Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 114: Prince with different surname 1

114 Prince with different surname 1

The next day, the capital is once again bustling with activities. Lanterns and decorative items for celebrating filled the road in the capital. Every people are cooperatively involved themselves in this celebration. They too are happy to hear about the victory of Ming Kingdom.

Jun Min looks into the mirror. Xia had forced him to wear a good outfit and nagging him to maintain a good appearance. After a few rounds of testing clothes, he just picks his blue robe that makes him looks like scholar. It's not like he can't wear body armor because a general is allowed to wear them, it's just he doesn't want to wear those kind of clothes for some time.

Xiao Yun and Madam Xie have just come to know that Jun Min is Jun Hua. They vowed to follow her and never divulge this secret thus Jun Min allowed them to know.

"Miss, you're really handsome today," Xiao Yun gave her honest opinion.

Jun Min smiled. "Thank you Xiao Yun."

"When she's dressed as man, you need to call him Young Master," Madam Xie corrected her daughter before looking towards Jun Min. "Young Master, good luck on the party."

"Yes, thank you."

Jun Min walked out from the room. His grandfather once again almost choked on the air from seeing Jun Min. He got the feeling that this little kid is getting even more handsome after not seeing for a couple of weeks. Why is it that a little girl becomes the ones who are highly beautiful? He cannot accept it on behalf of all men.

"You… should never turn back into being Jun Min."

Jun Min chuckled. "Grandfather, why are you looking so shocked? Had my appearance captivated you so much?"

"You're not allowed to go outside like that!"


"Because you will capture countless girls hearts again and bring another bunch of old men complaining to me!"


Jun Min just ignored his grandfather plea and goes towards the capital. On the journey, he meets with Soujin who wears his body armor, but still looks handsome. His tall stature and demonic face caused many girls on the roads to shriek the moment they see him. His flawless face and calm demeanor make them even more excited.

While Jun Min is observing the other party face, he did not realize that his appearance had caused the girls to be more excited. Jun Min face is a bit girly, but because he's on top of his horse, he looks domineering. With the addition of his aura from being a general, the girls cannot help but shriek even louder seeing them.

"You don't seem nervous under their gaze."

Jun Min smile wryly. He had experience it a few times before, so it's not a new thing for him. "Let's just go to the palace."


Soujin ignored the passerby even more. He has been used with this kind of things ever since he's little which makes him immune towards that gaze. Most of them are a fake one as the one they admire is merely their accomplishment and face. Arriving at the palace, Jun Min can see that the decoration in the palace is even grander compare with the one on the streets. The eunuchs are busy with their task as they walked over here and there.

Jun Min stared at the palace. This is the second time he will step into the palace as Jun Min. He only goes here once before, at the test from the emperor around one year ago. Once again, he will go in and meet with that person.

"Even if you hate him, you need to be patience," Soujin said calmly.

Jun Min raised his head to look towards Soujin. The latter eyes are calmly staring at him. His pair of eyes looks shining and it seems telling him that there will come the day when that person will pay for what he does.

Jun Min never know why Soujin also have such grudge towards the imperial family. No, not the imperial family, but the current emperor of Ming Kingdom. He might never knows the reason, but he knows that with both of them having their own scheme against the big guy on the throne, his days as the ruler will soon comes to end.

He smiled back towards Soujin. "I know, thank you."

Soujin nodded. Both of them soon entered the hall along with the others war commander who has been gathering there. Soujin and Jun Min naturally got the forefront position with Lan Ping and Lan Pan behind the two of them. Many of the officials are staring at them with odd eyes. Without even any need to guess, Jun Min knows the reason… his appearance.

Come on! It's not that weird to see a general with small stature like him… alright, it's indeed rare, but they shouldn't stare at him too much. Aren't the officials were famous for their capability in acting? They should have just hidden their surprise….

Jun Min naturally noticed Lan Pan, but the two of them acted like they don't know each other. They know, this is not the time for their battle yet. Soujin is the same, he ignored that general and goes straight to his place. This meeting should end in peace.

"The emperor has arrived!"

The emperor arrival caused them to rise and greets him. After the emperor sits on his throne, they are all returned to their seats. The eunuch then announces the report from the battlefield. Jun Min didn't pay much attention towards the reward for the general because he's waiting for the last one, the exceptional services.

"In this battle, there are two exceptional services from two highly talented general. First is General Nanglong Soujin who manages to notice the enemy plot, kill the seventh prince of Kai Kingdom, and lead the soldiers into victory in the battle on the north border.

Second is General Jun Min, who manages to emerge victorious on the battle against Mountain Kingdom, save General Nanglong Soujin from a perilous situation on the cliff, along with General Nanglong Soujin lead the soldiers into victory in north border, and kill the sixth prince of Kai Kingdom."

Jun Min is startled that killing a prince is considered an accomplishment since he just well… trying to get back at that person for his wound.

"For their exceptional service, the emperor has granted them titled of a prince and they are given residence on their own."

Wait, what?

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