Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 257 257: Competition

Chapter 257 Chapter 257: Competition

'The reason I was able to enter Dream Zero ahead of time was thanks to Keyji's wealthy second-generation connections, which allowed me to bridge a connection with the Black Fire Gang and make a "Black Dream" transaction at the Night Charm Bar.'

'Afterward, with 86 cracking the Black Fire Gang's dream terminal, I got not only a "one-time" login anchor for Dream Zero but unexpectedly gathered some intelligence. I myself didn't expect to gain access afterward when 86 had cracked the Black Fire Gang's dream terminal'

These people of the Black Fire Gang really did not have any good intentions. While selling Keyji the Black Dream, they also inserted a backdoor into the dream terminal of Keyji and implanted a virus program. As soon as Keyji wore it, these viruses could creep into his electronic devices.

Then, as long as Keyji gets in Kael Technology again, the Black Fire Gang can rely on the body of Keyji to steal inside Kael Technology especially during the press conference two days later.

From what was decrypted by 86 from the meeting records of the Black Fire Gang, their ultimate purpose is to sabotage this press conference even to snatch the brand on the spot!

Before this, Renji was not so sure to set foot into Dream Zero so early again, thus he temporarily put this intelligence aside.

But now.

"86, can you further specialize these program viruses? Then change the setting such that they are unable to recognize who is the person wearing it."

'Well, I'm just jumping into the wagon since the Black Fire Gang is also targeting the press conference of this case. So, I'm going to assist them by leaking the intelligence of Kael Technology'

'This way, the bigger the commotion Black Fire Gang causes at the press conference, the better for me. I can use them even as my scapegoat to let not just snatch the brand but also open and above board in Kael Technology'

An idea quickly formed in Renji's mind.

Of course.

The main reason why Renji would still instruct 86 to modify the setting "wearer's" was that he doesn't want Keyji to bite on this matter. After all, such a plan was apt to evolve into a shootout later on.

Renji has known Keyji for a short time, and, although he doesn't particularly value the way he lives, he feels that inside him. He's a kind man. Additionally, this has to be in line with the pledge he made when he purchased the Dream Terminal with his help. Explaining this what will happen latter to Keyji's sister would be challenging.

'After modification by 86, in the eyes of the Black Fire Gang, they still think that Keyji was kept in the dark as their undercover in carrying their virus and helping to steal the company's intelligence but the actual operator is myself'

At the press conference, Keyji would have returned to Sin City by now and not enter Kael Technology. Subsequently, if the Black Fire Gang wants to continue investigating, he wouldn't be found.

The re-encoding of the virus by 86 of the Black Fire Gang was fast, it took less than quarter an hour to complete, and it was just turning seven in the morning.

Renji approached the window of the hotel, waved his hand, and electronic curtains automatically spread to the sides, opening a beautiful view on the towering skyscrapers reflected in the morning sun.

The streets were overcrowded, and employees from all sorts of companies flocked busily and stressfully to their places of work clutching brief cases in their hands.

Renji then encouraged Eileen to soon wash as well as change clothes. Since he was one of the official employees of Kael Technology, it certainly is proper that he also take part in experiencing the first day going to work.

Staring into the mirror, he straightened his collar and finally wore the gray coat given to him by Lena. Eileen beside him, however, was so excited to the point of changing into Kael Technology's employee uniform next to him, even asking 86 if they were able to take pictures together to send to her mother later in the Holy Kingdom.

For all, employment in a super company is no doubt the greatest wish and consolation for most parents belonging to any normal family structure.

Since being a scholar advisor, Renji was part of the minor management team added to Kael Technology, hence he had no need to squeeze into the subway or the bus like the rest in general. Even right outside the hotel, a dedicated autonomous taxi would be waiting for him.


Not far from Kael Technology, the hotel was located, and after some minutes of driving, Renji found himself walking in through the entrance with Eileen.

Since it was a major tech company, employees had to be vetted and scanned before they entered inside.

However, the sensible security personnel of Kael Technology, on seeing that the company car is dropping Renji, were treated far better than normal employees, including bows and smiles.

And once they checked Renji's employee ID card, they promptly let him pass.

Going straight through the lobby to the main lift, he saw a lot of people dressed in research uniforms, hurrying along with lots of documents, busy to the hilt. He met a few who enthusiastically came forward to greet him. Renji glanced at their badges, they were all from the level of the team leader and above, including some deputy ministers.

And their intentions were very simple.

"Eh? You are Doctor Renji, yes? Long heard of your great reputation. Your several papers have been a big help to our group's project. I wonder if we could invite you"

"Dr. Renji, it's an honor! Our group has a topic that I think fits you perfectly. What do you think?"

"Please, can I have some of your time Dr. Renji? if you join our project then our minister has promised to give you more 30% resources from the company's highest-level laboratory. His contact is…."

"Doctor Renji is so young! How to go to Night Charm for a drink after work today? I'll invite you, but it's just the two of us alone~. Just want to have some in-depth chat with you "

Eileen glared and scared away the woman who was crazily flirting with Renji, still angry as a tigress. As for the woman? She treated her like air.

This small incident alone completely made clear to Renji that competition inside Kael Technology is severe.

The reason so many people are seeking him out now is definitely not a coincidence.

Apparently, the news of William having successfully poached from Sin City had somehow leaked out and thus this is why most people within the company were waiting in the lobby specifically for scholars like him who joined the company only yesterday.

This class of scholars is normally easy to spot because like Renji, they dress in their own style and hence do not put on company work then go, therefore standing out in the crowd.

Renji remembered that Lena's fake resume for him was modest enough, medium but so many people were rushing out to recruit him in their projects so openly, it shows that this is not a united company. Different factions and even each project are not really friendly at each other.

Where there are interests - in fact, there is competition. The resources and positions in the company are limited, and all of them want to climb up in the company, so open internal strife should be doomed to occur.

'Maybe this may grow into an ace that I could make use of in the future…'

Silently planning to pay more attention to the factional composition inside Kael Technology regarding his activities, Renji finally managed to escape from the crowd and took the main elevator for the research department under William's management.

As soon as Renji put a swipe at the entrance, he heard Professor Einstein considering "an old master" of the ancient academic world of Sin City to be leading far ahead of first assistants and other scholars in a heated discussion about Emperor Ashen.

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