Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 348: You’re a Better Assistan

348 You’re a Better Assistan

In the next three days, Jun Hua stayed at home with Soujin accompanied her on many occasions. Most of them were in the bedroom, but there were other things that they do too.

"What is this thick book?" Jun Hua pointed to the book that Soujin's servant brought to her with question all over her face.

"It's the income I had. You will be the one taking care of them in the future, so it will be better if you can see them first before starting for real."

Jun Hua looked at Soujin with an annoyed expression. She had already taking care of some income parts in Jun Family's Residence, there was nothing wrong with her starting right away. However, Jun Hua still looked towards the book with interest and started to flip them one by one.

Her eyes stopped moving at some certain name of the shop. Some of them were the most famous one in this city, excluding Restaurant Han Yan, with their enormous income. She knew that they belonged to many different people, so how come their name appeared on this book?

"Soujin, this shop…?"

"I own them, but I registered them using a different name. Where do you think the massive income in the Nanglong Family come from with us didn't have big areas like the Lan Family?" Soujin admitted.

It was actually reasonable. Nanglong Family was not a family of merchants or owning a massive land. Their Jun Family was half a merchant with her grandfather handled most of them. As for Lan Family, they owned a great deal of land, so the tax must have helped them a lot aside from the shops in that place.

Seeing that many of the stores belonged to Soujin using a different name as the owner, Jun Hua finally understood that this man had prepared everything even more through fully compare to her. All in all, she only aimed to get her family out from the kingdom while Soujin planned to take over the kingdom in a slightly different manner.

"Did you already plan for everything since a long time ago?" Jun Hua tried to ask.

"It was Yan's idea to have a massive income," Soujin didn't really understand about the economy when he was younger, so it was Yan who helped him at first. "Grooming a massive army required many resources and the stores in this city are perfect for it."

"Didn't you want to take over the throne?"

"Using the hard way, yes," Soujin answered.

Jun Hua blinked her eyes for a few times to process what Soujin had told her. Using the hard way can only mean that he was already planning to use the war as the way to take over the throne. What she didn't understand was why they didn't try to use the soft way and proceeded to push Yan over to the throne.

Soujin read Jun Hua's expression. "Yan can't contend with his brothers using the usual way."

When they were a teenager, the differences became crystal clear. Ming Gong already gained the favor of the emperor because of his mother. As for Ming Kui, he has the intelligence and wits to gain the supporter in the court. Compare with the two of them, Yan almost couldn't be seen even as a small contender.

Besides, the previous emperor had told Yan personally that he wouldn't be able to get the throne. So, the three of them planned to use the hard way and strike the previous emperor when the time was correct. What they didn't expect was the development would actually rise to this level where they finally strived to conquer the entire land.

Using the unusual way, Yan became a heavy troublemaker and the previous emperor still stayed to be patient when facing this one annoying kid.

"Regardless, the plan had succeeded," Jun Hua shrugged and moved her eyes to the book again. This time she was checking through them even to the smallest number.

"Is there any mistake?" Soujin waited patiently.

"Yes. The income on this store didn't match up. Over here, the price is more expensive compared with the similar store…."

As Jun Hua marked everything that didn't match up and Soujin listened attentively, Lou felt that his pride was crushed. The one taking care of that book was his subordinate and he already checked them before giving it to Jun Hua. Who would have thought that there were still that many mistakes in the book?

On the side Xia was holding a different book with anxiousness. She had the feeling that her Mistress would still found a lot of mistakes from the book with that keen eye she had. Glancing at the book on her hand, she quietly went through the number once again to make sure that she didn't make any mistake.

It took Jun Hua a long time to finish everything. By the time she had finished, there were bead of sweats on her forehead signifying that she had been concentrating on counting all this time.

"There are still a lot of mistakes," Soujin rarely checked on them because he was busy taking care of other matter. Previously, his mother would come here occasionally and check on them, but because of their marriage, she hadn't had the time to check on the book anymore.

"The mistakes are small," Jun Hua said while stretching her body.

"You're a better assistant compare with Lou."

On the shadow, Lou wanted to cry. Do you have to compare her ability with me? He vowed that he will definitely train even harder so that he won't disgrace his master by being weaker compared with a girl.

Jun Hua shrugged her shoulder and leaned back on the chair, "Has the preparation finished?"

"There are still two more days. Be more patient, little girl."

"I'm not little anymore! I'm a married adult!" Jun Hua complained.

"Really? Let me check!"

"Hands off, this is still evening!"

"Why not, this is our residence, no one will stop us."

"Because of you, I can't sleep well for the past few days, so no!"

The two continued their useless banter as the servants took the book away to deal with the problem, ignoring the two who blatantly showed off during daylight.

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