Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 140: The Best ‘Man’

140 The Best ‘Man’

Before long, the eunuch announces the arrival of Lin family.

"Do you know, there is a new mistress in Lin family," Yan said, partially bragging about his knowledge over the matter in the capital during the war. "She was a pretty girl, too bad her taste is on older man like that."

Jun Min noticed that the girl walking behind Lin Tang wasn't Concubine Mei. It seems something had happened to that pregnant woman. The one behind him is a pretty young lady and behind her is another pretty girl, around Jun Min age. The girl complexion is good and she exudes the aura of a dignified lady. Despite her young age, her face looks more mature. Jun Hua immediately recognizes her as Lin San.

"She changed so much," Ming Hui cannot help but blurted it out. He hadn't met with any noble ladies since his birthday the year before and he still could remember some who leave him with some impression. Lin San is one of them because she repeatedly interacted with Jun Hua.

Jun Min nodded. After months not seeing the girl, she had transformed completely. The drawback she experiences had made her realize that she needs to change. This dramatic change of her had instead makes her looks more mature and lovable.

"I need to go for a bit," Jun Min said. The other nodded as Jun Min walks away.

Yan eyebrows rose after he couldn't see the other party any longer. "Does she have taste in that kind of mature girl? She looks older than him."

"Their age is similar," Ming Hui remind him. "But, no. He didn't come there for that. He just want to have some talk with the girl."

"How do you know?"

"Do you think Jun Min will fall for his step sister?" Ming Hui arched his eyebrows.

Yan shrugged, "They don't have any blood relation."

"Going by the law, it's indeed possible because he comes from Jun Family," Soujin interrupted, "But do you really think he will fall for a girl like that?"

Yan doesn't know what kind of girl Jun Min like. He will need to ask the other party later on since among the four of them, only his taste and Ming Hui that was known. Come to think about it, he hadn't asked Soujin about the other party taste too.

While Yan is wondering about whether he should ask or not, Jun Min have reached the place where Lin Family members are standing."Lin San," Jun Min called.

Lin San turned to looks towards the young man that come towards her. Her eyes flashed in surprise, but she holds it back. Jun Min in front of her is still the same one from before. Despite the other party face looks manlier and no longer childish, he's still really handsome and his aura is domineering.

"Young General Jun Min," Lin San curtsied.

Jun Min nodded and looks towards the girl who's slightly taller than her. Lin San had changed so much to the point that she almost cannot recognize her anymore if not because her face is still similar.

"You have changed."

Lin San eyes watered for an instant. She smiled sweetly. The man in front of her is her first love, but he's someone she cannot reach anymore. Previously, he's just a low-birth general whom many girls fancied, but only someone from lower birth dare to ask for him albeit rejected. Now, many high-birth girls would surely ask for his hand because of his current status as the prince.

As for her, she no longer had the qualification, especially with Jun Min now high status and her father nearly collapsed reputation. Even if he didn't want to meet with Lin Tang and refused him on the spot, there is nothing her father can do. Their standing is no longer the same.

"Many things happened, Young General Jun Min," Lin San answered. "I'm not the same girl anymore."

"I can see that. Now that you have reached marriageable age, you might not be able to stay with your father anymore."

Lin San smile stiffened when it comes to the topic of marriage, "I don't have much hope for my marriage anymore."

Knowing Lin Tang, he would surely use Lin San, the only piece he had to gain more connection and restore his reputation. The problem is, there are not many people who would want to offer their hands towards Lin San. Despite Lin San is a good girl, they didn't dare to offend Lin Tang who's still a prime minister.

Besides, with him being famous as womanizer and all, they know that they will be pulled into the muddle if they collaborated with him. Those from lower ranks might not care too much, but those established family would think twice before deciding.

Lin San had changed a lot and she no longer had much feeling towards Lin Tang. Jun Hua knows that she may not be able to help her much, but there is one thing she can do.

"You can leave him."


"I will make the way," Jun Min smiled. "Rest assured and just follows after me."

Despite Lin San heart still pounds when she looks at Jun Min, she knows that she had to let it go. Since Jun Min is offering her a way out, she should be glad to accept it.

"Thank you."

As Jun Min chatted with Lin San, her keen senses noticed that someone is paying close attention to her. She didn't know the reason, but she can guess because the one paying her attention is Lan Gao Ya. The girl who was talking with her friend has secretly looked towards her.

"Gao Ya, who are you looking at?" Lan Ping looks at the girl beside him with gloomy feeling. She has finished talking with that lady and returned to his side, but she refuses to talk to him and merely looks towards other direction.

"Why do you care?" Lan Gao Ya had seen Jun Min getting close with Lin San and sees the girl laughed. Somehow, she feels irritated to see them. This moment, she decided that she would get Jun Min. From other man, she never feels this way, only this time.

"Don't you dare think of getting close with that general," Lan Ping feels his rage increases. "I'm against it."

Lan Gao Ya stared at her cousin eyes. "Do you think you can do it? I will do everything I can to get my hand on him. He's a far better man than you. Do you think you can be compared to him?"

Towards the feeling his cousin had for her, Lan Gao Ya detest him. She would never want someone who had already married and have children. She wants to be the main wife of the best man in this kingdom. And today she had decided that the best man she should chase is Jun Min.

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