Godly Base

Chapter 287: Development

Chapter 287: Development

Shu Feng pushed the door open, walked in, and saw Li Yueqin, a hot and beautiful secretary in a disheveled office uniform standing beside Li Xuanyi, her face red.

Ill leave now!

As soon as Li Yueqin saw Shu Feng, her face turned red, and she left the room.

Li Xuanyi sat on a sofa and asked lazily, Shu Feng, whats the matter?

There are many things to do in the Marsh Dragon Territory. However, before the food and security issues are solved, theres nothing that Li Xuanyi, the general manager of the Marsh Dragon Territory, can do.

Shu Feng sat down in front of Li Xuanyi and said, I already obtained the most suitable kind of rice for this place. Xuanyi, make arrangements for people to plant them!

Li Xuanyis eyes lit up, and he asked, So fast? What kind of rice is it? What are the precautions we have to take when planting it? Are specialized workers needed to plat it?

Shu Feng answered: Its called Marsh Black Rice! This is a new kind of rice suitable for planting in the Marsh Dragon Territory. The closer its planted to the marsh the better. There is no difference between the cultivation of this rice and that of ordinary rice. If anything, it can grow in the marsh.

Li Xuanyi uttered excitedly, Thats great! With this rice, the Marsh Dragon Territory will surely develop rapidly and become a big granary in the Hollow Demon Battlefield.

Li Xuanyi quickly calmed down and analyzed: Shu Feng, this rice will turn the Marsh Dragon Territory into a golden goose. Many people will come out of the woodwork to fight over it. Therefore, before that can happen, you must buy the Marsh Dragon Territory. When all the formalities are completed, no one will be able to take it away.

Before paying 120 billion, the Marsh Dragon Territory belongs to Shu Feng in name only. It may be taken back by the Qianyuan Republic at any time.

The area of the Marsh Dragon Territory is vast, even larger than that of some small countries on Blue Star. It is only because its barren that its been ignored until now. If it turns into a big granary, the eight magnus families wont let it be.

Shu Feng said: The development of the Marsh Dragon Territory is intimately related to its population! I want to buy a large number of slaves to increase the territorys population.

Li Xuanyi responded, When it comes to slaves, you can talk to fatty Huang Nan. As long as you have the money, obtaining 300,000 slaves wont be a problem. By the way, dont you have a small world? You can also migrate some people from your small world.

Shu Feng said with a wry smile, My small world is sparsely populated. I would like to increase its population, as well.

In the World of Badge Users, except for large cities, the rest of the world is deserted and sparsely populated. Although Shu Feng implemented policies that promote childbirth, but the population cant grow explosively so easily.

Li Xuanyi said, The army has set out! They will certainly get many slaves after they capture territories in the Hollow Demon Battlefield. When the time comes, you can buy slaves from them.

Shu Feng uttered: Thats the only way!

The three great republics joined forces and, together with their vassal states, launched an offensive against the Hollow Demons. While the three armies advanced, as if a knife through butter, they captured territories of Hollow Demons one after another.

After the ninth gate leading to the Hollow Demon Battlefield was opened, the Hollow Demon Battlefield began to slowly integrate with Blue Star. The Hollow Demon force of the Hollow Demon Battlefield began to leak into Blue Star through the nine gates, weakening the suppression of Hollow Demons on Blue Star. Similarly, the Hollow Demons in the Hollow Demon Battlefield will be weakened due to the decline in the concentration of Hollow Demon force.

The three great republics joined forces and launched an offensive. If there are no accidents, the early stage will surely be smooth sailing. The most critical battle will be the one that will break out in the vicinity of the Hollow Demon Heavenly Pillar.

Now that the Hollow Demon Heavenly Pillar took form, it will continuously draw Hollow Demon force from the Realm of Hollow Demons and channel it into the Hollow Demon Battlefield.

The closer they are to the Hollow Demon Heavenly Pillar, the more of their combat power can Hollow Demons display.

There are many experts in the Hollow Demon clan. Not long ago, in order to contain the quasi-Saint realm Wu Kuang, the Hollow Demon clan dispatched three Spirit Saint realm Hollow Demon dukes.

The absolute majority of Blue Stars Spirit Saints are being restrained by the Hollow Demon clan. This shows that the Hollow Demon clan has many top powerhouses

The decisive war that will take place when the vanguard army gets close to the Hollow Demon Heavenly Pillar is a war that determines the fate of Blue Star!

Shu Feng said: The public security of the Marsh Dragon Territory is a mess. The main reason behind this is that most people dont have enough food. I decided to provide work as a relief, construct a new Marsh Dragon City, and build roads in the Marsh Dragon Territory. What do you think?

Li Xuanyi replied, Great idea! The only disadvantage of this method is that it requires a lot of money. Do you have enough money?

Shu Feng smiled proudly and said, Money isnt an issue!

Shu Feng has obtained massive resources in the Hollow Demon Hunting Ground and the three Hollow Demon marquis manors. Through the Chen Family, Dark Hand, Crimson Eye, and the intelligence organization established by Adnan, he obtained countless resources and huge amounts of money.

Li Xuanyi uttered, I need the cooperation of Yanice and Luo Feng. Why dont we let Yanice take charge of public security and let Luo Feng take charge of the territorys infrastructure?

Shu Feng responded, Alright!

Li Xuanyi said, If theres nothing else, then you can leave! I have work to do.

Shu Feng smiled, turned around, and walked away.

In accordance with Shu Fengs will, the entire Marsh Dragon Territory began to move. The 200,000 residents poured into Marsh Dragon City and began to build. The whole Marsh Dragon City became a large construction site filled with the roars of spirit force machinery.

The 2,000 badge users commanded by Yanice were divided into teams that went to patrol the territory and arrest and suppress those who committed crimes.

The seeds of Marsh Black Rice and Marsh Pearl Rice were sown on many pieces of arable land in the Marsh Dragon Territory.

Shengyuan City is the core city of the Qianyuan Republic in the Hollow Demon Battlefield and is equivalent to the capital of this world. It is the headquarters of major institutions of the Qianyuan Republic in the Hollow Demon Battleground.

She Feng entered the general headquarters of the Qianyuan Republics military and saw many officers standing in long lines in front of counters.

Shu Feng looked around and walked to a small room on the side that seems private and luxurious.

Hello, this is the aristocratic family private office! Please show your family badge!

Shu Feng was politely stopped by a tall and pretty woman dressed in a military uniform.

Shu Feng took out his patriarch badge and handed it to the pretty woman in a military uniform.

The pretty woman took out a scanner and scanned the patriarch badge. The look in her beautiful eyes changed, and she smiled sweetly and said: It turns out that you are the partiarch of Yuanhais Shu Family! My name is Zhao Yi, please follow me!

Shu Feng entered the office and sat on a luxury sofa.

Zhao Yi put a cup of coffee in front of Shu Feng and asked with a bright smile: Patriarch Shu, what brings you here?

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