Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 117: I’m Not Your Manager!

117 I’m Not Your Manager!

"Princess, may I take a few days leaves?" Fan Lanying asks with hesitation.

Ming Hui looks up. When he looks at the flustered young girl, his lips unknowingly formed a smile. "What is it?"

"My brother got a leave for a week. I want to spend this time with him," Fan Lanying answered. Her brother rarely goes home and even if he did, it will only be for a short time. When they are young, she loves to play with her brother. Because of that, she highly missed her brother. She doesn't wish to miss this chance.

"Sure, give me heads up when you're returning," Ming Hui nodded.

"Thank you Princess! I will return soon," Fan Lanying said excitedly. She doesn't realize that the 'princess' in front of her has his eyes turned a bit dark. He's sad that she will leave, but he cannot confine her inside the palace and didn't allow her to meet with her family. She won't be happy that way.

After talking for a bit, Fan Lanying returned back and Ming Hui drifted his attention towards the book on his hand. He soon put it down and called his fourth brother to come and plays with him a bit.

"Fifth brother?" Ming Xiao is the fourth prince of Ming Kingdom. Despite he had reached the age of 18, his existences is always forgotten by people and even his father didn't care about him. After seeing the court, he had finally chosen to follow after Yan which makes him come to know that Ming Hui is a guy. That news nearly makes him cannot sleep for the following days especially when he remembers how Ming Hui usually acted.

"Play chess with me."

After knowing the truth, Ming Hui action before him changed completely and it completely befits his gender as man. It seems all of them are only an act. Besides, Ming Hui rarely appeared because of 'her weak constitution', so they rarely meet him. Though when they meet, he truly portrayed the images of cute 16 years old girl.

Looking at the board before him, Ming Xiao wants to cry. "Fifth brother… your skill in chess is far surpassing me. How can I possibly beat you?"

"You don't have to beat me."

Ming Xiao wants to cry even more. In the end he suffered defeat countless times after a few hours of playing with Ming Hui. He feels immense gratitude when the people are announcing the arrival of Soujin. He thought that Ming Hui demeanor would change…

"Soujin, you're late. Do you have hangover because of the party?" Ming Hui becomes even ruder. Usually, Soujin would come uninvited, but since today is a special day and he had become a prince, there is no harm for him to visit his 'sister'.

"My alcohol tolerance is good. Why are you in such bad mood?" Soujin asks then turned towards the man. "And this Xiao is going to be in our plan?"

Ming Hui nodded. "Yes, he is. Don't worry, he will only carry some side quest."

Somehow Ming Xiao feels that his presence is a nuisance for both of them. But what Ming Hui said didn't really bother him since he knows that he doesn't really have much talent for anything, other than his slightly higher birth. He looks at Soujin in hope for getting out from this place only for the other party to ignore him.

"It doesn't really important. I want you to do some check on my wound."

"Do you think I'm your private doctor?" Ming Hui looks annoyed. "Give me your hand. I need to check your pulse."

Soujin put his hand forward. Ming Hui brows creased then he glared at the other party.

"You have a lot of injuries. What kind of monster did you fight during the battle?"

"A famous great general," Soujin retracted his hand. "Any medicine I need?"

"No, the one you had is enough. You also need enough rest and no overtraining for a couple of days. Actually, it would be better if you didn't touch the sword for 1 month."

"That long?" Soujin face darkened.

"Who told you to have that many wounds in…?"

Ming Hui told Soujin batch of things that Ming Xiao cannot follow. Soujin ignored the talking Ming Hui as his gaze shifted outside. Sure enough, the eunuch announces the arrival of Jun Min.

"Oh, you're also here Soujin and this is?" Jun Min never met with Ming Xiao before, so he doesn't know about him.

Ming Xiao also stared at Jun Min with stunned face. He knows Jun Min name, but the face of this person before him… are you sure that he's a general?

"Ming Xiao, my fourth brother. Don't mind about him, he will help us do some menial jobs," Ming Hui changed his explanation again. From Ming Hui attitude, Ming Xiao got the feeling that this group is really something. Two famous general, one famous merchant, and one hidden doctor (or rather *cough* manager).

"Oh," Jun Min nodded. "I come to inform you that I will leave for a couple of days to Jun family territory."

"Don't you have to manage your new residence?"

"I come to ask for help," Jun Min grinned. "I don't really know much about this kind of things, so maybe you can lend me some hand."

Ming Hui got the feeling that he's the manager for the three of them after he needs to help them so much. He sighed in defeat and nodded towards Jun Min.

"Don't worry. I will help you manage it."

"Thank you."

"Can't you ask anyone to come in your stead? You seem to be in hurry," Ming Hui asked.

"I'm the only one who knows that you're a man. Or you want my follower to know?"

"… Just go then."

Jun Min nodded and leaves them again. The guard didn't even realize that Jun Min have left, only the eunuch who guards the place to Ming Hui chamber that knows because Jun Min showed himself to him.

"He's really fast," Ming Xiao cannot follow Jun Min movement at all.

"Soujin is even faster," Ming Hui snorted. "Since you're already here, play chess with me. This fourth brother of mine is truly poor."

Soujin lips curved. "Sure, if you don't mind losing a few games."

"You're the one who will lose!"

In the end, Ming Xiao is forced to watch the play where Ming Hui terribly lost all the game.

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