazy right now.

"I imagine you are hungry. Follow me." He said while turning around and walking away.

When Silent didn't immediately follow after him, two NPC guards grabbed her by the arms and dragged her out.

She was taken to a luxurious dinning room. Bone Crusher was already seated across from her when she was forced into a chair. The two guards stood behind her to make sure she didn't do anything rash.

Bone Crusher clapped his hands and the maids brought in their lavish meal.

"Jenna, why do you refuse to give me a chance? I could give you anything you want."

"Hmpf, I want Lucan, give him to me if you mean it."

"That fool will lose everything. Once I destroy his castle and fortress I will stomp on his town. You shouldn't want him, he will have nothing by tomorrow."

"So what. When I fell in love with him, he had nothing. If he loses everything it won't change my feelings in the slightest. You will never be half the man he is, you are nothing."


She spit across the table at him.


Bone Crusher smashed his fist on the table after wiping off his face.

"WHAT DOES HE HAVE THAT I DON'T!!!!" He screamed.

"He treats me like a person, not some object. You wouldn't understand. You are only ever thinking about yourself. When he tells me that he cares for me, it is the truth. He says it because it is what he feels and not because he is trying to get something."

"How foolish, people use each other. It is how to world works. Marry me, come to my bed and you will have the entire flower city at your feet. No one will dare to oppose you. If you see something in the store it will be yours. Accept the carrot, don't make me bring out the stick."

"Go to hell."


There was a commotion outside the room as another player ran in.

"Boss, it's bad. Everyone in the Stone Valley is dead. They were all killed by a single player."

"What! What happened?"

"According to the players there, it was a one-armed man who used a strange purple magic. He had a few friends with him, but they only kept people from leaving while he killed them off."

"Sigh, why today of all days does this have to happen? Investigate and find out if another guild was behind it or if this is just some rogue player. And don't let Elder Beneil find out about it."

"Yes sir."

"Is their anything else?" Bone Crusher asked when the man didn't leave.

"He had a strange creature helping him. It burrowed into one of our players and turned him into a tentacle monster. We still haven't identified what it was though."

"Alright, dismissed."


The first think to strike Lucan as he went into the nine hells was the thick smell of sulfur. Up ahead was the camp of devils. As he drew near, the guards let him pass as Adrestia unleashed he devilish fear ability while perched on his shoulder.

"Where is Gilbuzz?" Lucan asked.

These low level devils were incapable of understanding the common tongue so he spoke directly into their minds.

'Tell me where Gilbuzz is?'

Several devils pointed towards the center of the camp.

The devils watched him closely, but none blocked his path.

"Well, if it isn't Lucan Quilldrake, I never expected to see you again so soon." Said a large winged devil with horns, walking out of his tent. "I don't mind that you managed to pull one over on us and had your familiar ingest our master's blood. Do you know why that is? It is because once someone makes a deal with us, they always come back for more. What can I do for you?"

"I have souls." He said while taking out a bag of crystalized souls. "Shall we make a deal?" Lucan asked as a wicked grin spread across his face.


Heaven's Kiss had just finished a dungeon raid and returned back to Cloud Saint City with her team.

"Guild leader, guild leader. Something has happened." Said a player who had just run up to her. "You told us to keep an eye on your sister. Our people in Shadowsweep said that she has been kidnapped."

"What?! Was it the drow? Who did it?"

"It seems that this is Bone Crusher's doing."

"That bastard. Openly making a move against her like this. What is he thinking? Set up the visual communicator in my office. And where is Lucan Quilldrake, he is the lord of that town, is he just doing nothing?"

"Guild leader, we don't know where he is. He vanished through a portal."

"Find him, or at least find a warlock who answers to him."

Heaven's Kiss left her team and went straight for her office. The communicator had already been set up by the time she arrived.

She used a mana crystal to activate the contraption after punching in the number of the device she wanted to call.

After a moment, the image of Bone Crusher appeared floating over the device.

"Holly, long time no see."

"What have you done with my sister you bastard. Are you trying to make an enemy out of me, because you have. I will rain hell down on you."

"Hmpf." A man snorted off camera before pushing Bone Crusher aside.


"Stop being a brat. This doesn't concern you. If you know what is good for you, you will stay out of this."

"You helped that pervert kidnap my sister and you want me to stay out of this?!?!" She screamed.

"Don't forget why you are able to be guild leader in the first place. Do you really think that a pathetic woman like you, with no skills other than being leered at, could rise to where you are now alone. Don't forget who paid off the media to increase your coverage. Don't forget who lifted you from the dirt and made you into an idol. Without me, you are nothing. Shut up and stay out of these matters that don't concern you. This is for the family business. You have already renounced any association with the Slumbering Dragon Group, you have no right to interfere in anything related to the business."

The connection was cut off from the other side as the image of her grandfather disappeared.

Heaven sat down in her chair; she was unsure of what to do.

"Guild leader." Said a voice followed by a knock on the door.

"Come in." She said in a dejected tone.

A player quickly entered followed by Spicypumpkin. "Guild leader, I was able to make contact with Lucan, I am one of his acolytes."

Heaven perked up. "Great what did he say?" She asked the low level player that Spicy had brought in.

"He was only able to get a hold of Lucan for a short time, now the transmissions from his acolytes are being unanswered." Explained Spicy.

"Okay, tell me exactly what he said."

The player looked nervously towards Spicy.

"It's alright. Tell her what he said."

"Um he said, "Stay the f**k away from Bone Crusher. Anyone in my path will not survive, that goes for friend or foe.""

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