Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 345: Taking Care of the Residence?

345 Taking Care of the Residence?

On the second day of Jun Hua's marriage with Soujin, the latter was called to the palace due to some matter Yan has to face. Because of Jun Hua's gender, she cannot go to the court anymore no matter how much she wanted it. After all, she still needed to fulfill her role of being a wife.

Jun Hua looked towards the scenery with interest as her eyes carefully search around the area. If one didn't know her, they would at most think that she was a curious girl. As for someone who know…

Xia was standing by the side with a depressed face. She hoped that their Master, Nanglong Soujin, would return as fast as possible. If he didn't do that, he might take a long time to find his wife due to her playful nature of wanting to get out of this room.

"Xia, do you think those guards will know if I were to sneak away?" Jun Hua grinned. She knew that Xia must have an inkling of what her interest will be, so she decided to try and asked the girl.

"Miss…" Xia said in a helpless tone, "With Miss's martial arts, there is no way those guards could possibly stop you."

Jun Hua knew that, but she was still not allowed to use her martial arts, much to her annoyance. With her grandfather already nagging her relentlessly, she knew that he would give her hours of lecture should she broke her promise again.

"I'm bored," Jun Hua sighed. She remembered the time in the past when she sneaked out because of boredom. She ended up meeting with Soujin and found her first period. That was really embarrassing to have him knew when her first time was.

If only Yan didn't need to talk about some matter with Soujin, she would have his company all day. Although she didn't know what they were talking about, she could faintly guess the content. After all, they have been together for a year. During that time, they already talked about a lot of things.

"Miss, how about if you try to practice your skill again?" Xia tried to persuade her again. Ever since the war started, Jun Hua hadn't touched those things regarding women, such as needles and musical instrument. Now that the war had ended, at least partially, she will have the time she needed to do those tasked.

Jun Hua frowned. She hated playing the zither if she were to be honest. The requirement of her finger was just too much and she knew that she won't play it for a long time. Soujin was not one to be moved by those things.

Her gaze moved to the embroidery tools on the side. Maybe she could try again. Taking the necessary equipment, Jun Hua started to move her hand and made the embroidery.

On the side, Xia heaved a sigh of relief. Her mistress finally toned down a bit. Hopefully, Soujin would return soon and help her eased her boredom in having to stay inside the residence all day.

"Xia, has the matter of X Empire finished?" Jun Hua suddenly asked.

"Answering Miss, the X Empire members have been swept through fully. Those who didn't want to follow the rules have been kicked out," Xia answered.

Jun Hua nodded her head in understanding, "How about Teacher Den Kan? Has he finally settled down?"

"Teacher Den Kan establishes a training hall in one of the big cities. As of now, the training hall has gained a lot of students who come to learn martial arts."

That's good. Jun Hua smiled happily. That former teacher of hers has finally settled down a little. He should be able to teach those students well. Her hand moved to the side and she took a scissor to cut the thread.

"Those who learn the martial art, have they been listed down?" Jun Hua's eyes glinted when she asked this question.

Xia knew that her Miss paid closer attention to this matter, "There is no one who learns the martial arts anymore and Teacher Den Kan also didn't teach it to anyone anymore. The requirement to learn that martial art is rather high and not anyone can have the chance to master it."

Jun Hua was not the first student Den Kan tried to teach those martial arts, but she was the only one who was successful. If the talent for martial arts in the student was not high, there would be no chance for them to learn the martial arts. As for how the talent was counted, no one actually knew.

After several hours making the embroidery, Jun Hua found herself feeling bored. She tossed the things to the side and asked Xia to serve her lunch. Her stomach already complained to get food.

"Miss, do you want to establish yourself in the residence?" Xiao Yun asked carefully.

Normally, a new mistress would try to establish themselves in the new residence. However, Jun Hua didn't seem to have any intention to do that as she only tried to amuse herself. Xiao Yun hadn't stayed with Jun Hua for long because she had only met with her Miss two years ago. Even during this time, she barely stayed by Jun Hua because of several matters.

Jun Hua waved her hand lazily, "I don't have any interest."

Xiao Yun nodded her head as though she understood. Inside her heart, she wondered how the servants in this residence would see Jun Hua. This Mistress was indeed truly peculiar.

Jun Hua never actually managed any residence in her life. Those matters were always thrown to Xia, who splendidly finished the task. As for her, she merely checked on the price and some trivial matter before asking Xia to handle them. The servants in the Jun Family residence never tried to slight her or they will face the military rod.

When Jun Hua was eating, she heard a faint sound of a carriage coming. Her lips curled up, Soujin has come home.

In a few minutes, Soujin walked to her place. Seeing her eating, he joined in without much thought and pulled her into his embrace.

"I'm still eating," Jun Hua complained.

"I didn't forbid you from eating," Soujin answered and picked up a different bowl, "Let me join in."

Jun Hua nodded her head and scooped a few foods for him. Seeing Soujin up close face, she wondered if he will accept if she tried to feed him. Moving her chopsticks with meat to his mouth she beckoned for him to eat.

Soujin was startled at the mischievousness Jun Hua showed today, but he didn't hesitate to eat the food offered to him. As though he was a child, he accepted being fed by Jun Hua.

"I thought you didn't like being fed," Jun Hua commented.

"If it's by your hand, I will accept it."

Jun Hua ignored his 'flirting' and quickly ended her lunch. She asked the servants to clean up the plates and leaned back on her chair.

"What did Yan need you in the court for?"

"Just some matter regarding officials," Soujin answered, clearly didn't want to talk much about the matter. "What did you spend your time with?"

"Nothing much, I'm bored to stay here and idle all day."

"How about playing the flute for me?"

Jun Hua peered to his face before nodding her head. She picked up her flute and started to play one of the songs she was proficient at. The beautiful sound of the flute reverberated in the residence, enchanting everyone who heard it.

By the time the song finished, many servants found themselves still in trance. The sound was just too beautiful to hear. Even if they were not knowledgeable about those things, they knew that was an excellent play.

"You're incredibly talented," Soujin praised.

"Thank you," Jun Hua smiled widely.

"Let's walk on the garden. The weather today is quite good."


The servants quickly regained their senses as they cleaned up the hall and warned the other servants to not bother with their Master and Mistress. Xia also busied herself to take care of the residence since Jun Hua would never do it by herself.

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