Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 179: Yan is Not an Ordinary Prince

179 Yan is Not an Ordinary Prince

Jun family residence

"You're saying that the Lan family is suffering from economic problems?" Jun Hua stared at Yasha with surprise. It's only been a few days since the incident of Jun Min and they are already starting to suffer from things?

"Young Noble Han retracted his business from Lan family. Because of the suddenness of this situation, the Lan family suffered big losses."

Jun Hua knows that Young Noble Han is definitely Yan. She would never think that the young man would take it to himself to take revenge towards the Lan family. It seems that the friendship they had over the span of this short time had made even him moved.

Somehow, Jun Hua feels that she should have told the two of them of the truth beforehand. The things are getting out of hand.

"I want to go to Restaurant Han Yan."

"Ah, yes Miss."

Only yesterday she was running to Nanglong family residence to calm that general down and now she had to run to another place. Jun Hua feels that she is going to be really tired. The incident has truly blown up by now.

It didn't take long for her to arrive at the place. Jun Hua didn't know whether Yan is there, so she asked the servant.

"Does Prince Yan here?"

"Yes, he's over there. Let me tell him that you have come."

Yan is only mulling over with himself when the servant told him that Jun Hua had come. He hurriedly straightens his clothes and rearranges the way he sits before letting the lady comes in. Looking at that pretty girl, he sighed a bit. If only the little girl is not a kid…

"Prince Yan."

"Princess Hua, what brings you here?" Yan smiled.

"I heard that Young Noble Han retracted his business from the Lan family," Jun Hua goes straight to the point.

Yan nodded. There is no point in hiding that, he was never planning to hide it from the girl too. They might think that his action is reckless, but he's not someone who is willing to suffer the loss over revenge.

"If you do that because of my brother…"

"You don't have to worry about that Princess Hua. I won't suffer any losses from this action of mine. Although it might seem I'm suffering losses, I would not actually have any loss, in fact I would get even richer," Yan smiled.

Jun Hua doesn't understand the way of these merchant thinks. But, seeing from Yan tone and action, she knows that this man is not lying to her. He will indeed gain a lot of profit and at the same time doing his revenge. What a good throwing one stones, two fish is dead.

"I see, it seems I have come for nothing."

Yan laughed. "It's not really for nothing. I think getting the chance to see such a pretty girl is already something good."

Jun Hua mouth twitched a little. This man mouth is still as bad as ever. "Prince Yan…"

Yan took up his cup from the table and smiled. "And I don't only do this for Jun Min. It's true that I'm angry for him, but I too have a personal grudge towards the Lan family. Let's just say that this is something I will eventually do, but the time just become quicker."

"Really?" Jun Hua looks skeptical, but Yan didn't reveal to her his past.

"There are things you are better off not know."

Jun Hua nodded. "Jun Min case is not your fault. You don't have to do anything."

"I want to," Yan said simply.

After chatting for a bit, Jun Hua left him. Yan looks towards his cup of wine. In fact, he was worse than Soujin who's only drinking at night because he drinks all day. But, after Soujin berated him the night before, he stopped. He knows that Jun Hua had come to Soujin place, but he didn't think that lady would come to his place too.

Yan pushed the wine away and lay down on the couch. He looked upwards as his mind drifted away to the time of his youth, the first time he chooses to act as a different person.

"Mother, what are they telling you?" that day, a person from the Lan family comes and tells his mother something that the younger him did not know.

"Yan'er, it's nothing."

That was a lie. After that day, his mother is sent away to the cold palace and he doesn't have anyone to pamper him anymore. The young Yan, no longer had anyone to protect him, is being bullied and oppressed from the others.

Sneaking away from home with the help of Soujin, he stumbles upon the stores his mother used to own. The store is no longer in good condition and the profit had plummeted. He meets with the shopkeeper and the servant there.

"You're a servant here?"

The young man nodded. "My name is Shu, Young Master."

"Then Shu, from now on you have to follow me. I will make this store to its peak again and gained more profit."

"Yes Young Master."

Yan laughed a bit. That kind of meeting had unknowingly changed his whole life course. Thankfully the shopkeeper teaches him about being a merchant and he soon surpasses him by a lot thus making the business flourish again.

Because of that, he no longer cares about the bullied his brother and those ladies did. Soujin would keep on dragging a fight if he's there though, that was what made him becomes even braver. Besides, who cares about being the emperor if he could control the market?

"Shu, report."

"Yes Master."

Yan smiled slightly. He will show them; he's not the kid from the past whom they could bully as they like.

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