Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 159: The Anointed

Chapter 159: The Anointed

Lucan and Silent were outside the fortress about to take the flying carpet for a spin and try their hand at a few of the dungeons in the area when Silent received a message.

"Hey Lucan, there are someone we know that want us to help them with a dungeon."

"Sure, sounds fun, that was basically what we were going to do anyway. Hey, wait a second, why did you phrase it like that? What is the catch?"

"Well. My sister is the one who asked."

"And she wants us? Me included?"

"Yeah, she said that your abilities would be perfect for this."

"I don't have a problem running a dungeon with your sister. But what do you think? If you don't want to do it, tell her I said no. You can make your wonderful husband the bad guy. I will take the heat for you."

"It's fine. We have been getting along better lately. I wouldn't mind going with her."

"Alright, should we go to her guild headquarters?"

"No. She gave me some coordinates to go to." Silent sent them to Lucan.

They used the teleporter and stepped out in Vertshadow. Boarding the flying carpet, they flew west for half an hour. Adrestia and Little Brown found it fun to sit on the carpet, they were able to fly without doing any of the work. It was a brand-new experience for them.

Using his passive ethereal vision, Lucan could see Heaven's Kiss and two others waiting in the material plane. But he didn't see an entrance to a dungeon in sight. The three were just sitting on a hilltop waiting.

Lucan opened a portal and passed through before descending beside the group of three.

"About time you showed up." Heaven said to Lucan as he and Silent stepped onto the ground next to her.

"Sister-in-Law, it's so good to see you." Lucan said while quickly giving her a family type hug before she could react. "Your bro feels honored to be called upon by you."

"Woah, you are actually married to Silent?" Asked a priest who had joined Heaven.

"We are getting married in the game soon." Lucan said. "Don't worry little sis, I will watch out for you." Lucan said to Heaven.

Lucan was getting in his jabs now because he knew he would end up doing whatever she asked.

"So what dungeon do you need help with?" Silent asked, she was enjoying herself while watching her sister get frustrated, but she wouldn't let Lucan go to far and endlessly bully Heaven.

"About that, before we go any further, I want to talk about loot. You are actually helping me with a legendary class quest." The priest said. "You four are free to split anything that doesn't relate to my quest to compensate you for the help."

Lucan took a closer look at the priest. His name was JohnnyWham and he was level 190.

"Why would you want our help on a legendary class quest?" Lucan asked the obvious question since his and Silent's levels were so much lower than the rest. "Can't the Cloud Saint Guild put a team together?"

"I am not a part of the guild." Johnny said. "Heaven is a friend from university and this is Big Chowder, my leveling partner." He said, motioning towards the guardian beside him.

"Okay but surely you can find some high-level players to help you out?" Lucan asked.

"I could, but levels aren't too important. It is a dungeon beneath my level to begin with. I have talked to a few others who also have legendary class quests. What I am expecting is to run a level 150 dungeon, but instead of the normal ending, I will trigger an event that will take me into a solo dungeon. So the dungeon you will be helping with isn't too important. It doesn't matter if we fail, as long as I don't fail the solo portion it will all work out."

"Sound good to me." Silent said. "So what kind of class are you trying to get?"

"My basic priest class will be upgraded to a class called 'The Anointed'. If I can complete the quest, I will pick up some martial arts abilities that will let me use hand-to-hand combat. On top of that I will also get some offensive spells and I imagine I will get a stronger heal or something pretty cool. The flavor text to describe the class has me excited. Now I need to pass this trial to unlock the next step. Since we can just steam roll through this dungeon to get to the trial, any two people will do."

"That still doesn't explain why you would ask us?" Lucan said.

The guardian shook his head and pushed his friend aside. "You never get to the point." He said to Johnny before turning to Lucan. "We know the dungeon we need to go to is on this hill, but we don't know which realm it is in. If you can help get us there it seems only fair to take you through the dungeon."

"Oh, okay. I get it. That's fine." Lucan said.

"How hard was that?" Big Chowder said to JohnnyWham.

"I was giving them background information."

"You were rambling and getting distracted." Big Chowder replied.

"Do you know what the entrance to the dungeon looks like?" Lucan asked.

Johnny unrolled a piece of parchment to show an image to Lucan for reference.

The warlock's eyes turned green as he activated Omni-vision. After his mind spilt, he found it much easier to absorb all the different images he was seeing at once, but even then, he still felt overwhelmed, he just managed to adjust to it quicker.

When his eyes turned back to normal, he addressed the other. "I found it."

"Ha, that's great. You made it look easy." Johnny said. "Quick where is it? You can take us there right? Do we need to prepare anything special? I should already have anything we need. Quick, why aren't you telling me?"

"Take a breath and let me speak." Lucan said.

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