Gate of God

Chapter 257: Dao of Massacre

Chapter 257: Dao of Massacre

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Furthermore, Fang Zhengzhi had attacked without any hesitation whatsoever. It felt like Fang Zhengzhi was a lone wolf attacking a herd of sheep.


Were soldiers helpless lambs?

Of course not! They were the elites of the Great Xia Dynasty, brave warriors who charged into battle. How could they possibly stand being belittled by a youth?

"Kill!" Came the thunderous reply. 1000 soldiers moved in synchronisation as they charged towards Fang Zhengzhi. The first 500 lowered their spears, the sharp tips glimmering in the sun.

"Go to hell!" Fang Zhengzhi swung his sword. A crescent shaped purple glow crashed into the advancing soldiers, sending blood spewing skywards.

The five horsemen taking point immediately fell to the ground.

All of the soldiers froze in their spots.

They had heard of Fang Zhengzhi and knew that he was in the Heavenly Reflection State. However, they did not expect him to be this powerful.

Blood stained the ground.

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes turned a deep maroon color, the glow of blood flickering in his eyes. His hate was reaching a maniacal level.

"Die! Die! All of you invaders must die!"

Fang Zhengzhi only had one thought on his mind. All those who had bullief the villagers must be killed. All of the scum within the army must be eradicated.

Even so, none of the soldiers stopped their charge despite the prowess Fang Zhengzhi just displayed. After taking in a deep breath, they extended their line.

Within moments, Fang Zhengzhi was surrounded.

"Kill!" Another round of shouting rang out. More than a dozen horses whinnied and their riders lowered their spears.

They would trample and stab him to death.

This was clearly a well trained army. All of the horses charged towards Fang Zhengzhi and there was not a single spear out of place.

Fang Zhengzhi’s gaze turned icy as he waved the Traceless Sword high above his head. The tsunami rushed out from his body, a purple glow flickering within it.

"Die!" He hollered. The purple glow morphed into a dozen swords and clashed with the cavalry and spearmen.

Within moments, the cavalry were dismounted.

However, the moment he defeated one wave, a second wave of men took their place. They charged in the same manner.

This was a similar concept to the tactics adopted by the maniples of the Roman Empire.

This was the benefit of outnumbering one’s opponents. Even though they were significantly weaker, they kept charging with fresh troops in an attempt to tire Fang Zhengzhi out.

They wanted him to spend all his energy repelling each wave of soldiers. When he was sufficiently tired out, they would go in for the kill.

Little did they expect...

Fang Zhengzhi’s sword was much too sharp. Each wave of soldiers was sent crashing to the ground, never to rise again.

This was absolute carnage.

No matter how well trained they were, fear eventually consumed them all. Fang Zhengzhi was too powerful, more powerful than they had ever imagined.


"Go to hell!"

"All of you can go meet your maker!"

He bellowed repeatedly, almost as if he was possessed by the devil. With each battle cry, dozens of lives were taken. Even their stallions were not spared.

The purple light killed indiscriminately.

All of the fallen stallions whinnied pitifully.

Fang Zhengzhi stood in the middle of the soldiers but his expression revealed no fear. He was consumed by a boundless intention to kill.

Wave after wave of soldiers gave up their lives. This caused the others to feel chills down their spines.

They may be brave, but they still feared death. Their advance slowed to a crawl in the face of Fang Zhengzhi’s blade of death.

Despite this, Fang Zhengzhi’s sword seemed to get sharper with every moment. He showed no signs of slowing down. Instead, with every fallen soldier, the purple glow became more radiant.

More importantly, Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes were completely purple.

It was a strange tint of purple, and it was stained subtly with red.

Fang Zhengzhi swung the Traceless Sword continuously. He had no idea how many people he had killed. With every life he took, the hate and rage in his heart was fuelled and he showed no signs of slowing down.

He was growing more and more powerful by the second. He was in the zone, and nothing was going to break him out of it.

In that instant, Fang Zhengzhi felt something strange happening. Inside his pocket dimension, there seemed to be another fruit forming on the large tree.

It was a purple fruit, and it was marked with red lines.

He was slightly taken aback. Fruits had stopped forming in his pocket dimension for quite some time now. What was this fruit?

The Dao of Massacre?

Fang Zhengzhi had no idea. However, as he continued to take lives, he felt that fruit become stronger and stronger.

The hate and fury in his heart had also reached a maniacal stage.

The purple gas at the tip of the Traceless Blade also began to swirl around Fang Zhengzhi. It crept up his arm and began to circle his body.

"Go to hell, all of you!"

Fang Zhengzhi’s tone was icy as he glared at the black faced general, who was clutching his wound.

The general looked at Fang Zhengzhi ferociously, but it was laced with traces of fear.

The general had never felt such pure, unadulterated killing aura in his decades on the battlefield. He felt as if his entire army was going to be swallowed by it.

He was on the verge of panicking. However, he could not stop now. As such, he continued to command his soldiers forward.

"Kill!" Fang Zhengzhi’s voice rang out once again. This time, his target was the general.

The Traceless Blade morphed into a ray of purple light, flying out of his hands and towards the general.

The general, who was supervising the battle, was stunned. Fang Zhengzhi would throw his weapon in the heat of battle?!

He instinctively used his large blade to block the blow.

Then, something strange happened. The Traceless Sword, which was aimed at his chest, stopped in the air. Then, it accelerated towards his throat.

"Sh*t!" Blood spewed from the open wound in his throat.

The general’s eyes widened in disbelief. He could not believe that he would die to Fang Zhengzhi despite being guarded by a thousand soldiers.

He wanted to say something, but his time was up.

His energy left his body in an instant.

"He... he is not... not human..." That was the parting thoughts of the general. He simply could not believe that a nascent Heavenly Reflection State cultivator could have such abilities.

This was not even the power of a pinnacle Heavenly Reflection State cultivator. Even cultivators in the Supernatural State would not be guaranteed victory.

Fang Zhengzhi is in the Supernatural State?!


No way!

That’s impossible!

The general glared at Fang Zhengzhi. However, as the life slipped from him, his body crumpled to the ground.


In that moment, the intense battle halted and a silence consumed the battlefield.

A gust of wind blew past, bringing with it the stench of blood.

All of the soldiers looked at Fang Zhengzhi in fear. The sword returned to his hand. By now, the entire blade was purple.

All of the soldiers who were getting ready to charge halted. Their horses also stopped in their tracks. They could all feel Fang Zhengzhi’s killing aura.

Even the horses sensed danger.

The villagers looked on, mouths agape and eyes widened. They could feel the power coming from Fang Zhengzhi, who was enveloped by the purple gas.

They all felt a wave of emotion come over them.

Even though Fang Zhengzhi’s killing aura was so dense, they did not feel any fear. No matter what happened, Fang Zhengzhi was trying to protect them.

This was the boy they had taken care of since young.

"Is this Zhengzhi’s power?!"

"He’s so powerful!"

"This is bordering on ridiculous! It is no wonder he aced the River of Trust Province Examinations. I would not be surprised if he tops the imperial examinations as well!"

"Exactly, as long as Zhengzhi is around, the Northern Mountain Village would not be bullied ever again!"

In that instant, all of the villagers felt a sense of security. They had no idea how powerful some of the best in the empire were. They only knew that Fang Zhengzhi was so powerful that he could stop a thousand strong army in its tracks.

They did not care that Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes were glowing a strange shade of purple.

Fang Zhengzhi scanned the soldiers surrounding him. Then, his gaze rested on the deputy who had gave the orders. The purple glow flickered.


"Fight to the bitter end. Our general gave his life to quell this rebellion! Capture the rebel!" The deputy felt the iciness in Fang Zhengzhi’s gaze. He panicked when he felt that devilish aura.

"Hiss!" A horse whinnied.

A ray of purple had arrived in front of him.

He could not even react.

"Ah!" The deputy screamed in pain as he fell of his horse. Blood spewed upwards like a geyser from the open wound in his heart.

He had taken out both the leaders despite being surrounded by a thousand men.

This was the crowning achievement.

The soldiers in the army felt helpless in the face of Fang Zhengzhi. If they gave it their all, they may win a pyrrhic victory.


Who would want to do that?

There were courageous ones in the group. However, that did not mean that all of them were courageous. A significant number panicked when they saw the general and the deputy fall.

Some of the other deputies were also panicking.

They knew that they should step up to the plate at this moment. However, after seeing the fate of the general and that deputy, who dared to step up?

No one wanted to die, and no one was willing to take the lead.

None of them were willing to try defending against Fang Zhengzhi’s attacks. They did not speak, subconsciously looking in the direction of the village’s exit.

"Die, all of you must die!"

Even after the soldiers stopped attacking, Fang Zhengzhi did not. His blade swung once again as it swept through the ranks, cutting swathes of red.



Pitiful screams echoed out as the soldiers looked at Fang Zhengzhi fearfully. The battle horses ran amok within the ranks.

The disciplined army had been routed.

"Die! All of you must die!"


Just as Fang Zhengzhi prepared to swing once again, a scream pierced through the air. A figure lunged towards Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi instinctively raised his blade.

"Die!" An icy voice rang out from his mouth. Just as he prepared to strike, he realized that the approaching figure was familiar.

The figure looked purple and blurry through his eyes.

However, he knew that it was someone precious to him.

He felt pain in his heart, almost as if someone had stabbed him. He hesitated and did not strike.

Just at that moment, he was overwhelmed by a wave of warmth. He felt a strange sense of calm as he was hugged by this figure.

All of the hate gushed out of his body in that instant.

His vision cleared and he finally realized who was hugging him.


"Don’t kill anymore. Son, you are my son, not a mass murderer. They have retreated, stop killing!" Qin Xuelian hugged her son tightly, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Fang Zhengzhi shuddered.


Not a mass murderer...

Have I killed people?

"Son, put down the sword. Listen to me please, put it down and stop killin!" Qin Xuelian grabbed at Fang Zhengzhi’s sword as she spoke.

"Hum!" The Traceless Sword hummed and glowed purple.

"What are you doing!" Fang Zhengzhi was stunned as he bellowed.

The glow of the Traceless Blade dimmed and it calmed down.

"Clang!" Fang Zhengzhi’s grip on the sword released and it fell straight to the ground.

In that moment, Fang Zhengzhi’s vision cleared. All of the purple disappeared and the hate and fury disappeared from his heart.

"He dropped his blade! Kill him! Kill him! Spearmen, launch your spears!" Just at this moment, a voice rang out. Then, a rain of spears blocked out the sun.

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