Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 377: Possible

Chapter 377: Chapter 377: Possible

Looking at the list of ten ingredients coining out of the No. 33 Food Material Library, Shu Juan’s tense spirit slowly relaxed.

The moment the entry froze, her heart was practically suspended in midair.

Because the Warehouse Self-Selection Ingredients is a very challenging type of competition, filled with uncertainty. If there are no familiar ingredients in the picked food library, the performance might be much less than ideal.

Luckily, the ingredients listed in the No. 33 Food Material Library were to her liking.

Upon seeing the combination of these ingredients, within a split second, she was determined about the dish that she would present in three days.

It was one of the dishes she was most good at, she believed that with three days of preparation time, she would certainly perform at a good standard.

The only uncertainty was whether the food library presented any limitations to

Qin Lang.

With that in mind, she stole a glance in Qin Lang’s direction.

She noticed that Qin Lang’s expression seemed very peculiar, as if he was greatly surprised by the ingredients in the food library.

Could it be that the ingredients in the food library were not within Qin Lang s mastery?

At the thought of this possibility, Shu Juan’s eyes suddenly lit up.

If that was the case, could she have a chance to win?

On the other side, Qin Lang was indeed surprised.

However, the reason for his surprise might be somewhat different from what

Shu Juan had imagined.

His surprise came from the special ingredient in the No. 33 Food Material Library.


Just recently, he had successfully prepared the final version of Pickled Mustard, after three rounds of steaming and three times of airing.

With no additional additions throughout the preparation process, the preparation of Pickled Mustard could be seen as a special processing technique for mustard, so it can be used in this Warehouse Self-Selection Ingredients competition.

Plus, there was pork belly in the No. 33 Food Material Library…

The choice of dishes was obvious then.

Shen Qian at the side also noticed the word “mustard” and, unable to resist, thought of a dish Qin Lang once shared with her and Zhou Tianhao when the Pickled Mustard was done.

She couldn’t help but glance at Shu Juan sympathetically.

If Qin Lang were to present that dish… It would be a massacre.

With completely different thoughts in the minds of the four contestants, the last drawing of the Elimination Competition comes to an end.

The audience and contestants each left the arena with the host’s words, “See you in three days”.

Qin Lang and Shen Qian left the arena together, swiftly converging with Zhou Tianhao who had just emerged from the audience entryway.

Not far from the arena, several figures seemingly casually laid their eyes on Qin Lang, their lips moving subtly in secretive discussion.

“Is the target confirmed?”

“Yes, after two rounds of screening, the organization has finally determined the target.”

“The organization is making quite a fuss this time, luckily, we have the Star Hunter as a cover, making those power players from the Association blind under the lamp.”

“I still think this method is somewhat risky, I heard that an organization impersonating the Star Hunter was visited directly a while ago…”

“Don’t worry, we have reliable information, at this moment the Star Hunter organisation has no manpower in Mingjing Province.”

“That guy called Zhou Tianhao next to the target is not weak, we need to figure out a way to separate him.”

“That’s easy, Zhou Tianhao seems to bear a grudge against the Star Hunter organisation. He responded to the call from the association and fought back against the Star Hunter organization.”

“So, he can’t possibly stay by Qin Lang’s side twenty-four-seven.”

“We just need one opportunity.”

Qin Lang was completely unaware that he was being watched.

Returning to the hotel with Shen Qian and Zhou Tianhao, the three of them together prepared a lavish dinner to celebrate advancing in the Elimination Competition.

“Big Brother Zhou, the Star Hunter hasn’t acted yet, will the situation become more severe?” At the dinner table, Shen Qian asked worriedly.

“The Star Hunter’s notice came quite early this time. Counting the time, the Rankings Match three days from now will be the last day within the period of notice,” Zhou Tianhao picked up a piece of food with his chopsticks, slowly speaking out after putting it in his mouth.

“According to the Star Hunter’s past trends, he will not act after the period of notice has passed, but will announce a failure.”

“Despite being a wanted criminal organization, they can’t completely trust the Star Hunter to obey this point, but it’s highly probable that they’ll strike on the day of the Rankings Match three days from now.”

“Three days from now, it’ll be the day when the Association’s defense is at its strongest. The whole Xianyu Arena will become a dragnet, as long as the Star Hunter dares appear, they’ll definitely not escape,” Zhou Tianhao raised a hand, clenching it into a fist tightly.

Qin Lang had a sip of juice, hearing Zhou Tianhao’swords, he felt a pang of unease for some reason.

He couldn’t help but ask, “Brother Zhou, besides the notice from the Star Hunter, have there been any other clues about them during this time?

“No.” Zhou Tianhao shook his head. “Presumably, they also sensed the association’s attention, and were very careful before making any real moves, not revealing any traces.”

“There are no other clues…” Qin Lang took a sip of juice, he suddenly said, “Brother Zhou, when I set out from Dongxia City to go to Jumping Fish Lake to participate in the Leaping Fish Banquet, I passed through Miredi City.”

“There, an incident happened…

He reported the incident of the leaked Star Power from beginning to end to Zhou Tianhao, then slowly said, “I suddenly have a bold idea, this time s notice may not have anything to do with the Star Hunter.”

Qin Lang’s guess was not entirely based on intuition.

At the Leaping Fish Banquet, Zhou Tianhao had encountered a powerful individual suspected to being a member of the Star Hunter organization. Now in Xianyu City, there was the notice from the Star Hunter.

This meant their tracks and the opposition’s tracks highly overlapped.

But all along the road, they didn’t find any clues related to Star Hunter, this alone was already very strange.

On the other hand, according to Zhou Tianhao, there were many powerful figures lurking in Xianyu City at the moment, many no weaker than himself, and even the only third-level Spirit Executor of Mingjing Province had already arrived in secret.

When the Star Hunter acted in Bai Lu Mountain City, he did so with full preparations and made sure no other powerful individual could come.

Would they really act so hastily this time?

“Other criminal organizations masquerading as the Star Hunter, deliberately framing the Star Hunter?” After hearing Qin Lang’s story, Zhou Tianhao’s eyes widened, “After I left Tianhua State, such a thing actually happened in Miredi City?”

Following that, he fell into deep thought.

“The possibility you brought up does exist,” Zhou Tianhao had to admit, After all, from the beginning to the end, we only received one notice, and found nothing else.”

“But…” a helpless expression appeared on Zhou Tianhao’s face, “Without concrete proof, the Association won’ t believe this.”

“I will report this possibility to Chairman Zhang.”

“That’s all we can do for now,” Qin Lang nodded slightly.

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