Genius Baby, Sweet Mummy

Chapter 366 like the way she doesnt wear makeup

She had just learnt this from Shangguan Xianer.

Seeing such an expression, Big Brother Shishi didn't know what to do, as she asked Shangguan Xianer in a gentle and soft voice.

"You'll know when we get the item back. Let's see what they're up to first." Di Shaoze ignored the little girl and took out an iPad from his pocket.

Di Shaoze had already turned this thing into a receiver to monitor all the houses in Di Family.

She tapped the screen a few times with her delicate fingers, and the screen immediately switched to the pattern on the monitor.

Unlike the warm and harmonious atmosphere from before, the two of them did not look too good.

Di Shaoze changed the panorama, and the image swept back and forth across Di Tianshi and Shangguan Xianer's faces. One was expressionless, and the other was silent.

Di Tianshi slightly closed his eyes and lied back on the soft leather chair, deep in thought.

However, Shangguan Xianer remained silent.

Di Shaoze was very curious as to what they had said at that time.

In the room, Shangguan Xianer turned her body slightly to the side to adjust her posture, and even her voice carried an impeccable smile: "Di Tianshi, I did not give you a big problem, do you have to think about it for so long?"

Di Tianshi gave his a timely smile, with a bottomless abyss in his eyes. "Shangguan ?? Xian'Er, you're too worried. I was just wondering why you were so sure that I would help you. "

"Oh?" Shangguan Xianer slightly narrowed her eyes, and the corners of her lips curled upwards, "Help me? Wouldn't it be better if I said that I'll help you? "

Since Di Chajie's return, his original position had probably been ruined.

Adding on to that, Di Shaoze that child was quite influential in the Old Master Di.

If someone came to eradicate Di Chajie, why wouldn't they do so?

However, Shangguan Xianer at least understood Di Tianshi.

Even though he looked like a popinjay, he didn't have much interest in fame or fortune. It was highly unlikely for him to kill someone.

So she only hoped that he would be able to stop her and not ask him to help her.

Di Tianshi laughed with goodwill.

"I want both the fish and the bear's paw." Di Tianshi confronted him with equal harshness.

Shangguan Xianer was still una

oyed: "If you insist, then I have nothing else to say."

Her eyes looked straight at him, unflinching.

Di Tianshi suddenly laughed, and clenched his fists: "Ok."

The voices of the two were leisurely and carefree. The tense atmosphere was not something that they had created.

From the two's words, the clever Di Shaoze could roughly guess what they were talking about.

On the other hand, when Xiao Baoer heard this, he still vaguely understood the situation.

After a while, the female doctor pushed open the door and entered the room.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely awkward. Shangguan Xianer broke the silence and asked with slight resentment, "Why did it take so long?"

Who knew that the female doctor would ignore her and just skillfully put the syringe back into the powder bottle, shaking it. "The road is a little far, there's no time to cross planes."

Di Tianshi was a

oyed to begin with, and couldn't help but find it fu


Sigh, those people following Di Chajie are all kind of fun.

The female doctor said lightly, "I'll give you an injection to get rid of your allergy, then hang two bottles of water, tomorrow it will be fine."

Shangguan Xianer shook her head, she did not have time to think about the matter.

It seemed like he had not been injected with the needle for a long time. When Shangguan Xianer saw the needle in the female doctor's hand, she became a little nervous.

In the end, she was mocked by the female doctor, "Relax! How am I supposed to tie you up like that? "We're not kids anymore."

After Shangguan Xianer heard this, her body tensed up even more.

"A usually strong person actually fears an injection." Di Tianshi began, his tone still gentle.

Shangguan Xianer glared, and was about to say something.

She didn't expect her right arm to feel a slight chill. She turned around and saw that the female doctor had already inserted the needle.

The transparent liquid in the syringe was slowly pushed into it.

Shangguan Xianer folded both of her hands.

"Alright." The female doctor pressed a small cotton ball against the needle several times.

Because Shangguan Xianer wasn't like the sloshing of water, the female doctor packed up her things and left right after.

After he left, Di Tianshi leaned over and held her hand. It was ice-cold.

He asked tentatively, "Are you okay?"

It was not like Shangguan Xianer's style to go up to battle like needles.

Shangguan Xianer also realized that she had lost control of herself and slapped her forehead. She forced a smile and said, "It's fine. Go and busy yourself. I want to rest for a while."

Di Tianshi was slightly startled, thought for a while, "If you're feeling unwell, call me ?? I'm downstairs. "

His voice was low and quiet, and for a moment it was gentle, like a colorful soap bubble, gently falling into her heart.

It only stayed for a moment, then shattered.

Shangguan Xianer was dazed for a second, then laughed: "Okay."

Di Tianshi had left. Today, he really did not have time to accompany Shangguan Xianer by her side, and at this moment, she also did not seem to want him to see her miserable appearance.

Sitting beside the mirror, Shangguan Xianer looked at her own face.

This potion was really powerful. After being injected with the needle, the originally red and swollen lump seemed to shrink.

As expected, the allergy thing came and went as fast as it came.

After a while, the redness and swelling on his face had almost disappeared.

It was painted pink and covered with a thin layer of powder.

Shangguan Xianer thought about what Di Tianshi had said about his not wearing makeup.

Likes her almost natural skin color and tender feelings.

She just smiled and didn't answer.


For women, makeup was like a mask covered with protective colors. It would make them more beautiful, allowing them to safely wrap themselves in a situation where they did not want others to spy on them.

"No one can stop me."

Shangguan Xianer bent her body down into an arc and started to adjust her breathing.

In front of the mirror, she felt like a cobra with its head held high.

A snake trapped in a cage by a snake charmer.

Di Tianshi would not let her waver in the slightest.

It was her choice.

Pushing the door open, Shangguan Xianer returned to her former nobility and left with big strides.

"How long will it take for Lomdia to show up?" Di Shaoze studied the apparatus that Xiao Wu had brought back.

Lomdia's latest research on cool liquids.

Originally used to track spies.

As long as a person drinks or injects a tiny amount of lomdia, they can be captured and imaged on the instrument.

Lomdia has no toxic side effects on the human body. It can only stay in the body for three days before it is completely excreted.

Using this thing on Shangguan Xianer couldn't be better.

The imaging instrument has two main and secondary components.

Shaoze and Xiao Baoer carried the smaller one and watched Shangguan Xianer walk into the hall from the stairs.

As long as Shangguan Xianer was in the Di Family, even if she was in the toilet, they would be able to see him. Furthermore, they weren't worried at all that he would run away.

There was no one in the room. It was so quiet that Yun Hanxiao could no longer resist as she leaned on the big bed's pillow and closed her eyes for a stew.

But this posture was indeed uncomfortable, and not long later, Yun Hanxiao was woken up by the sound.


She was startled by the warm hand beside her.

Di Chajie who had sneaked in was swept by the tail of her long hair, causing a wave of numbness to rush into his body like electricity.

He suddenly had the thought of teasing her, and deliberately lowered his voice. "Shh!"

Although Yun Hanxiao was still in a confused state, she could still tell who it was.

Then, Di Chajie's Qi pounced over.

He rolled onto his back, kissed her tenderly, ground her skillfully, and seized her with force.

In the end, they began to tremble together. They hugged each other with sweat dripping down their bodies. After lying down for a long time, they didn't say anything.

But it seemed as if they were living for a long time.

Yun Hanxiao looked at Di Chajie with a flushed face, "Why did you come up?"

Di Chajie's mood was extremely good, and he said mischievously: "I should have come up long ago."

She glared at him, her face burning even more fiercely.

Looking at Yun Hanxiao's blushing face, Di Chajie laughed mischievously. "Sweetheart, you really make me more sexy than those people below me."

Yun Hanxiao was at a loss whether to laugh or cry at his adjective, and turned her head to ignore it.

Di Chajie continued, "Finish the wedding quickly!"

His voice sounded overbearing and impatient. These grand and complicated weddings gave Di Chajie a headache.

This was simply asking for trouble, but for the sake of someone he liked, he had no choice but to accept it.

"Yes." Yun Hanxiao smiled.

At today's occasion, there would definitely be many people who would use this marriage ceremony to find Di Chajie and discuss business matters.

Although Di Chajie would not bother to respond, there were still people who were not afraid of death.

Going back and forth was naturally a

oying as well.

One had to know that weddings were just a way of showing off to other people. A wedding was usually held, and the guests were all watching the wedding. On the contrary, it was the bride and groom who were half-dead from exhaustion.

Di Chajie really wished that everything could progress quickly. The wedding had already been arranged, and he was lying on the bed with Xiaoxiao, hugging her and falling asleep.

Holding hands, he had nothing to say at the moment.

Quiet but comfortable.

It was as if the noisy things were far away from them.

Yun Hanxiao curled her lips and thought, so it turns out that the two of them liked each other, even if they did not say anything, they would still be this happy.

The fluid in his heart was like sweet juices.

The two of them lingered on like this for a while. Finally, Di Chajie seemed to have recovered his vitality and patience, and continued with his cycle.

Yun Hanxiao continued to lie on the bed, and think about Shaoze and Xiao Baoer.

The two children had just met downstairs, and even now, they did not show their faces. It was unknown where they had gone to.

She would never have guessed that the two naughty, clever children were actually hiding in the large row of wooden closets across the room.

"Yes, yes, yes ??"

In the white cabinet filled with leaves, Di Shaoze and Xiao Baoer stayed inside.

He secretly laughed as he listened to the two adults talking on the bed.

Listening to this, it seemed as if the topic had moved towards 18X.

Xiao Baoer was very ignorant, she continuously breathed lightly towards Shaoze, and wanted to laugh.

Laughing Daddy's Mommy is so stupid, I didn't know I was at this moment!

Of course, she couldn't understand the meaning behind Di Chajie's words.

For parents who had children, especially parents who had cute little Xiao Baoer, they had to pay special attention to the secrets in the bed.

Who knows if these kids will listen behind the bed door.

There was very little light in the dim cabinet.

Because of the low position, they could only see the side of the bed and the backs of the two adults.

"Shh!" Di Shaoze immediately gestured at Xiao Baoer. This girl was really obedient when she did bad things.

Xiao Baoer pouted. Although she was unwilling, she still followed her instructions.

It didn't seem to be enough.

Di Shaoze then consciously covered Xiao Baoer's mouth with his hand.

Then he lowered his head, breathing lightly.

Di Shaoze was depressed in his heart. He did not think that this place would not be discovered, and it would be easy to monitor it.

But how could he know that such an embarrassing thing would happen? It just so happened to be watching the intimate scene between Mommy and Daddy.

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