Fantasy: My Skills Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 435: Go to White Mountain Constellation

Chapter 435: Go to White Mountain Constellation


Ancestor Hughes said again.

The information from the First Base said that after the battle between the five Heavenly Lords of the clan and Jiang Heng, they first returned to the First Base and then returned to the Baishan Constellation.

This also further supports my speculation.

Because the time when Jiang Heng attacked the first base was shortly after the departure of the Five Heavenly Lords.

Jiang Heng was even able to leave a mark on the body of a powerful person in the Tianzun realm, and he found the first base by following the trajectory.

Otherwise, how could the timing be such a coincidence?

Hearing this, everyone couldnt help but look at each other.

Watt Tianzun looked at him solemnly.

According to your guess, that is to say, Jiang Heng has left a mark on all of us and can find us at any time?

Ancestor Hughes nodded.

Thats right! That must be the case!

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The current speculation of the ancestor of Hughes is more credible than the theory of a traitor, and the logic is more consistent with the current situation.

No matter how unbelievable it is, I have to believe it at this moment.


Now comes the biggest problem.

The strength is several times stronger than all of them together. They have powerful teleportation capabilities across the starry sky and can find their locations at any time.

How to face such an enemy?

Just wait to die where you are?

Ancestor Eugene said with a gloomy face:

In any case, it was you who lured Jiang Heng here and led everyone in the Third Base to a dead end.

Some other ancestors also stared angrily.

Ancestor Watt took a deep breath and said calmly: "Now is not the time to shirk responsibility. No one is deliberately trying to harm others. We ourselves are facing a dead end."

The most important thing now is to find a way to save ourselves.

He looked at Ancestor Xius.

You have a flexible mind. Since you can think of so many things, do you have any way to solve the current dilemma?

Everyone also looked at Ancestor Xius with burning eyes.

Even though the previous theory of a traitor had just been overturned by the other party himself, the other party's series of speculations proved that his mind was indeed more flexible than other ancestors who had been immersed in cultivation all year round.

No one can think of a good solution, so we have to listen to his opinion.

Ancestor Kexius shook his head:

If you are not as strong as others, you have nowhere to escape, and any countermeasures are useless.

Everyone's face darkened.

At this time, Ancestor Hughes continued: "But I have a method, I can barely try it. Whether you can survive depends on luck."

Everyones eyes suddenly brightened.

Just listen to what Ancestor Xius said:

My idea is that everyone should be separated and move around between different star seas. Today they are on this planet and they will go to that planet tomorrow. There is no need to keep their whereabouts secret.

Even if Jiang Heng can sense our position, if he wants to hunt down any of us, he must pass through the teleportation array when crossing the star sea.

"But now the major star seas are independent and almost isolated from each other. The verification of travelers is extremely strict and the passage is quite troublesome."

Although he can change his identity, we can also continue to set up obstacles in his pursuit.

For example, after we teleport to a certain planet, we immediately order the planet to temporarily close the teleportation array.

If Jiang Heng wants to be hunted down, he must change his identity, go through strict review and verification, teleport to the nearest planet to us, and then teleport on his way.


We only stay on that planet for a day, or even half a day, and then we reopen the teleportation array and teleport directly to another planet before he arrives.

Ancestor Hughes showed a confident smile on his face.

His teleportation and stealth capabilities are indeed powerful, but we can keep moving quickly to make him difficult to capture.

"And all of us are scattered in different star seas. If he wants to kill us all, it will be much more difficult than when we were hiding before."

Hear the words.

Everyone suddenly smiled in surprise.

Ancestor Watt repeatedly praised: "Good!"

At this point, only this method can save lives. He is worthy of being the think tank of our second base.

As he spoke, he glanced at the people at the third base.

Elder Eugenes gloomy expression has long since disappeared, replaced by a friendly smile.

Ancestor Xiuss method is indeed good. Without further delay, in order to prevent Jiang Heng from catching up, lets split up!

Everyone acted decisively.

Especially when they thought that Jiang Heng might catch up with him at any time through some kind of mark, they were eager to escape immediately.

At this time, we had appropriate countermeasures and sent them to different star seas one after another.

the other side.

After Jiang Heng completely destroyed the surface of the planet, he teleported to the starry sky and was about to rush to a nearby planet.

At this time.

He suddenly felt it.

The twenty-odd ancestors of the Gods who had just been deliberately let go appeared in different places, extremely far apart from each other, almost in all directions of the Gods' territory.

"what a pity!"

It seems they are not stupid either. Did they realize my method after all?

Jiang Heng smiled calmly, but he was not upset at all.

The matter of killing the ancestor of the Gods, for him now, is just like a game. It is best if you can pass the level. If you can't, then take your time.

In any case, it will be a matter of time to clear the level.

The gods of the Tianquan Galaxy are no longer his opponents, but are his game objects.

Looking at it with a game mentality, all the other party's responses, in his opinion, just bring him more fun.

"Since you have thought of a good way again, let me live for a while longer, which can be regarded as a reward for you."

Its time for me to get down to business.

Jiang Heng looked to the other side, his eyes seeming to span the endless starry sky and land on the distant White Mountain constellation.

In mind.

The five light spots representing the five heavenly beings are still moving at the fastest speed.

Its almost time for me to take action.

Jiang Heng smiled, transformed into a god, and continued teleporting to a nearby planet.

A few hours later.

When he came to another planet, he took the teleportation array to the border planet of the gods, followed the direction in which the five great gods left, and quickly crossed the starry sky.

His speed is much slower than that of a spaceship.

Through precise sensing capabilities, Jiang Heng was able to roughly calculate that the spacecraft was moving at about 10,000 times the speed of light.

His own ultimate teleportation speed is only about 5,000 times the speed of light.

Equivalent to half of a spaceship.

With such a pursuit, he would never be able to catch up with the Five Heavenly Lords.

But what Jiang Heng wants to do is not to catch up with the opponent at all.

Rather, wait for the opponent to return to the White Mountain Constellation and set off again, then intercept them in the endless void.

Jiang Heng was indeed unable to defeat the combined efforts of several of the opponent's great deities, and could not even kill any one of them.

But he can destroy the opponent's spaceship.

Not everyone has such a powerful teleportation ability. As a deity, the opponent also has to rely on a spaceship to move across long distances in the starry sky.

Once the spaceship is destroyed.

If the other party can only rely on itself to travel, it is likely that they will not be able to reach the Tianquan Galaxy for decades.


The matter can be considered temporarily resolved.

I will have more time to grow.

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