God of Music

Chapter 178. When You Realize It’s Too Late? (1)

Chapter 178. When You Realize It’s Too Late? (1)

Translator: Chamber

Editor: Illidan

“This is sooooo booooooooooring.”

JooAh, who had participated in the board meeting of directors, grumbled as she left the meeting room.

(T/N: I’m not sure if it’s mentioned, but JooAh is an ‘honorary director’ of MG Entertainment, so she is qualified to join the meeting.)

‘Looks like she’s at it again.’

‘Guys, let’s just avoid her. There will be no good from talking with her.’

The directors, who were leaving as well, quietly left the place.

It would only result in a loss if they decided to quarrel with JooAh, one of the top stars at MG Entertainment.

However, there was one person who talked to the devil without fear.

“But this still is the highest authority meeting of the company, I don’t think you should do that.”

JooAh turned around with scary eyes when she heard the nonsense from behind her. However, she saw that it was director Lee HanSeo who stood there with a smile.

“…Oh, and here I was wondering who it was. You surprised me.”

“Hahaha, you’re quite honest.”

“Anyway, nice time. I was just getting thirsty. Can I ask you for some coffee?”

Even as the other directors left while clicking their tongues, JooAh did not give them a single glance. Facing those lumps of cancer was only exhausting for her. Director Lee HanSeo replied with a slightly disappointed expression.

“But tea has a better fragrance than coffee.”

“I rather prefer the fragrance of black coffee.”


Director Lee HanSeo shrugged his shoulders and took JooAh to his office.

Inside, JooAh closed her eyes while appreciating the fragrance of the coffee that director Lee HanSeo brewed.

“Ah, this is it! Your coffee is the best, director.”

JooAh gave him a thumbs up. It seemed like he was just as good in brewing coffee as he was in brewing tea.

Director Lee HanSeo smiled softly. It seemed like he was happy to be praised by her.

“I hope you can have some tea next time.”

“I’ll ask you for some coffee next time as well.”


JooAh’s pickiness made director Lee HanSeo feel awkward.

As the fragrance of tea and coffee spread in the room, director Lee HanSeo spoke about the things that happened in the board meeting.

“I’m worried about now. MG Star Tower project? The Chinese tourists are good and all, but this is not the time for investment. It’s too dangerous.”

“You think so too, director?”

JooAh put down after emptying half of her coffee. Her expression was full of worry as well.

Director Lee HanSeo heaved a deep sigh before speaking.

“According to the plan, the location of the tower is in Samseong-dong, Gangnam. And it’s right next to the UO shopping mall as well. The land there is more expensive than gold, and there are construction costs as well as… Director Kim JinHo says that MG’s credit rating is enough to get a loan, but I’m not so sure.”

“But didn’t they say that it can be used as a tourist attraction once the tower is finished being built? I heard that there will be massive profits once celebrity merchandise comes out…”

Director Lee HanSeo shook his head.

“Yes. But that’s IF we can finish building the tower. Who knows what may happen mid-way? I don’t get what director Kim JinHo is thinking. If we somehow become unable to pay it back…”


JooAh frowned.

Leaving aside the benefits of the Star Tower, she wondered if it was worth the risk to build the tower at all.

“Haa… Everything is going down the drain since the Chairman left.”


Director Lee HanSeo could not say anything as he watched JooAh’s depressed expression.

‘I’m almost done cleaning things up here, but who will take care of JooAh or JinSeo?’

Facing JooAh’s depressed expression, director Lee HanSeo swallowed his words.


Kim JiMin, whose activity period was over, focused on school.

KangYoon had Kim JiMin attend classes no matter what happened. This was to make her look diligent to the public, and also to mix well with the general public.

During her after school self-study period –

“Miss Eunha… can you… give me an autograph?”

Kim JiMin gave a girl from another class her autograph and even shook hands with her.

Now that her name was becoming known, Kim JiMin’s school life had long turned into a fan meeting.

“Eunha! Sing, sing for us!”

“Eunha-unni! Can you take a photo…”

The people of her class had died down somewhat, but students from other classes and her juniors frequented her class. Thanks to that, her classroom was filled with people from other classes during breaks and lunchtimes.

Despite this though, she did not want to transfer to a school for celebrities. Although the downside was that she had to keep up a good image, there was the advantage that she could interact with the general public here.

Kim JiMin, who participated in self-study periods even on a Saturday, headed to the parking lot once it became lunchtime.

However, today, KangYoon came to pick her up instead of manager Moon JooMyeong.


“Get on.”

KangYoon drove her to the company.

Inside the car, Kim JiMin asked.

“Did something happen with JooMyeong-oppa?”

“He asked for leave to propose to his girlfriend. That’s why I’m here.”

“Oh, so he’s proposing now. He told me he had a fight with his girlfriend last time…”

She had heard that his girlfriend was very sad since she couldn’t meet with him a lot due to the irregularities of a manager’s schedule. And now, he was going to propose to his girlfriend. Kim JiMin was glad to see that.

The car that the two of them were in stopped in front of a traffic light in a junction near the company.

KangYoon put the handbrake on and turned around to Kim JiMin.

(T/N: I’m not sure why he’s putting the handbrake on when it’s just a traffic light…)

“There’s an audition today.”

“An audition? Do you mean for me?”

Kim JiMin’s eyes widened as she hadn’t heard this before. KangYoon shook his head with a smile.

“No, if that was the case, I would have told you a few days ago. There will be a new trainee candidate.”

“Really? Wow, I’m getting a junior?”

Kim JiMin smiled with eyes filled with curiosity. A junior already? She felt joyful just thinking about it.

KangYoon smiled as well.

“Perhaps. Let’s go and see.”


Expectations filled Kim JiMin’s chest.

The two headed towards the studio as soon as they arrived at the company.

When they arrived, Lee HyunJi as well as the artists of World Entertainment, had all gathered around.

“JiMin, you’re here.”


Her senior artists all greeted Kim JiMin, their youngest members. From Lee HyunAh, Kim JaeHoon, and Eddios. Kim JiMin bowed towards her seniors.

There were 20 minutes until the audition.

The door to the studio opened and In MoonHee, who was here for the audition, followed Yoo Jung Min, who guided her here, in.


The first reaction In MoonHee had after seeing the artists of World Entertainment gathered around in one place was a hiccup.

She was thinking that only 3 or 4 people would oversee her audition and did not think that all of them would be here.

Despite that, she came to herself quickly and greeted them.

“H, hello. I’m In MoonHee.”

KangYoon, who was seated, also greeted her

“Hello. I’m Lee KangYoon, the CEO of World Entertainment.”

KangYoon offered her to sit down and spoke.

“I’ll call you Miss MoonHee from now on. Is that okay with you?”


In MoonHee replied with a trembling voice.

Both KangYoon’s calm and rational eyes and the presence of the artists of World Entertainment gave her a lot of pressure.

‘Lee HyunAh.’

Among them, Lee HyunAh was special to her since the two of them both got an award at the College Pop Festival.

They had met once in the past, but now they walked completely different paths. When she glanced at her, she saw that Lee HyunAh’s eyes were deep.

KangYoon spoke calmly after seeing that she was dazed.

“This is an audition, but I hope you can relax as much as possible. I’ve prepared some snacks over there as well. You can just take them whenever you want. I hope to see a lot today, so this may take some time. Is that alright with you?”

“Yes. I’ll do my best.”

In MoonHee gave a typical answer and started clearing her throat. Hearing that, Lee HyunJi and the artists focused on In MoonHee as well.

“First, could you please sing a song of your choice.”

At KangYoon’s request, she closed her eyes and started singing.

“I was like that — I always said — let’s break up — at that time — I thought that was love –”

This was the song ‘Time’ the song that In MoonHee sang to win an award back then at the College Pop Festival. KangYoon’s eyes became deep as he focused on the acapella.

“I reminisced numerous times — in remembrance –”

However, KangYoon’s eyes narrowed seeing that the white light wasn’t bright at all.

Behind him, Kim JaeHoon tilted his head and asked Lee HyunAh who was next to him.

‘She got the silver prize right? I think you’re better off, HyunAh.’

‘She was really good back then. Her bouncy voice was really charming. But now, I can definitely see that some of that has died down.’

Lee HyunAh replied with a bitter expression.

In MoonHee opened her eyes slightly and had a glance at KangYoon and the others. But…

‘Ugh, looks like they don’t like it.’

She panicked.

Everyone seemed disappointed and she could clearly feel some displeasure from their expressions. Kim JaeHoon and Lee HyunAh especially were noticeably shaking their heads, and In MoonHee’s voice started shaking unknowingly.

At that time, KangYoon raised his hand.



In MoonHee’s heart thumped.

“Sorry for interrupting you. It looks like you’re still very nervous.”

“Oh, that’s…”

“Let’s do it again in 5 minutes.”

A break just because she was nervous? In MoonHee wasn’t touched, but was shocked instead. She had participated in several auditions before, but most of them only lasted around 5 minutes.


In MoonHee collapsed on her seat in embarrassment. However, KangYoon approached her and calmly spoke.

“We can give you plenty of time. Miss MoonHee, don’t consider us as judges, but as the audience.”

“The au…dience?”

“Yes, the audience. You can sing however you’re comfortable with.”

Having said those words, KangYoon returned to his seat.

It hadn’t even been five minutes, but she sat upright as though she had become a lot more relaxed than before.

“I’m fine now.”

When KangYoon nodded his head, In MoonHee cleared her throat a little before singing.

“I was like–”

Her second singing of ‘Time’ spread throughout the studio.

KangYoon’s eyes narrowed while looking at the white light that her note created.

“Someone said — that the past cannot be held – but I wanted to hold – the you back then –”

However, the white light was still very weak. No, it even contained a hint of grey this time.


This was even worse than before.

KangYoon frowned unintentionally due to the influence of the grey light. Grey influenced his emotions and made him feel agonized.

Despite that, In MoonHee kept singing.

KangYoon smiled despite all the pain and tried to focus on the song.

‘…It’s like she’s wearing clothes not suited for her.’

The voice was definitely pleasant on the ears. However, it didn’t seem to fit with the song. It felt like it was unbalanced.

‘It sounds weird.’

‘I think so too.’

Christie An and Han JooYeon, who was listening from the back, shook their heads as well.

Most of the singers seemed to think the same as they exchanged opinions with each other.

Despite the unfriendly attitude from everyone, In MoonHee ended up finishing the song.

After clapping, KangYoon calmly spoke.

“Thank you for that. Phew.”

KangYoon shook his body a little in order to shake off the effects of the grey light. The murky feeling was shaken off somewhat.

In MoonHee was a little perplexed by KangYoon’s actions but could not say anything since he would give her a judgment. She only waited nervously for the evaluation.

However, his following words were out of her expectations.

“Can I ask you to sing ‘Longing’ for your next song?”


In MoonHee thought that she would receive her evaluation so she tilted her head but she still accepted nonetheless.

This was the song shown in the video. She was wondering why he wanted to listen to the same song again, but she cleared her throat before starting to sing again.

“I long for you — but — you are far from me — please look at me–”

A very enchanting voice filled the studio, a drastic difference compared to before.

The note and the light had completely changed as well. The white light from the orange notes made KangYoon widen his eyes.

‘I knew it. Her voice fits perfectly with trot.’

KangYoon clenched his fist.

“I ?miss you — I cry — I search for my –”

The sad and resounding melody resonated within everyone’s hearts.

The other singers seemed to think the same as KangYoon and they immersed themselves into the song.

As the song continued, something different appeared within the white light.


KangYoon was shocked.

This was the first time someone produced a silver light with their voice alone ever since Min JinSeo’s acting. Didn’t that event also trigger his ability to see notes rather than just the lights?

The soft feeling that enveloped his heart made KangYoon close his eyes.



That feeling only lasted an instant. In MoonHee’s singing was already over. However, KangYoon still could not get himself together.

At that time, Jung MinAh, who was right behind KangYoon, approached KangYoon’s face before blowing into his ears.


KangYoon was surprised and abruptly stood up.


The other singers snickered at KangYoon panicking and Lee HyunJI’s expression turned awkward due to the sudden prank.

‘That girl!’

Lee HyunAh’s eyes turned scary instead. Such daring moves!


Jung MinAh grinned towards her rival. She was provoking her to do the same if she was bold enough.

At that time.



The consequences were harsh.

KangYoon gave Jung MinAh a solid smack on the head.

“Do you think I’m playing around here?”

“…I’m sorry.”

Jung MinAh lowered her head due to KangYoon’s retaliation, but she stuck out her tongue cheekily in secret.


Meanwhile, KangYoon, who had come to himself, turned around to In MoonHee and gave her his judgment.

“Thank you for singing. You’re exceptional when it comes to putting emotions into your songs. The resonance was splendid.”

“Thank you.”

“Can I ask you for another song?”

“Of course.”

“Can I ask you to sing ‘On the way to Busan’ this time?”

This was a signature song of a veteran trot singer named Lee MiRa. It was a song that most people knew about.

“O, of course.”

It was another trot song, but In MoonHee cleared her throat again.

Like that, her audition continued.


2 hours.

In MoonHee had to spend 2 hours for her audition at World Entertainment.

“Thank you.”

After the audition ended, the other singers left the company for their respective schedules.

In MoonHee felt strange when all the artists left as soon as her audition was over.

She sat down on the chair powerlessly as she was exhausted.

Yoo JungMin gave her some water.

“Thank you.”

In MoonHee drained down the water. The gulp was loud enough to ring inside the studio.

KangYoon stood up and approached her.

“Thank you for staying with us for such a long time.”

“The president… right? Thank you too. You brought all those busy artists here and had them listen to my bad singing… Today was like a dream. Thank you so much.”

She looked exhausted, but she had a smile on her face.

Today, she could sing to her heart’s content. It was also in front of all the latest famous singers.

She felt that she wouldn’t have any regrets even if she failed her audition today.

KangYoon dragged his chair closer and sat in front of her.

Feeling that an important conversation will occur, In MoonHee sat up nervously.

“I won’t beat around the bush. Thank you for singing 9 songs today.”

“Haha, thank you.”

As they had some breaks and conversations midway, the 9 songs took 2 hours.

“I’ll be honest. You seem to have taken a long break from singing.”

“You’re right. It’s been at least 3 years.”

In MoonHee replied bitterly.

After she left her old entertainment company due to issues with the company, she did not have many ties to singing. KangYoon’s mention of that made her feel sour.

Regardless, KangYoon continued to speak.

“I had a look at the materials from the College Pop Festival and found that your current voice is very different to back then. As for skill, I believe that the past you were better.”


In MoonHee became silent hearing KangYoon’s honest words.

Although she did think that she wouldn’t have any regrets even if she failed today, it felt bitter to listen to a bad evaluation.

However, his words didn’t end there.

“However, the emotions in your voice are much thicker now. I can feel very thick emotions from your singing. Although your techniques may have diminished, your sound has deepened now. That is my conclusion.”


In MoonHee gulped. What was about to come next would be the deciding factor.

“Miss MoonHee. Would you like to sign a contract with World Entertainment?”

The ‘what if’ became a reality.

A contract!

In MoonHee’s expression turned into that of joy and bliss.

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