Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Im still thinking about it. I dont think I need to fight with the Chungho group anymore. There is only one place to hunt right now.

Level 3 monsters also appear in the wetlands. However, it is true that the number is smaller than that of the great forests. The average level of our party now, except me, is level 5.

Thats enough to hunt level 3 or level 4 monsters.

Isnt that better? The government said they would send hunters. If they fought with the Chungho group, we could just glean from behind. Actually, thats the best.

For now, the only place that can be found in the north, except for the Great Forest, are the highlands. There are many entrance, and it is difficult to the control entrance or the hunting ground because it is wide.

However, it was dominated by the Galaxy Extreme, a raid team affiliated with large corporations. It is a raid team with history and tradition that cannot even compare with the Ezekiel group. Their power is also very strong.

Are we walking? Soo Ah said.

Then what?

Lets ride the van.

What van?

We have that. The newly bought van.

If we ride that, it will look like a zoo monkey being dragged away. It has no license plate, too.

Above all, it is a vehicle big enough to fill the lane. Just like dragging a large truck into the city. Well, then lets take a taxi.

Were just going to eat, what taxi are you saying. If its far away, then lets just eat at a Chinese restaurant nearby.

Im going to pay for it so lets just go. Now you can save money for eating.

Well.. yeah.

Even if I will eat three meals a day at a hotel, I made enough money to not scratch my account.

However, I havent used it properly even though I have money. My spending habits havent changed much from that of Porter.

Oh! But I didnt ate three meals of ramen a day. Of course Ill not eat only ramen the whole day with that much money.

We arrived.

Where are you going, though?


VIP but thats just a franchise buffet restaurant.

Why are you looking at me like that? Soo Ah asked me.

No I mean ah whatever. I was just surprised.

I really wanted to go there.

Youve never been there?

How about you, Sunbeh oppa, youve been there?


I cant eat all kinds of foods on places that there are a lot of foods anyway. I never had a girlfriend too so I have nothing to do there.


I heard someone screamed. That voice is familiar.

We ran to where the scream is coming from. When we looked inside the alley where we arrived, Soo Ah spoke.

Huh? Isnt that Yeonkyoung? Definitely its Yeonkyoung.

She is surrounded by students wearing uniforms. She looks like shes having hard time. I wondered why shes here, then suddenly I knew it just by looking at the side dishes.

Sheez. Shes very popular.

Are you envious of her?

I tried to go to Yeonkyoung but suddenly Soo Ah stepped forward.

Ill fix it. Stay here.

No, lets go together.

I dont know what will going to happen if Im going to leave it alone to this guy.

She rushed behind her and entered the alleyway.

Soo Ah spoke first.

Hey, Yeonkyoung.

Ah Soo Ah.

Hey old lady, would you mind if you just leave? Someone said to Soo Ah

Old lady? Shes annoyed.

I stepped forward.

Oh you A guy pointed at me.


I saw a familiar face. Im trying to think of where I saw him, then suddenly I remembered about a fight in the park.

I dont know if his name is Kim Hansol or Lee Hansol.

Fuckwere screwed.

Youre still not on your right mind, huh? I said to him.

Hey! Lets run!

When the guy screamed, the other guys spoke while being puzzled.

What? Is this jerk a cop?

I dont know. Ah fuck. Lets just run.

What run.

I blow the dancing sword and block the alley.

Lee Hansol became speculative and sat down on the floor.

In fact, this is a normal reaction for an average person.

Fuck Suddenly, he took a knife out of his arms and wielded it.


The dancing sword bounced it back. It does not have a stellar blow, but its not something you can do with a normal weapon. I was amazed and saw the knife he was holding.

Dark Knights Knife (1): Allows the user to feel no fear.

Where did you get that?

You dont need to know. Search it if you want.

Lee Hansol said.

Ha! Sheez. No matter how many items are released Hes not even a hunter. Is that a dirt he bought at a cheap price?

Can this guy afford to buy those items using his allowance? Well thats impossible.

Die! He tried attacking me.

I simply grabbed his wrist and twisted it.


Its dangerous to carry around with this thing.

When I got the knife from his hand, Lee Hansol shivered.

Uh, what should I do

Where did you get this?

Sunbeh oppa. What are you doing?

When the others tried to run, Soo Ah chased them and all the rest of the three people have been knocked down and dragged on.

They were all 4, including Lee Hansol. Im still wondering what to do with these guys when Yeonkyoung spoke.

Just let them go. Theyre still kids.

If you have done wrong, you should be punished.

We dont know how to punish them, anyway.

Well yeah.

Yeonkyoung is a 20-year old girl who looks like a superstar, but she is actually a level 4 hunter who hit monsters. I just couldnt knock it down. Hes carrying a hunter equipment.

Where did you get this?

I approached Lee Hansol. Unexpectedly, he answered.

I picked it up.

Pick it up? The item?

Is this an item?

He stared with his eyes rolled up like a circle. Whats this he doesnt have an idea that hes holding an item? Well, its not a problem if youre holding something you dont know. But you know what happens if you hand it over to the police, right? No matter how much money your parents have, they will not let you go that easily.

II really didnt know. Im serious. Oh, fuck


Ahh! Why did you hit me.

Its because Im angry.

Wow, what a real adult.

Is there any reason why an adult should be patient? Shut up and tell me straight from where it came from.

Im serious. I picked it up in the park.


Yes, there. The last time we fought. I think hes not lying. Soo Ah spoke.

Certainly, its not a lie.

Would you mind if I picked up something like this too, in the first place?

What the. Hyung, youre a real dog, you know that?

(T/N: In South Korea, Hyung is what a guy calls to an older guy.)



Why are you talking to me inappropriately?

Ouch damn it. If youre done hitting me, please let me go now.

I sent him to the police as he wished. In the end, I had to go to the Mapo Police Station as a witness.

Youre here again. And youre with that boy again.

Park Sun-kyeong said. He was the first cop whos in charge of me.

How are you?

As always, Im doing good. By the way, this is quite a big case, huh? You fought for a hunter equipment.

Not me. Its that guy who did it.

Well, after a while, the lieutenant will be here.

As soon as Park Sun-kyeong left the room, someone shouted with a bang sound.

Whos that jerk! Someone reported my son to the police!

Its me.

When I raised my hand, Lee Hansols father ran towards me. None of this man has changed.

I think I passed well last time, but this time will be different.

This bastard!

He walked with a stealthy approach, ready to attack me, but I dodged and avoided it. You should exercise more, sir.

This This bastard child-

This kid is here again. Are you going to stay in the jail again?

What a good timing. The lieutenant entered the room.

No Not like that. This son of bitch just!

What nonsense are you talking about?

Ha! This time its real! Ahhh Im so frustrated!

This is not the right time for that. I wont let this go this time. You should prepare about your son to be on jail.

Huh? What are you talking about? Kids could make mistakes!

Your son attacked a person with a hunters equipment so I wont let it go that easily.

Wha what are you talking about? Hunters equipment?

Your son attacked a passerby with a level 1 item. You know that this kind of case is a bid deal, right? It will be hard to escape this time.

Ite item? What are you talking about?

I know right. How would an ordinary high school student have an equipment

This lieutenant is also curious. Although Lee Hansols house is well-established and they look quite rich, it is not enough to buy a 100 million item. Ha, well we can have an agreement.

Agreement is useless with a criminal cases like this. So please make your son a good kid.

. Actually! The hunter equipment! Thats what I bought! Yeah! Its my fault that I bought it! I mean, cant I just get in instead of my son?

Haaaa. You must really love your son that much.

The officer sighed and shook his head. I spoke towards the crouching Hansol in one corner.

Dont you realize the things base on what you see?

What now? Im pretending to be nice to others to look good.

Well thats none of my business.

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