Evolving Silver Dragon

Chapter 252: 250 I’ll be honest with you_1

Chapter 252: 250 I’ll be honest with you_1

Translator: 549690339

“Are there any other options? ”

Cal Lulu looked cautiously at Otto.

“What do you think?”

Otto stared at him intensely as his Dragon Fear weighed down on the already battle-worn barbarian, making it hard for him to breathe.

The answer was obvious. Even though he was unhappy with the situation, the harsh reality left him with no other choice.

Even if the Lulu Tribe were to combine all their strength, they would be no match for the Silver Dragon.

If they were to blame someone, it would have to be that damned Ann Tata.

And if they were to blame themselves, they would have to question why they attacked the Silver Dragon without fully understanding the situation.

They had no other choice, after all; they had to stay alive

Coming to terms with this, Cal Lulu looked at his tribesmen with a complicated expression. They, too, seemed to understand and accept their circumstances.

After all, even war-loving barbarians didn’t want to throw their lives away for nothing.

Well, then it seemed their decision was made.

Upon Cal Lulu’s order, the group of barbarians bowed down to Otto and swore loyalty.

As for the barbarians who had previously perished at Otto’s hands, they could only blame their bad luck.

Naturally, to ensure loyalty and prevent accidents, Otto handed one of his scales to Cal Lulu.

Within the scale, there were many abilities related to the Storm Titan and lightning, which should be particularly suitable for the large barbarians.

“I like intelligent people, and this is my reward for them!”

With great interest, Otto looked at Cal Lulu and continued, “Accept my gift, and it will rejuvenate your aging body, making you stronger.

But at the same time, it means that you will dedicate all your loyalty to me and obey my commands!”

Cal Lulu did not hesitate and accepted Otto’s scale.

He didn’t have other options.

As it turned out, those capable of becoming tribal leaders and earning the respect of their people were no ordinary individuals.

Cal Lulu successfully endured the Dragonborn Transformation Ritual, and his body was significantly strengthened.

By this point, Cal Lulu had become a formidable Dragonborn barbarian.

He had grown even taller and more muscular; even silver hair adorned his head, and each casual punch he threw was accompanied by terrifying thunderous power.

As he experienced his newfound strength, Cal Lulu now truly understood the might and terror of the Silver Dragon before him.

And he was also thankful for having made the right choice, knowing that such a being could easily obliterate the entire Lulu Tribe with just one strike.

Having gained control of the entire Lulu Tribe through a single move, Otto turned his attention to the Tata Tribe.

To his surprise, even after all this time, Ann Tata was still hiding in the small grove, not having ventured too far.

Only after Otto had ordered several barbarians to bring her back did he discover that she had been scared witless by the previous battle.

After a barbarian poured a bucket of cold water over her head, the girl finally came to her senses.

She stared at Otto with trembling legs, already collapsing to the ground if not for the two strong barbarians supporting her from each side.

“I’ve always despised deception, especially when the one being deceived is me? ”

Otto coldly eyed Ann Tata, while the Lulu Tribe barbarians around her glared at her with hostility.

After all, it was because of her that the Lulu Tribe had come to such an end.

Were it not for Otto’s wishes, they would have torn her to pieces long ago.

Otto casually stuffed the meat provided by the Lulu Tribe into his mouth and looked at Ann Tata.

“Since you’ve seen everything, there’s no need for me to pretend. I’ll lay my cards on the table!

The only choice you have now is to take me to the Tata Tribe and make them submit to me.”

Having said that, Otto glanced at the other barbarians and sneered, “Or, someone else can show me the way, and I’m sure Cal Lulu would be more than happy to do so.

When that time comes, I’ll take the Lulu Tribe and annihilate your Tata Tribe.

Huh, that option actually sounds pretty good? ”

Hearing this, Cal Lulu and the other barbarians eagerly agreed.

As for Ann Tata? She was filled with regret? ?nothing but regret

If she had known this would happen, she would have rather died when she first encountered the Silver Dragon!

But now, even if she wished for death, it wouldn’t be possible, as Otto had already placed one of his dragon scales on her forehead.

This scale had only a Blood Covenant effect, and Ann Tata, in her current state, was powerless to resist its imprint.

“What? ?what did you do to me?”

Feeling something strange within her body, Ann Tata looked at Otto with terror.

However, Otto did not answer her; instead, he hesitated and looked at Cal Lulu, asking, “Why do I feel like I’m the villain here? ”

“Not at all!”

Cal Lulu quickly shook his head and praised him, “You’re giving her a chance to redeem herself!”

“Hmm, that’s what I thought too.”

Otto nodded, and then looked down at Ann Tata, “Alright, lead the way.

It may be an unexpected situation, but since we’ve come this far, I’ll help you unify this entire barbarian region!”

Then, he glanced at Cal Lulu and asked, “After that, you will act as the ruler of this region on my behalf. Is that clear?”

“Thank you for your generosity!”

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Cal Lulu knelt down on the spot.

He had no reason to question Otto’s sincerity, as the Silver Dragon had already proven his terrifying power through his actions.

In the meantime, Ann Tata observed everything with a complicated expression.

Looking at Cal Lulu kneeling on the ground, she couldn’t help but feel envious.

If it weren’t for her overconfidence in bringing Otto here, maybe the ones receiving this treatment would’ve been the Tata Tribe

But there was no medicine for regret in this world.

Under Otto’s urging, Ann Tata, influenced by the Blood Covenant, had no choice but to lead the way obediently.

Cal Lulu, accompanied by his elite tribal warriors, followed closely behind.

Even though they could find the exact location of the Tata Tribe, if they did not have Ann Tata to lead the way, they might have stumbled upon a deadly trap or two along the way.

These traps might not be much of an issue for a large barbarian army, but they were still quite inconvenient, weren’t they?

The distance between the two tribes was great, but the barbarians were fast. By sunset, they could already see the shadow of the Tata Tribe in the distance.

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