Farming Space Makes Me Rich

Chapter 59 - Father Xiao’s Plow Machine

Chapter 59: Father Xiao’s Plow Machine

Father Xiao invested in a mechanized plow machine last season. It could plow ten to twenty Mu of land a day. It was far more effective than using the cows. After all, a cow could only plow one to two Mu of land a day.

Furthermore, using the plow machine was far less taxing on the farmer.

When the Xiao Family was done plowing their own land, they would rent out the machine and its services. Father Xiao would plow a Mu of land for 80 RMB. For common farmers, 80 RMB was still rather expensive. However, most farming families who didn’t have cows or wish for convenience would still rent from Xiao Zhengyang. After all, the alternative for farmers who didn’t have plowing cows was to turn over the land with their own hands.

In the end, it was far more cost-efficient to turn to Father Xiao. There were villagers in Taoyuan Village and neighboring villages who depended on Father Xiao’s services.

Other villagers had plow machines too, but Father Xiao was the cheapest and the most responsible. The others charge 100 RMB for one Mu of land, and their work was often not as good as Father Xiao’s. In short, Father Xiao had quite a good business.

Father Xiao had to go to different farms every day depending on who had rented his services. Normally, he would come back home for meals unless the person who rented his service was close to Father Xiao. In that case, he would lunch with them.

When Xiao Lingyu went to find Father Xiao, the latter was plowing the land for another farming family.

When the family saw Xiao Lingyu, they asked curiously, “Zhengyang, did your Yu ‘Er break up with that kid from the Chen Family?”

Father Xiao was annoyed when he heard the Chen Family. “That’s right. My Yu ‘Er is not good enough for them.”

Xiao Bangming smiled. “Zhangyang, you have to be joking. Your Yu ‘Er is outstanding, obedient, and sensible. She graduated from a good university. She works in the city. How is she not good enough?” Xiao Bangming put away his face and added with confusion, “Also, I heard from the Chen Family that Yu ‘Er’s boyfriend…”

Xiao Zhengyang immediately interrupted him and said, “Yu ‘Er has already broken up with him. He’s not her boyfriend.”

“Okay, okay, not Yu ‘Er’s boyfriend.” Xiao Bangming corrected. “In any case, I heard that the kid from the Chen Family was stabbed. He’s currently lying in the hospital.

“I heard that Chen Dahua and his wife can’t afford to pay the hospital fee. They’re going around asking for a loan, but no one is willing to lend them. Even their siblings turned them away. Are Chen Dahua and his wife that hated?”

Xiao Zhengyang was a morally upright person. He rarely talked behind people’s back, even if it was about the Chen Family.

Xiao Zhengyang shook his head. “I don’t know. Regardless, no matter what happens to them, it has nothing to do with our family anymore.”

Xiao Zhengyang glanced at Xiao Lingyu, who was getting closer. “Bangming, I have to go home to eat.”

Xiao Bangming frowned and said with some dissatisfaction, “Hey, Zhengyang, you promised that you’d have lunch at my place today. I already asked my wife to prepare the dishes.”

Xiao Zhengyang smiled apologetically. “Oh, I forgot. This is my fault. Please send my apology to sister-in-law. I have to return home today. Ye ‘Er and Yu ‘Er are both at home. We rarely get the chance to eat together.”

However, Xiao Zhengyang was muttering internally. Xiao Bangming’s wife was very stingy. Even if she had bought extra ingredients, it was unlikely that she would serve them to Xiao Zhengyang. Whenever Xiao Zhengyang went, Xiao Bangming’s wife would look at him like he was a burglar. It made him feel very uncomfortable. He’d rather go home to eat.

Xiao Bangming knew his wife’s personality. He was helpless. Thankfully, Xiao Zhengyang had given him an excuse for him to keep his face.

Xiao Bangming nodded. “Okay then. Next time, you should come to my place so we can share a meal together.”

“Of course!” Xiao Zhengyang replied politely.

By then, Xiao Lingyu had joined them. When she saw Xiao Bangming, she smiled and greeted, “Seventh uncle!”

Xiao Bangming and Xiao Zhengyang were from the same clan and were from the same generation. Xiao Bangming was ranked the seventh, so the younger generation called him seventh uncle.

Xiao Lingyu turned to Xiao Zhengyang, “Dad, lunch is ready.”

Xiao Bangming saw the obedient Xiao Lingyu, and he had an idea. He said half-jokingly, “Yu ‘Er, I heard you have broken up with that kid from the Chen family. Why don’t you consider my Hua ‘Er?”

Xiao Lingyu smiled, “Seventh uncle, you’re joking, right?”

Xiao Zhengyang immediately jumped to his daughter’s rescue. He told Xiao Bangming, “Your kid is too wild. My Yu ‘Er won’t be able to control him. You better find someone else.”

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