God of Time System: Harem in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 245 Prelude to Fight

Chapter 245  Prelude to Fight

'Hmm? This is a new one'

[Temporal Redo(Level 1)]

[Description: The user can cause a replay effect in time that can occur a number of times, causing the damage and effects to be amplified. For example, after the first time, the user kicks a ball, the next time, the ball goes further, and which continues with subsequent kicks. This can be applied to other things as well, such as breaking things or damaging through a punch. This may be able to be used at any time.

Effects: Allows the user to increase the effect of an action by 2 times.

Skill Points required to Level up the Skill: 1]

'Hmmm… this is interesting to say the least,' I thought as I put a couple of points in it to see the increase and…

[Temporal Redo(Level 4)]

[Description: The user can cause a replay effect in time that can occur a number of times, causing the damage and effects to be amplified. For example, after the first time, the user kicks a ball, the next time, the ball goes further, and which continues with subsequent kicks. This can be applied to other things as well, such as breaking things or damaging through a punch. This may be able to be used at any time.

Effects: Allows the user to increase the effect of an action by 16 times.

Skill Points required to level up the Skill: 4]

'Good,' I liked this. Especially if I combine this with my first slash that I learned from Rhea… it gives me more than just an edge…

'But I don't think it will be enough to defeat that Zombie King… ' I sighed as I looked at the 5 Skill Points still remaining in my arsenal. Should I go with [Eyes of the Timekeeper] or [Inspect]... or should I choose [Light Aura]?

'This is troubling… well, let's just leave it be for now,' I sighed on the inside as I placed all the Stat Points equally between [Strength] [Constitution] and [Agility]

Looking at my Status

[Name: Michael Aroa

Race: Ethereal

Title: Gaia's Saviour: Allows the user to interact with plants and understand their Status: Healthy


basic functions.

Class: Child of the Universe(locked)

Level: 22 (4000/5000 Exp)

Status: Healthy


(1) Blessing of the World: After the death of the last Ethereals, you are the first being that has taken its step to become an Ethereal. Energy will never be a problem for you.

(2) Blessing of the One: All hidden paths will be opened to you when you make a choice regarding your existence(Only works under certain conditions).

(3) Helper of Darkness: Allows the user to see through darkness and have perfect night vision. The user's Stats will be doubled in the absence of direct light and in the presence of absolute darkness, the user gains the ability to channel Darkness Mana.

Health Points: 15,000/15,000

Time Points: Infinite

Strength: 17

Constitution: 16

Dexterity: 17

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 13

Charisma: 12

Stat points: 0

Total Cronas: 0

Total Dungeons Under Control: 0

Total Portal Under Control: 0]

As for my skills I got

[Eyes of the Timekeeper(Level 3)] [Temporal Redo(Level 4)]

[Inspect(Level 5)] [Time Rejection(Unique)] [Space Time Map(Unique)]

[Skill Fusion(Special)(Level Max)]

[Multiple Copy(Special)]

[Light Aura(Rare)(Level 1)]

'Okay, that's good enough for now,' I thought as I took a bath before changing clothes.

It was already that time… the time to kill those pathetic people and make them understand what 'pain' really means.

Moving out of the room, I saw Walter and the company standing there waiting for me with a smile on their faces. Their eyes were really brimming with excitement as they looked forward to the day.

"I received a call from Iverice. She will be bringing her entire gang here in the next 10-15 minutes," Blake spoke as he adjusted his watch while George, who was playing with the car keys, spoke up,

"So we wait for them, or should we go meet them directly up there?"

I pondered a little before speaking to Walter,"it's your battle. Your revenge. For now, I will let you make all the choices. I will be watching you from the shadows."

He nodded with a smile,"thank you for understanding. Blake, ask them to come directly to Atlanta High School."

Blake nodded before making the call while George moved out to bring the car to the front. As for Adam, he brought a couple of powders from the storage.

"What are those?" I asked curiously as I looked at him, though he just pointed at Walter and said,"ask him. He is the one who asked me to bring them." I just chuckled as I left all this arcanist stuff to Walter. For me, I just need to make sure nobody interferes in between these things. Especially the 'adults' who need to stay a distance away from here.

"Let's go then," spoke Walter as he looked at Blake finishing his call and Adam carrying the powder in small boxes, towards the car. I too followed behind them as I reached outside, finding George bringing the car to the front.

Seated in the car, we finally left towards the place where those people were. Where Walter's father was currently working. Where those guys were present who treated humans as slaves and were proud of it.

The car drove for an hour, but nobody muttered even a single word. My eyes looked distant as I wondered how the others were doing. Alex, Caroline, Alissa, Miya… Angela…

My eyes kept thinking about a lot of things. And before I could realize, we finally reached Atlanta High School. I saw those gang members, composed of at least 50 people, all wearing a black coat as they stood in front of the high school.

The lady at the center, presumably their leader, was observing us with a really keen look as we reached there. The car stopped a bit farther away from there as we got out of the car. Adam was still carrying the small boxes with him, while the rest of us simply walked towards the leader.

Moving closer to that lady, who looked no older than 18, I observed her carefully before raising my hand for a shake,"I am Michael."

Her eyes were green, just like her hair. Her short green hair was styled in a bowl cut as she gave out the attitude of a gal. I could see most of her body through her revealing clothes as she barely tried to hide it and wearing a black coat over that covered her white dress, she looked at me mesmerized as if she found her long-lost soulmate.

"Ummm… hello?" I asked again, making her snap out of her daze as she looked at me one more time, before answering my handshake as she introduces herself,

"I am Iverice, the leader of the Black Pandas."

Couldn't care less.

Anyway, I took out my wallet and took out five grand as she gawked at it as if it were a treasure. Then her eyes looked at me as if I were a rich bastard or something, and she wondered if her eyes were deceiving her or not.

Nonetheless, she accepted the money as she spoke,"as per our agreement. We will be just standing here and doing nothing while you guys do whatever you want to do. Depending upon the circumstances, we may even turn against you. Hope you don't mind that attitude of ours… just the situation is like that."

Her behavior changed to being bold as she started speaking, and I nodded at her. I then turned around to see Walter, who was keenly observing us, and spoke,"Handle it from here. I will be moving to the sidelines from here onwards."

He nodded and using my spearshift, part of the moves that I learned from Arte, I vanished from there, amazing and stupefying almost each and everyone present there.

"What just…" Iverice wanted to know what just happened, but before she or perhaps anyone could process what was going on, Walter took a step forward and spoke,"Can you guys just follow me for now? All you need to do is stand in the campus area while I will be doing most of the talking."

Iverice was confused. She wanted answers. But looking at the bold behavior of that kid in front of her. For some reason, she kept quiet and nodded. Her eyes observed the few more men behind Walter. If not for the fact that the guy… literally vanished from there, Iverice was sure that these kids were going on a suicide mission today. But now… she wasn't sure… she didn't even know what to expect from the battle that was about to play in front of her. All she did was pray that she wasn't getting involved in something far more messy than what it already was.

Walking behind Walter, the rest of the gang followed them inside the campus. And after covering a considerable distance, Walter then asked Adam to pass on the powder, which he asked him to bring over.

It confused everyone. What was he doing? Though for now, they decided to observe.

Walter took that powder in his hands as he started murmuring a little before he plastered a bit of the powder on his neck and, adjusting his voice a little, he shouted… as if he were using a really high functioning loudspeaker…



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