Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 99: It Seems I Can Make a Living by Painting

99 It Seems I Can Make a Living by Painting

Jun Min and Soujin catch up with Soujin's soldiers after a few days marching. They're put on a difficult spot as the enemies are trying to trap them into going even further.

Soujin creased his brow. If this keeps on, they won't have enough food to finish the war and might suffer big losses instead. He looks towards the forest before him and called one of his commander.

"Sweep that area with the Shadow Squad. I don't want anyone left."

"Yes General!"

Jun Min turned his head towards the area that Soujin pointed to. He doesn't see anything unusual from that area, just what is Soujin see from that place?

Looking at Jun Min gaze, Soujin explained. "There are traces of soldiers marching that way. I need to keep vigilance."

"You can notice even the smallest mark?"

"Yes, I do."

Because of his curiosity, Jun Min tries to go towards the area where Soujin said he saw something. From the corner of his eyes, he found some broken branches and faint footprint on the ground. If not for Soujin reminder, he would never have noticed that this place has some hidden things on the ground and bushes.

"Your eyes are really something."

"Thanks," Soujin answered simply and turned his gaze around. He guided them to the higher ground which allowed them to look around the forest and noticed the movement of enemies easier, and ordered the soldiers to make their camp here.

Looking around, Jun Min noticed that this place is indeed a good place for setting up a camp. This place is similar to a natural fortress which is easy to defend and hard to attack. It seems like the knowledge Soujin had is indeed plenty and he could easily spot a place like this even from a faraway place.

Jun Min arranged his own soldier to make their camp here before setting up his own tent. The number of soldiers he brought here is less than Soujin's soldiers, but all of them are his personal soldier which means their strength are guaranteed.

"Yamin, guard the area," Jun Min instructed calmly. The battle will start soon, but his role here is only helping and not stealing the spotlight. He won't appear much on the front line and only acting as a strategist here.

"Yes Young Master."

"Calls me… never mind," since he doesn't want to appear on the spotlight, it's better to limit the number of people who knows his real identity. Even when walking here, they only know that he is the acquaintance of Soujin and only the closest one with Soujin knows about his real name.

Jun Min put on his things on the table and started drawing. He needs to draw every map on the area he had passed as to make things easier to analyze. His ability to draw well comes from his daily practice during the time with his uncle, where he would draw a map of the enemy's movement every day. This habit hadn't lost just from not doing it on the capital.

Yamin had brought his painting equipment because she knows that Jun Min would like to draw a map every time he's marching on a new area. The picture of the area from the northeast border to this place is painted beautifully on the canvas. Jun Min is not worried that Soujin would need him to help with his task because Soujin is an accomplished general and he's only here as a helper.

Looking from behind, Yamin feels that her Miss talent is wasted on making only maps. If Jun Hua had drawn the painting and she had to paint, the picture she produced wouldn't lose to even a first-class painter on the capital. Looking at the picture on her Miss's small desk, Yamin feels like seeing real time scenery. The picture looks real and she already could imagine the sound of the bird on the area they had passed before.

"Yamin, I told you to stand guard."

"Yes Young Master!" Yamin snapped out from her daydream and stand guard again. What a foolish mistake. What kind of guard would daydream when guarding their master?

Jun Min sighed helplessly. He had long known that his drawing is good, but to think that after learning a bit more from the academy it would be even better. Although he never finished the drawing he made on the academy to avoid people knowing his skill, he noticed after drawing the maps today that his skill has grown even better.

He smiled playfully. "It seems I can make a living from drawing even if I retired from being a general."

Yamin, who stand on guard, is speechless by her Miss playful statement. From the very beginning, how could Jun Zhenxian possibly allow his granddaughter to live on the streets? He would never allow Jun Hua to work as a painter and he would try to find a good match for her first and send her to a good place.

Jun Min ignored the speechless Yamin and put away her painting. He needs to rest to while there are times because tomorrow, there might be some battle they need to do. Soujin is the one doing the battle, so he doesn't need to feel any worry.

Yamin noticed that the person inside is no longer moving around too much. She shifted her gaze towards the forest below. There are several people moving in the dark. She's not worried because she knows that they're Soujin people. The battle will soon start again.

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