Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 29: Heaven’s Kiss?

Chapter 29: Heaven’s Kiss?

The morning of the challenge arrived. Last night Lucan unlocked the forum for Raze. Every player who was an acolyte or a warlock under Raze received a notification.

Ash led Lucan and the others to a large coliseum. The fight had yet to begin but there were already over 10 million viewers watching the interview from last night as well as small snippets Super got from the guest at the banquet.

As a Hand of Raze, Lucan had good seats at the edge of the ring for him and his followers. He guessed there were 50,000 people in the stands. The local's of Vertshadow as well as a few people who traveled from the Dukes territory. 99.9% of those present were NPCs but Lucan still saw a few players in the crowd. Super had received permission from Hellfire, Baelgore, and Raze, he was allowed to go wherever he liked to get the best shot.

The camera he bought from Source Creations was the real deal, it was actually 8 cameras that could be controlled like familiars, except they wouldn't come back to life if they were destroyed.

At the moment Raze came out, Super went Live. The almighty patron waved to the crowd and sat at the Supreme Rulers throne. The colosseum quieted. With a loud but soft voice he spoke so all could hear. "You know why we are here. There are two great warlocks and only 1 position as my fifth Hand. I give you Baelgore and Hellfire!"

Two gates at opposite side of the arena opened to reveal to contestants. The crowd went wild with shouts. Every person wanted their voice heard as they cheered on the warlocks.


On the internet message boards.

-"Did you hear about Hellfire?"

-"He is trying to get promoted right?"

-"You can watch at . I am watching now."

-"I have been watching for the past hour, where you been fool?"

-"Wow, that place is packed, hardly any players though."

-"Are you stupid!!!! It's in the Shadow Realm, that isn't somewhere normal players can get to."

-"Hey look, in one of the private boxes, that's Heaven's Kiss."

-"No way, why would our Idol the Fairy Mage be slumming with warlocks."

-"Fix your eye dumbass, Heaven's Kiss wouldn't be at a warlock event."

-"Someone get this moron some glasses."

-"No, I saw it when the camera just went back. She is sitting with some dude who looks like a rogue and cutie-pie in robes."

-"She is on in the back right now."

-"No glasses need, she is really there."

-"Could this be a huge deal, or maybe she is just accompanying some friends."

-"Who is that ugly bastard sitting between Heaven's Kiss and our Robed Angel."

-"That guy is a real piece of shit. I want to wring his neck."

-"Do you know who he is?"

-"He is the jackass sitting where I want to be."

-"Put out the word that Heaven's Kiss is watching the fight, surely that means it will be good."

-"Already linked it to her fansite."

In minutes SuperSleuth's video went from 12 million to over 100 million when people started thinking that Heaven's kiss was watching the fight.


"Hellfire." Baelgore called out across the dirt floor arena. "Let's have a drink when we are done."

Hellfire grinned. "I had the same idea." Hellfire sent a formal duel request to Baelgore. NPCs could use the dueling system just like players. No point in dying forever just to test someone's strength.

Baelgore equipped a longsword and a staff. "When you are ready." He said to Hellfire who held 2 rods.

The moment Hellfire began to chant a spell, Baelgore sprinted towards him. A purple ball of infernal flames started to form high in the sky. Baelgore closed in and cut down onto Hellfire. The large steel blade hit air as Hellfire teleported 5 feet away and continued chanting.

The Duke of Flames ran to Hellfire and attacked again. He kept chasing the constantly teleporting Hellfire. Suddenly a rod blocked the next longsword attack, the spell had been finished. The purple Hellfire started to fall like a meteor to the ground.


A purple explosion covered the arena. As the flames died down Hellfire stood as tall as Baelgore who had been caught off guard. Hellfire's skin had turned black and his figure had become larger after activating his half demon form. Black spikes pierced out his back and through his cloak giving him a frightening appearance.

With his enhanced demon strength, Hellfire began to beat on Baelgore with his rods. The Duke of Flames kicked him away. After being pushed back, Hellfire started chanting spells in quick succession. Portals on the ground, surrounding Baelgore began to open.

Lower ranked demons began to crawl out of the Abyss and into the arena. Gruesome creatures who's flesh had been removed from the extremities while there bones were sharpened into weapons attacked the Duke from all side.

Baelgore began to fight off the demons while Hellfire started cursing the Duke. His stats dropped while his health stopped regenerating. His flesh was starting to look old and withered while Hellfire kept his unrelenting curses flying towards his target.

The portals to the demons home stayed open as more began to flood through towards Baelgore.

"Hellfire, I am disappointed. You have no chance of defeating me if you only rely on power you have received from me."

Baelgore stopped fighting the demons and howled. He grew 3 feet taller while his own skin turned black. Large curved spikes began to grow out of his back.


Baelgore let out a mighty roar that sent the lesser demons diving back through the portals in fear. His purple eyes turned to Hellfire. "You can't win." He said while deep purple fires began to start burning all around the arena floor. "It's time for you to taste my domain of fire."

The fires that had started small began to spread and ripple like water. They covered the entire arena floor, there was nothing Hellfire could do to stop the constant damage.


-"I thought Hellfire was doing good, but now it looks tough."

-"There is no way he will beat the Duke of Flames. Baelgore has only taken a little bit off damage from all his attacks while Hellfire has yet to receive a direct blow and has already lost a third of his health.

-"Yeah, it's not looking good for him.

-"Even Heaven's Kiss has a worried expression. It looks like she wants Hellfire to win."

-"Do you think Hellfire and Heaven's Kiss are forming a team for a monthly competition. How overpowered would they be?"

-"What, the rest of us will never have a chance."

-"Look at this idiot. He though he had a chance to stand near Heaven's Kiss."



-"It makes sense that Heaven's Kiss and Hellfire are starting a team together. With them as your long range damage dealers as long as the tank can hold agro, they will melt anything they meet."

-"Hey, I Found Heaven's Kiss in the pre-fight interview. At 8:32 you can see her and that rogue guy walk out of the room. Do you think he could be on the team too?"

-"Maybe, that guy must have skills if he made it onto their team. But it's weird, if he were really good, I think someone would recognize him."

-"There are plenty of people who recognize him. What warlock of Raze isn't aware of his sixth Hands."

-"Oh, so he is an NPC 'Hand of Raze'. That makes sense."

-"That is better, I can tolerate an NPC with my dream women."

-"Nope, he is a player. Lucan Quilldrake. The first player to become a Hand of Raze."

-"What, that's bullshit. Why hasn't anyone heard about this till now."

-"We(followers of Raze) have known for a while, but it was embarrassing. The first player Hand picked up the class at level 0. Who wants to brag about a hand that the wind could blow over?"

-"Ah, okay, okay, the beautiful ladies are only using him for his connections."

-"Why the hell are you guys talking about this while Hellfire is getting the shit kicked out of him."


"Wow, you hate to see it happen like this." Super said to the camera. "Once Baelgore got a hold of him, Hellfire has been helpless since. He is showing great technique in minimizing the damage of that flaming greatsword but a caster can still only do so much."

Baelgore had clamped onto Hellfire's arm and wasn't letting go. With his other hand he hacked and slashed.

Hellfire had only 5% of his health left and had finally struggled free from the Duke of Flames. "Disappointing." Baelgore said. "I had high hopes for your success."

"Don't start pulling your punches. Unless you're the type of guy to underestimate your opponent." Hellfire wheezed while shakily holding up his two rods.

"Ha, never." Baelgore said while grinning. "Take my strongest attack." The purple flames that had previously spread across the battlefield rose into the air and started to converge in a ball held up by the spikes on the Duke's back. The more flames that were added, the more the ball would condense.

The tightly packed, potent energy shrank to the size of a baseball. Baelgore leaned forward. The energy exploded forward towards Hellfire. The warlock who looked barely able to hold his rods suddenly stood tall with unwavering eyes. He stretched out his arms while holding the rods apart.

"Full Counter!" Hellfire screamed as a glass panel stretched from one rod to the other. The glass filled with magic and showed Baelgore's reflection after becoming a mirror.

The Duke of Flames strongest attack was reflected back at him. The purple fireball pierced through the Duke's chest leaving a hole behind. He started burning from the inside out while the purple flames spread across his flesh.

Hellfire didn't let Baelgore get close. A black beam of shadow magic was coming from his rod's. Black shadow creatures were reaching out from the ground, clawing and grabbing at the Duke, slowing his movement and doing extra damage.

Baelgore dropped to his knees as more dark hands and claws reached up for the burning man and pulled him tight against the ground. All the magic effects suddenly disappeared and both participants health bar's returned to full.

"Hellfire has become my Fifth hand!" Raze shouted.

The crowd erupted in shouts and applause.

Hellfire turned to a camera that had just came flying up beside him.

"The road to success had been a tiring ordeal. That's why I chose the Hasbo 'Elegant Night' 640. When I get behind the wheel and drive, the journey becomes more than the destination." He said with a big smile.

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