General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 1163: regal air

Chapter 1163: regal air

Chapter 1163 Emperor's Spirit

Concubine Xian pulled Jing Yi to ask him how warm he was, and after making sure that everything was fine with Jing Yi, she left the three of them to talk, and went back to Qixiang Palace to "train" her daughter.

"You are..."

Mighty Wuhou looked at the embarrassed Xiao Chonghua with a puzzled expression.

Xiao Chonghua took a look at Jing Yi, and said, "I just made two gestures with my cousin, and my cousin went out to experience a trip, and he has made a lot of progress."

Mighty Wuhou raised his fist and greeted his son: "It doesn't matter what you do, you!"

Jing Baobao, who was beaten up by his own father: "..."

Xiao Chonghua won the round and was in a good mood. He went to the study with Wei Wuhou and his son, and asked Jing Yi about his experience in Qianshan Island.

Jing Yi's statement is no different from Su Mo's.

Wei Xu, Su Mo, and Su Xuan went to Qianshan Island to hunt down the mastermind behind Xia Houyan. Su Xiaoxiao was captured. mountain island.

"Wei Chen and Wei Qing..."

Mighty Marquis asked.

Jing Yi said: "They went to the Western Jin Dynasty first, where they discovered Xia Houzheng's conspiracy, and followed Xiahouzheng to Qianshan Island."

Mighty Marquis Wu said again: "Wei he really Zhuge Qing from the Western Jin Dynasty?"


Jing Yi replied without hesitation.

Mighty Wuhou frowned, he looked at Xiao Chonghua, Xiao Chonghua's expression was the same.

In fact, everyone has known this for a long time, but no matter how many times it is confirmed, it will always be shocking.

Wei Qing from the Wei actually Zhuge Qing, the most important staff member of the Western Jin Emperor.

He is not a powerful minister, but he is better than a powerful minister.

Under one person, above ten thousand people.

Mighty Wuhou said with a complex expression: "The Wei family is not simple."

"How is Su Xuan's martial arts better than yours?"

Xiao Chonghua suddenly asked Jing Yi.

Mighty Wuhou was startled.

Why did you mention this all of a sudden? Is the focus off?

Jing Yi said without changing his face: "Of course I am stronger! He can't do three tricks in my hands!"

The first trick: run.

The second trick: call Xiaoxiao.

The third move: SueRaksha hit me.

How did Xiao Chonghua know that his innocent cousin had already been turned into half a black sesame dumpling by Wei Ting and his gang?

It will be much easier if you can't beat Jingyi.

If Hui An is bullied in the future, let Jing Yi deal with that kid severely.

Of course, the premise is that he has to pass the selection of the consort one month later.

Huian is his own sister, and he will not hand her over to another man casually.

At this time, Jing Yi still doesn't know that he will face the dangerous situation of challenging Rakshasa in the future.

The end is bragging for a while, fighting in the crematorium.

Soon, Concubine Xian came and called Jing Yi over.

"Your Highness."

After deliberation, Marquis Weiwu solemnly opened his mouth, "I'm sorry to say that the Qin, Wei, and Su families have long been tied together. They have enough military strength and popular support in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they also have the support of the two royal families in the Western Jin Dynasty and Southern Xinjiang. Once they become rebellious... I don't doubt them, I just feel that there are some things that I have to guard against."

Xiao Chonghua smiled calmly: "Uncle, I want to ask you, there are three families from Qin, Wei and Su, but which other country dares to invade Dazhou?"

Marquis Weiwu murmured: "Qin Canglan has already invaded Beiyan's capital, and Beiyan is completely afraid to be an enemy of Dazhou. Southern Xinjiang and Western Jin have made good friends with the Qin and Wei long as there are Qin and Wei , Su Sanjia, our country is unbreakable!"

Xiao Chonghua said: "That's right, the Qin, Wei, and Su families are the most solid barriers for my Great Zhou!"

Mighty Marquis Wu said: "But"

Xiao Chonghua smiled: "Uncle is worried that if they turn against me, I will be unable to resist. The fact is true, I am powerless to fight against the Qin, Wei, and Su families. If this is the case, why should I fight?"

Mighty Marquis was startled.

Xiao Chonghua said: "Father has been guarding against the King of Nanyang and the Wei Family all his life, but what will happen to Father in the end?"

Thinking of His Majesty who was imprisoned in the bedroom, the Mighty Marquis sighed.

Xiao Chonghua continued: "If the Qin, Wei, and Su families had rebelled, they would have rebelled long ago. There is no need to wait until now."

Marquis Wuwu wanted to say something else, but Xiao Chonghua took his hand: "Uncle, I want to be a good emperor, for the people, and for the country and the country. If that day really comes, the country of the ancestors will be destroyed in my hands. I will apologize with death, and I will never drag down the concubine mother and the mighty Marquis Mansion!"

Mighty Wuhou's eyes trembled.

Suddenly realized that his nephew did not fight for the throne because of personal ambition, but he really had his own grand plans and ambitions.

He had already thought of a way out for the people around him.

Marry Princess Hui'an into the Su family, so that Hui'an and Concubine Xian can be preserved.

Letting Jing Yi make friends with the Qin, Wei, and Su families is not to win them over.

But once Qin Wei and the Su family want to turn against each other, for Jing Yi's sake, at least they won't embarrass the mighty Wuhou Mansion.

He counted the worst.

Emperor Jingxuan took a wrong path, he will never imitate Emperor Jingxuan, he will give up the suspicion of the emperor.

This is obviously dangerous.

But he had no other choice.

He put his life and death together with Da Zhou's country.

For the first time, Mighty Marquis Wu felt the real imperial aura from his nephew.

He hurriedly stood up, took a step back, lifted his hem, knelt on the ground on one knee, cupped his hands and said, "I will do my best to assist Your Highness! The Mighty Marquis vows to live and die with His Highness!"


Kunning Palace.

Princess Jingning, who had been nagged by Princess Hui'an all day long, finally had clean ears.

Taozhi came over to clean up the dishes on the table.

Her princess dislikes Princess Hui'an, but all the snacks she prepares are Princess Hui'an's favorite.

"Is the princess tired?"

Taozhi said.

Princess Jingning said: "My neck is a little sore."

Taozhi stepped forward: "The servant will massage you."

"The Queen has arrived"

A message from the **** came from outside the door.

Taozhi hurriedly turned around and saluted.

Princess Jingning also got up: "Mother Queen."

"You step down."

The queen said.


Taozhi retreated with the palace servants.

The queen walked to the main seat and sat down.

Jing Ning glanced at her and walked over slowly.

Although they are biological mother and daughter, their relationship is not as close as that of Concubine Xian and Hui'an.

Between them, there will always be a layer of royal orthodox rules.

The queen asked straight to the point: "Have you heard about the selection of the son-in-law?"

Princess Jingning replied: "I heard."

Queen said: "All the princes of the right age in Beijing will come to participate in the selection, and Su Mo and Su Xuan are also on the list."

This Jing Ning didn't know about it.

Princess Jingning looked at the queen in astonishment.

The queen said seriously: "The three families of Qin, Wei, and Su are powerful, and sooner or later they will turn against them. The crown prince can't fight them. If you marry into the Su family, you will be able to rely on them for the rest of your life."

Princess Jingning said: "Does the queen mother have the power to reach the sky? How do you know that the loyal ministers of the Great Zhou will rebel?"

The queen paused: "No, the Su family is also your best home."

Princess Jingning said: "The Queen Mother knows about Hui'an and Su Xuan. It is impossible for the Su family to have two sons-in-law."

The queen said lightly: "What is impossible? Taking ten thousand steps back, there is really only one person who can marry into the Su family...the queen mother will help you."

After finishing speaking, the queen got up and left.

Princess Jingning stopped her: "Mother, why don't you ask me if I want to?"

Today is so sleepy, so sleepy

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