From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 197 - 197: Don’t Let Yourself Regret for a Second Time

Chapter 197: Don’t Let Yourself Regret for a Second Time

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

He was on the verge of losing his winning streak.

Ye Sanshi’s words skillfully redirected everyone’s focus.

No one had a moment to reflect on the day’s events.

“Ah, it’s truly hard to part ways. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could stick together for the next winning streak!”

The dormitory lights had been switched off, but Ye Sanshi fetched his notebook and pen to summarize his work.

Though he instructed everyone to get some rest, the topic he had just introduced left everyone unable to fall asleep.

Even Wang Ye’s emotions were in turmoil.

Despite having already confirmed his assignment to the Fourth Company.

However, he wasn’t a mere fixture. Nearly three months had passed, with him serving as deputy class monitor for over two months. Bonds had formed with his classmates.

Now, as the training company was nearing its end.

They might still remain in the same regiment, but interactions were bound to diminish in the future. If certain members were stationed elsewhere within the regiment, they might not cross paths at all.

“Brother Wang and Ping’an are the fortunate ones. Their pairing has already been confirmed.

Honestly, 1 really wish we could all stick together. Let’s set aside everything else. With Ping’an in the kitchen, I could look forward to his cooking whenever I’m famished!” From atop Wang Ye’s bunk, Qin Li poked his head out to speak.

Song Yuejin lay on a nearby bed. Upon hearing this, he chimed in, “Honestly, being a major is appealing, a group of five from four companies, a substantial unit after our last stretch!”

“That’s not exactly significant. It’s merely a fifth. Our class has ten members, yet Brother Wang and Ping’an account for a fifth of that!” Qin Li’s response to Liang Fan’s words dripped with even more dejection.

“Hehe, honestly, the Fourth Company might not be a bad gig!” Gu Yingnan grinned as he shared his thoughts. “Truth be told, it’s now evident that the Fourth Company holds the top spot in the regiment.

Such a company is likely to be formidable. Didn’t Qin Li always have a hankering for kitchen duty?

If you end up in the Fourth Company, just ensure you don’t shed any skin!”

Gu Yingnan’s words left Qin Li’s resolve momentarily shaky. He mumbled weakly, “Sigh, reality can be so damn cruel.

Back when 1 was in elementary school, my teacher asked what 1 aspired to be when grown up.

I proclaimed that I would become a scientist one day.

In junior high, I boasted to my peers that I’d undoubtedly ace the exams for Tsinghua University and Peking University.

And during high school…

Well, high school’s a different story. For now, at least.”

“Right now my ambitions lie in changing my course to join the army. I wish to be the finest soldier, a member of the special forces, and contribute towards scaling the pinnacle of my life. But in reality…”

“In reality, you’re interested in pig farming, aren’t you?” Liang Fan interjected with a chuckle.

The dormitory erupted into laughter all at once.

“Alright, let’s keep it down!” Wang Ye joined in the mirth, though he gently reminded everyone to restrain their excitement. After all, the lights were off and it was time to rest.

Yet, the moment Wang Ye spoke, Qin Li’s attention shifted immediately toward him.

Perched atop his upper bunk, he leaned out and directed his gaze down towards Wang Ye, saying, “I’m still envious of you, Brother Wang. Two third-class merits and a promising journey ahead. If we go our separate ways this time, we might just have to salute and address you as chief the next time we meet!”

Wang Ye met his gaze with a smile. “You’re quite the joker. Even if we end up in the same company next time, promoting you that swiftly won’t be possible. I still have to attend military academy. By the time I return, you might just be a fresh recruit again!”

“Hehe, that’s a valid point!” Qin Li chuckled. “Back before I enlisted, 1 was so full of pride. Now, truth be told, I’m yearning for retirement.”

Regrettably, that was a distant prospect. Another two years lay ahead!

“Long-term thinking is definitely on my mind.” Yan Zhiming, positioned across from him, also added with a smile, “Brother Wang, when you’re back from the military academy, I’ll be the first to salute you!”

“Alright, but it’s a long way off!”

After a moment of pause, Wang Ye’s gaze traversed the darkness to the other beds. He continued, “Frankly, if you’re considering a continued stint in the military, you can acquire more specialized skills post company service. Don’t think that being infantry means we lack specialized expertise.

Driving tanks and armored vehicles constitutes a skill, as does maintenance. Mastering these can secure your spot within the team!”

Here, Wang Ye’s tone softened as he added with a smile, “Of course, I do harbor the hope that some of you will strive harder. Not only does the military offer a guaranteed pathway, but you can also aim for military school.

Be it the second or third year, it matters not. 1 wish that any of you could be my classmates!”

“Forget it. If I had the chance at military school, I’d head straight for a university!” Gu Yingnan voiced helplessness.

However, not everyone shared his sentiments.

Liang Fan remarked, “Actually, the instructor briefed me on this. He mentioned that the entrance exams aren’t a walk in the park. You need to excel to secure a limited slot.

But 1 won’t throw in the towel, 1 won’t.”

Liang Fan had spoken his resolve, yet there were still those who remained unvoiced. Some claimed they held no expectations, while others held on to a glimmer of hope. Wang Ye understood that there were individuals determined to make strides in this direction.

After all, every soldier aspired to become an officer.

Naturally, there were exceptions who felt otherwise. After three months in the military, the daily grind might have them wishing to simply serve their two-year stint.

Yet, regardless of their inclinations, the future remained uncertain. Presently, they were simply engaged in conversation.

Thirty minutes later, Ye Sanshi returned, signaling the end of the dormitory’s chat.

The following day, the entire recruit company operated like a well-oiled machine. They commenced training in different groups, even the squad leaders delved into specialized training.

Based on the needs of the recruits in their respective groups, they focused on improving the weak points of specific individuals during targeted exercises.

The recruit camp was abuzz with activity. Every training ground was occupied.

Those who had faltered at throwing grenades were now practicing grenade throwing.

Formation alignments that required improvement were being meticulously reworked.

Wang Ye, despite his own proficiency in all areas, had no room for complacency. He was effectively conscripted by Ye Sanshi to aid in training the others.

For an entire week, he didn’t get a break even on Saturday.

Each morning, upon waking, he would fold his blanket and let it air dry.

Following the lights-out call, their training continued.

From dawn to dusk, the commanding voices and motivating calls of the experienced squad leaders reverberated throughout the camp.

Finally, the last night of February arrived.

“Tomorrow marks your assessment day.”

Following the roll call, Wu Jianfeng took the floor.

“Throughout these three months of training, my aim has been to mold you into genuine soldiers, soldiers who are combat-ready.

Your class monitor, too, has spared no effort in nurturing and instructing you.”

Surveying the group, he continued earnestly, “To be frank, you all started off on a rather poor note in my book.

As per my knowledge, many of you were entangled in internet and gaming addiction. Instead of studying, you frequented internet cafes and engaged in smoking. Insufficient discipline from your families led you to forgo university. Without prospects in society, your families compelled you into military service.

Nonetheless, you who were discarded by the outside world.

Your physical health was subpar, and your mental states left much to be desired. Your conversations were punctuated with internet jargon.

Truth be told, upon initially learning of your circumstances, 1 felt a degree of distaste.”

No one contested Wu Jianfeng’s words, for they were an accurate representation of the truth, Wang Ye included.

This new life couldn’t be classified as a rebirth. In essence, he had been coerced by his family into joining the military as a remedy for his internet dependency.

“But that’s all in the past,” Wu Jianfeng’s voice continued.

I’ve witnessed your transformation over these three months.

From the initial cluster of rookies who couldn’t stand straight, sit properly, execute basic exercises, and were grappling with poor mental states, you’ve now evolved into soldiers.

Not too shabby!

You can now rightfully be called soldiers.

Of course, you’re still fresh recruits. Furthermore, you’re recruits who have yet to be assigned a designation or company.”

After a pause, Wu Jianfeng’s voice intensified as he called out, “Comrades, comrades, I am well aware that you might have been significantly disheartened prior to enlisting in the military.

While your classmates pursued higher education, and the objects of your affection embarked on the journey of college life, you found yourself confined to your circumstances. You had to weather criticism and reproach from your family.

Disappointment, frustration, and even remorse.

Regret over not having studied diligently and remorse over indulging in leisure.

However, what I want to convey is that, comrades, it truly doesn’t matter.

Life comprises numerous avenues.

Education is one path, and military service is another.

The military is expansive, its platform vast. If you wish to shed past regrets, you must exert yourselves.”

At this juncture, Wu Jianfeng’s tone shifted. He gazed upon the assembly and spoke with gravity, “In truth, I’m aware that some among you are contemplating a lackluster performance in the upcoming two days.

Why? Because you fear adversity and fatigue. You aim to perform slightly subpar and be assigned to the logistics division. You yearn for a posting where training is less rigorous and life is simpler.

Yes, I won’t mince words: if you falter in this examination and your results are subpar, although you’ll continue to undergo intensive training and remedial assessments, you’ll unquestionably find yourselves relegated to lower-ranking companies and logistics units. You may even find yourselves relegated to kitchen duty in certain units, responsible for tending to pigs.

However, comrades, you’re merely eighteen or nineteen years old. You’ve already encountered a setback in your lives. Do you wish to undergo a second failure?

Are you prepared to conceal regret over not having approached this military evaluation earnestly, not having given your all? Will you confine yourself to a two-year stint in the military, squandering yet another opportunity to alter your destiny?”

Wu Jianfeng’s words were not coated in false encouragement; instead, they were grounded in reality and delivered with genuine concern.

Wang Ye subtly shifted his gaze toward Qin Li.

Thanks to this companion, Wang Ye understood that such intentions indeed lurked within him.

Whether Wu Jianfeng’s words could awaken him remained uncertain.

Before him, Wu Jianfeng carried on.

“Alright, the evaluation is slated for tomorrow. It’s futile to prolong these discussions. 1 address you tonight to impress upon you the importance of avoiding future regrets.

I also hope that each of you can confront reality head-on.

The military doesn’t suffer from a shortage of personnel. Every year, countless individuals enlist while numerous others retire. Should you aspire to redefine your life, it necessitates your unwavering commitment.

Be it this assessment or the aftermath of the upcoming winning streak.

If your dedication and diligence stand out, the military will take note of your transformation. The military’s platform is certainly extensive enough for you to manifest your ambitions and achieve a comeback in life.”

Upon concluding his speech, Wu Jianfeng relinquished the floor. Kang Hua refrained from speaking this evening.

With the company dismissed, they returned to their dormitories. Ye Sanshi refrained from speaking as well, directing them to prepare for bed.

“Brother Wang, my earlier jest was just that—a jest. I’m committed to putting in the effort and striving to join the Fourth Company alongside you!”

While fetching water, Qin Li suddenly addressed Wang Ye with a smile.

Wang Ye turned his head to meet his gaze and responded with a smile, “Very well!”

Extending his hand and forming a fist, Wang Ye raised it before him.

Upon their fists meeting, Wang Ye’s smile persisted as he spoke once more, “Ensure no future regrets weigh on you. Two years may be brief, yet two years of diligence yield immense rewards.”


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