Forced to Sell Myself to the Female Lead After Killing the Male Lead

Chapter 40 - 40

Chapter 40: Chapter 40



'Why, why did we encounter such a monster?!'

'my life can't end just like this...'

Looking at her several comrades who had already perished miserably, the scattered limbs and remains on the ground, and the vicious beast before her, Galena's body shook uncontrollably.

Even gripping her sword tightly was a struggle.

Facing the impending death,

Galena finally understood the warnings of the veteran knights.

Compared to the ordinary Abyssal Beasts they had faced on previous missions; the Abyssal Beasts in the Northern Territory were the true Abyssal Beasts.

Although she knew that the Temple of Demons would amplify the power of Abyssal Beasts, she never anticipated that the enhancement would be so terrifying.

No wonder every previous crusade ended in failure...

'I, I don't want to die, I don't want to die,'

As the devastating punch approached, Galena felt great despair in her heart.

With her holy power nearly exhausted, she had no strength to resist such a powerful attack from the Abyssal Beast.

Deep down, she knew that if she was hit,

She would meet the same fate as Kakalo,

And become another pile of rotten flesh on the plain.

Fear and despair turned into shackles that bound Galena tightly in place, leaving her unable to move, let alone dodge the attack. The dark cloud of despair enveloped the female knight, and she couldn't help but close her eyes.

Resigned, she prepared to wait for the Reaper to claim her soul.


Just as the Abyssal Demon's punch was about to strike Galena's head, a familiar, gentle, and utterly reliable voice suddenly rang in her ear,

"Get down, Galena!!"


This, this voice,



Upon hearing the melodious and beautiful voice like a silver bell, Galena's body shivered, and a surge of ecstatic joy erupted uncontrollably, instantly occupying her heart! The sudden words from the young girl were like the rays of the scorching sun, dispelling the despair in Galena's heart! They brought hope of life.

In the midst of battle, getting down like that

Was undoubtedly an insulting act for a knight.

But after hearing the instruction from the silver-haired girl,

Galena chose to obey without hesitation! With the chains of fear that bound her actions torn apart, Galena's movement was exceptionally fluid! She got down directly, even pulling down the slightly dazed pink-haired girl behind her, both lying in the snow!

The Abyssal Beast's punch, blazing with the eerie flames of hell, swept just over their heads!

The scorching heat and terrifying oppression brought immense pain to Galena, but she survived.

At the same time,

A silver light suddenly broke into the Demon's field of vision!

As the silver light faded, a silver-haired girl wielding a long sword, wearing a white dress armor, and a white mask appeared before the Abyssal Beast!

The moment the girl appeared and the extraordinary holy power emanating from her was felt,

The Abyssal Demon ferocity was suddenly ignited, and the killing intent in its crimson eyes erupted endlessly!

In the next moment,

The monstrous abyss demon unleashed a blood-curdling roar filled with murderous intent toward the silver-haired girl.


Its fist, burning with the flames of hell, shot out once again! With an earth-shattering force, it charged toward the girl!

In response,

The silver-haired girl's lavender eyes narrowed slightly, and a dense, silvery-white light gathered around her sword.

In an instant,

Under the astonished gazes of onlookers, the silver-haired girl fearlessly faced the abyss demon's powerful punch!


With a flurry of sword light and the sound of blood splattering, the arm wrapped in sinister black flames separated from the demon's body, crashing heavily onto the snow-covered ground. The demon's bull-like head wobbled for a moment before falling softly onto the snowy ground.

Just like that, the abyss demon that was wreaking havoc moments ago had casually become a headless corpse.


The other four abyss demons, who had been attacking the other knights, couldn't help but focus their attention on the silver-haired girl upon sensing her presence.

When they saw her unleashing her power and killing their companion,

The remaining demons immediately abandoned their original targets and, barring their fangs rushed toward the silver-haired girl.

However, faced with the attacks of four middle-tier, fifth-rank abyss demons, the silver-haired girl maintained her composure.

A subtle sense of battle intent and bloodlust emerged in her lavender eyes.

A dazzling silver light flickered around her again,

Accompanied by a ripple of spatial power, four longswords emitting a sacred silver light suddenly floated around the girl.

The cold glint of the silver blades was unmistakable.

At the same time,

Countless silver chains broke through the snow, attacking the four abyss demons from all directions! Caught off guard, they bound the demons' bodies, eliciting angry roars from them.

The demons' muscles swelled with the surge of dark power, and the chains binding them began to shatter!

Undoubtedly, it was an unrealistic dream for the silver-haired girl, with her middle-fifth-strength, to forcibly bind four abyss demons of the same rank. However, her goal was not to bind them but to attract their attention with the chains.

Just as the four demon were struggling to break free from the chains,

The girl pressed her hands together,

A golden light gently shimmered in her eyes,

The four silver longswords, wrapped in silvery-white power, transformed into silver energy arrows that could pierce the stars!

In the next moment,

Silver light flickered! The four silver longswords shot toward the four abyss demons like unleashed beasts, accompanied by an indescribable sense of oppression! It didn't come from the holy power but from something deeper!

Sensing the imminent danger, the abyss demons couldn't help but raise their heads, ceasing their attempts to tear apart the chains. They looked toward the silver-haired girl in the distance,

And as they looked up, they faced the silver longswords flying straight toward them.


With a splatter of blood, the four longswords accurately pierced the heads of the abyss demons.

The black flames of hell burning around the demons suddenly dissipated.

Along with the dissipation, the revolting dark aura of the demons, as well as their life force, vanished.


With a loud crash, the four abyss demons fell lifelessly onto the snow-covered ground. Their nauseating black blood stained the surrounding pristine land...

At that moment,

The nearby knights of the Asumos Church and the rescued slaves burst into earth-shaking cheers! The exhilarating roars echoed across the plains.

The elation of survival left everyone in a state of emotional turmoil that lasted for quite some time!


Directed their admiring gazes toward the valiant silver-haired girl.

Yet, in the face of the increasingly impassioned cheers,

The silver-haired girl remained indifferent. She waved her hand symbolically to quiet the crowd, then turned her attention to the female knight, Galena, who was standing nearby.

" did you get hurt!?"

The girl's voice was filled with concern.

Upon hearing this,

Galena, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't help but burst into tears.

Her long-tense heart instantly relaxed, and she suddenly threw her arms around the silver-haired girl's waist.

"Waaaaah!! Captain! You finally came!! I thought I would never see the sun again!! Waaaaah!!"

"There, there. It's okay now, don't cry."

Mengxi patted Garona's head and comforted her softly.


Mengxi's gaze gradually locked onto the pink-haired slave girl standing up behind Galena. The moment she saw the pink-haired girl,

As if sensing something or making a judgment, Mengxi's eyes suddenly turned icy cold.

Her murderous gaze made the pink-haired girl shiver.

In the next moment,

Under the bewildered gaze of the pink-haired girl,

Mengxi's lavender eyes narrowed slightly.

With the puzzled stares of the Asumos Church knights, she raised her silver longsword, pointing it directly at the pink-haired girl's forehead.

"You, what exactly are you?"

The pink-haired girl: "Huh??"

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