Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 190: You’re Adorable

190 You’re Adorable

Jun Qing and Kuina walked towards the garden on the back of the palace. They didn't talk. The mere presence of the person beside them had caused their hearts to feel warmth and comfort.

"Jun Qing, what do you think about Mountain Kingdom?" Kuina started a conversation.

Jun Qing eyebrows rose. What parts from the Mountain Kingdom did this little princess talked about? There were so many things he had seen from Mountain Kingdom, from the people, nature, culture, and terrain. There were too many things to see, which one was the one Kuina means?

"I think it's beautiful."

Kuina nodded. "Yes, it is beautiful."

She loved the lands and the kingdom where she comes from. Ever since she was little, she had always hoped that she would stay here forever. She was the na?ve kid whose dream was like that because she didn't know about the real world and how the world was really cruel.

The decision of Jun Qing was something that she found inconceivable at first, but then she realize that they didn't have choice. The land that previously belongs to one kingdom may change at rapid speed. With the Jun family being suppressed by the emperor, they need to choose their path.

"Have you ever thought about betraying your kingdom, at first?"

Kuina could never think about doing that to Mountain Kingdom. This was the land where she was born and raised. The land where her family dies trying to protect it. She can never dream about leaving this place and betraying it.

Jun Qing looked towards the girl. Has he ever thought about it before? Yes, he had. The moment the emperor tried to kill them all, he knew that they were no longer welcomed in Ming Kingdom. The only end they could get from staying there was death, so they need to find a way to get out from that perilous situation.

Besides, he knew that it's not entirely impossible. If he only wished to move his family, they could do it at any time and the other kingdoms would welcome them. But if he wanted to bring their soldiers too, that would become a problem. In this warring era, it's common for people to move towards other kingdom if they don't have many attachments.

"The moment the emperor shows his hostility, we know that we no longer had any place in Ming Kingdom. We can stay there, but in the end we will only be used like a pawn," Jun Qing answered slowly.

He still remembered the members of Jun family were being killed one by one from various events: War, battle, accusation, and many others. The numbers of people in Jun family were decreasing rapidly and the young him can only stay on the back watching those people die one by one.

He didn't want to see it anymore.

"The borders between each kingdom are thin. No matter how much I want to stay loyal, I don't want to lose my family for no reason like that," Jun Qing smiled sadly.

Why the emperor is targeting them? It's only because they are too powerful and he wanted to have every single one of them on check. Making his move on every big family on the kingdom, does he think that he was so powerful?

If only a bit suppression, they would gladly tone themselves down. But, it's not only that. There was too much for a mere suppression, what he wanted was annihilation. Only by doing that could he ease his suspicion and knew that everything is on his hand. Really, he's a big idiot emperor.

Kuina nodded. If she was targeted like that, she too wouldn't want to stay with those people. Isn't it like placing your enemy on your house?

"Why have you been waiting until now?"

"There was no chance in the past," Jun Qing smiled. "With us only three people left, father had to contend on the battlefield and I learn how to manage household while doing my training. My sister is being sent to get some support."

Kuina had heard about it a bit. But she cannot imagine how the family everyone thought would fall can suddenly rise like that.

Jun Qing caressed the girl hair. "When people experiencing a backside and horrible experience, they can have two ending, one is being tough and the other one is weakened. For my family, it's the first which is a good thing."

The harsh time he had when he was being suppressed hard and how to lead those people, it's not easy. Even Jun Hua had her own share of trouble in the past.

Kuina no longer asked about it. She knew that no matter how many times she asked, she wouldn't completely understand what they had gone through. Her eyes turned to the field of flowers before her. They are all blooming beautifully.

"It's really beautiful," Kuina said. They all bloomed at the right time, it's as if saying that they are blooming just for them.

Jun Qing bends down and picked a flower. He put it in Kuina hair.

"You're really adorable."

Kuina face blushed at that remark. She turned towards the man who is still smiling. "And you're really a feast to the eye without your beard as it no longer makes you look old."

Jun Qing smiled. The people from the imperial family were truly excellent in praising someone and inserting knife from behind. As a general, there is no way he could match with her skill at praising other people. If he did try, he might lose miserably instead.

Looking at the girl before him, he founds her to be really adorable. Even if she was not as pretty as Jun Hua, she had her own charm. He can't resist her.

With one swift move, he had her locked inside his arm and hugs the other party tightly.

On the balcony, Jun Zhenxian had to prevent General Tou from running from the balcony towards the garden upon seeing that scene.

"That brat! Didn't I tell him not to do anything?" the old general fumed with rage.

"Relax a bit. It's not like your princess is going to get hurt and there is no one there," Jun Zhenxian laughed. It's only a hug, nothing much. Let's just give those two a little freedom.

General Tou glared towards the shameless old man beside him before sighing. "If he dares to hurt her, I will be the one to kill him."

Jun Zhenxian watched the scene from the balcony as a smile emerged on his mouth. "Being youth is truly a wonderful thing. Let them enjoy themselves for now."

"You're truly a shameless old man!"

"Oh ho, thank you for your praise," Jun Zhenxian acted surprised.

General Tou almost vomited blood upon seeing how his old friend-enemy acted. He felt that this family was truly one peculiar family, with the biggest problem lies in this old man.

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