Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 496: Drunk

Chapter 496: Drunk

The University of Warfare was established by the Federation to increase the strength of humanity. It gathered geniuses from all around the globe, as well as those from Azura. It could be said that its establishment had directly changed the fate of humanity.

When all of the geniuses were gathered in one location, most of them became just normal. Still, anyone that could enroll was a genius that was rarely seen in society. Each of them had limitless future potential. One of the main requirements to enroll in the university was to attain a cultivation of tier five before the age of twenty. Of course, they still accepted people with lower cultivation as long as they exhibited a monstrous talent in another field. Lu Zhenyu was one of the most stellar students that had graduated from there.

Every lecturer within the university was at least tier six. They even had hundreds of tier sevens within the universityit was a monstrous force to be reckoned with. It also provided protection for its students families. That was to ensure that they had nothing to be afraid of and could focus on their studies.

Xiang Ning saw the benefit in that and was finally convinced to sign up. He had previously discussed the possibility with his master, Dong Qianyi, a year before. Dong Qianyi had agreed to it, and even encouraged him to enroll, because enrollment came with many benefits.

The University of Warfare welcomes you. Im also technically a lecturer there. Looks like youre my junior now. Your employment starts in three months, youll be entering the university along with the new cohort of students, Lu Zhenyu explained.

Xiang Ning nodded as he listened. Lu Zhenyu departed ten minutes later and the siblings watched his ship fly away. Xiang Xiaoyu chuckled and reassured her brother, Dont worry. I just need a few more years and Ill be able to enroll there, too! She was currently fifteen years old and was already a tier three, seven-star spiritual cultivator. She was very likely to advance to tier five by the age of twenty.

Xiang Ning informed Dong Qianyi of his decision and the latter agreed. Oh, right. Wheres the Chaos now? I brought a lot of useful information from the ruins.


Back on the ship, Lu Zhenyu called Uncle Zhao. Uncle Zhao, Xiang Ning signed the agreement.

Good. As for his situation, just go ahead and do whatever you want to do. He mightve killed Moray, but it was with good reason. Wholl dare touch him and his sister? Old Zhao was currently in space in a tier seven battleship.

I understand.

Good! I look forward to the next generation of heroes! After saying that, he activated the warp drive and leaped toward the battlefield among the stars.

In the year that Xiang Ning had gone missing, Earths technology had developed at a shocking speed. Tier five battleships could now be outfitted with warp drives thanks to increased production. In just a single year, humanity had grown to the point they were able to deploy millions of personnel onto the battlefield in outer space, dramatically reducing the pressure on the soldiers currently battling there.

But the invaders and aliens had also discovered the increasing number of humans in space. In turn, they sent even more of their forces to further suppress humanity. It was time for superpowers like Uncle Zhao to appear on the battlefield.

Lu Zhenyu hung up and continued his journey as he made the necessary arrangements.

Ten minutes later, the underworld received a harsh warning and the bounties for Xiang Ning and his sister were taken down. Morays father, who was flying to China, was even intercepted midflight by the military.

Soon, everything returned to normal.

Over the next three months, Xiang Ning carefully regrew Devourer and handed the information from the ruins to Dong Qianyi. They even examined the ship that Xiang Ning had used to fly back to Marsh City. According to Dong Qianyi the technological development of humanity would take at least another fifty years to reach the minimum level that was described within the information. But thanks to the information obtained by Xiang Ning they could now reverse engineer it, massively reducing the time needed to develop it.

Xiang Ning had also slipped in some of the blueprints hed obtained from the system along with the information he obtained from the ruins. That way he wouldnt have to explain where he got the idea for it.


Back to the present, on the day after Xiang Nings return, Wu Rui invited everyone to go out and spend some time together. Xiang Xiaoyu wanted to go as well, but had promised Chen Zixin and her class that she would go to a party commemorating the return of teacher Xiang Ning. The person in question didnt know how to react to it.

As for Xiang Ning, he took the time to explain to Fang Rou and the rest what he had gone through in the ruins during the year he was missing.

Currently, only Wu Rui had attained tier five, but the rest of them were at least tier four, five-star and above. When they heard that Xiang Ning was going to enroll in the University of Warfare, everyone was jealous. They knew what it meant. It was a prestigious university that everyone wanted to go to, but couldnt. While the basic requirement was being a tier five before the age of twenty, their strength wasnt weak either. Still, they couldnt do anything about it.

Afterward, they stopped worrying about the future and had fun. All of them drank a lot.

Everyone bid their farewells around midnight. Seeing that almost everyone had left, Xiang Ning turned and looked after Fang Rou, who was wasted. He was worried about her.

Can can you send me home?

Sure. Xiang Ning immediately agreed. After saying their goodbyes, he helped her into a taxi. Along the way, both of them remained silent. When they passed a park, Fang Rou told the taxi to stop. Xiang Ning wasnt sure why, but he got out of the taxi with her.

I want some fresh air, she chuckled as she walked forward, hands behind her back as she pranced around like a fairy. Still, she had matured a lot over the past year.

Xiang Ning paid the fare and followed her. He wanted to get close to her, but for some reason, he didnt.

They kept walking until they left the park. Suddenly, Fang Rou stopped and looked at Xiang Ning, her face as red as an apple. Her eyes met his, and he felt like she had seen through him. He wasnt sure why, but his heart beat faster. Fang Rous face got redder too.

Im sleepy. I want to sleep.

Alright. Let me call a car.

No! I want to sleep now! She walked over and grabbed his arm like a child. She innocently grinned at him, like a child.

Xiang Ning sighed and gave in. Fang Rou turned around and saw a hotel nearby. Hey, look. A hotel. I want to sleep there.

Xiang Ning was just about to use his communicator to contact her family when she took it away. N no! Dont let them kn know. Ill b be scolded if they knew I dran drank too much!

Xiang Ning was utterly helpless against her.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts


And take that Dexter family! There's nothing you can do hohohoho

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