Headed by a Snake

Chapter 213 Trial By Combat

Justus racked his brain, trying to understand. Zehr implied that the Rhodok adventuring company had only seen half of the battle.

The Decanus turned back to Modestus, "Brother-Immortal, ask the other tent groups if there is a map amongst them. I believe there is a walled village a few miles north, but I would like to be certain."

"At once, Decanus," the old man saluted and hurried off.

Zehr approached Justus and grimaced at the woman in his arms, "Munifex Rena, you have steady hands, do you not?"

Rena, who had pretended to have fainted, scrambled out of Justus' arms and saluted, "I don't really have any practice with that sort of thing-- but if you're okay with being my first, I can give it a shot!"

Zehr hesitated... "I was going to ask you to help with the triage."

"Right away, Decanus!" The red-faced archer dashed away...

It looked like the Decanus had more to say to her, but he was left with his mouth agape as he watched her run off.

Was she ever really tired in the first place?

Zehr shut his mouth and gave Justus a weak smile, "And you, Munifex Justus, look like you are lost. Perhaps you wish you were elsewhere?"

Zehr's words were teasing and almost-friendly, but his golden eyes were narrowed in judgment.

"N-no, Decanus," Justus managed to stammer.

"Speak your mind quickly or hold your peace..." Zehr ordered, "I doubt we are more than a bell ahead of our enemies."

Justus steeled his courage. Zehr had mostly conveyed politeness and reason, but he still felt nervous being scrutinized by the man's bright golden eyes, "Decanus, you're saying the kobolds are still following us?"

The Decanus removed his helmet and gently shook his head of green hair, spilling down past his ears, "Indeed. And pray that they are following us. There's a chance they've gone ahead and cut off our escape."

Zehr shrugged as if it had nothing to do with him.

Justus felt so sick, he could vomit.

It felt like the lives of their entire cohort relied on the mercurial hands of fate.

"What... what are we going to be on the lookout for?" Justus asked.

The young Decanus raised an eyebrow, "Excellent question. The kobolds excel in ambushes, traps, and quick strikes utilizing a large number of troops."

Justus' eyes widened, "Then the reason the wagon train was stopped... and-- and the hail of crossbow fire and thrown pitch pots?"

"Right. They must have been prepared for quite some time," Zehr nodded. He pointed to the side, directing Justus' attention to the nearby brook. "We'll follow the stream, northward."

"But... won't they be expecting that?"

Zehr sighed, "We have the dilemma of choosing between speed and unpredictability. We have injured. Deaths can be prevented if we--"

That was ridiculous! Justus couldn't accept such a flawed plan, "But Decanus, more will--"

Suddenly, Justus couldn't breathe. He collapsed to his knees, grasping at his throat, tears hot at the corners of his eyes.

Zehr's hand had swiftly chopped him in the throat.

"Please don't interrupt me, Munifex." Zehr chided, "Nod your head if you understand."

Justus didn't want to talk anymore. He wanted to wake up and still be in the wagon or waking up in his tent after a sleep cycle. Still, Justus nodded, fearing a second strike.

"Very good. While along the stream is predictable, the slightly clearer ground will increase our group's overall speed, as well as make it difficult to set traps." Zehr paused in thought, "Do we have any skilled Rangers amongst our ragtag collection?"

Justus had managed to regain his breathing. Standing up, he nodded, "We do, Decanus."

"Excellent. They'll be earning their stipends, today."


"This is criminal. This is absolutely criminal," Justus complained.

One of the remaining Decani disputed Zehr's plan to travel upstream. And they chose to decide the fate of a third of the Rhodok adventuring company with a trial by combat.

Nevermind that they were being chased by hundreds, maybe thousands of hostile demi-humans. The pride of a Decanus was more important to appease than saving their lives.

"Shushhhh," Rena shot a vicious glare at Justus. "This is the first time I get to see my husband without his shirt on."

"Since when were you two wed?" he grumbled.

"Future husband! Same difference," Rena placed her arms vertically in front of her chest and rested her chin upon her fists to watch the show.

The two half-naked Decani stood six paces apart, wielding quarterstaves in an impromptu ring surrounded by the Munifices. The red-bearded challenger, Decanus Ferrutius, was just as surprised by Zehr's body as Justus was-- as everyone was.

Zehr, in his close-fitting leather armor, was easily mistaken for a woman due to his fair skin and thin features. Without his shirt, all that was dashed. Stark, clear lines defined his muscles, bulging and rippling with power.

When he was younger, Justus and his parents visited the larger cities in Rixus and Kasydon. The carved physiques of Tyrion war-heroes he had seen there looked plump and weak compared to Decanus Zehr.

Absentmindedly, Justus rubbed underneath his left pectoral, closer to his side. How... do you get that muscle so defined?

Rena elbowed him in the opposite side, causing him to jolt in surprise.

"Wh-what is it?" Justus glared, trying to hide his insecurities.

His childhood friend leered at him like an old man, "I saw you checkin' out mah man's abs. Are you jealous??"

Justus crossed his arms, "I... I have abs too."

Zehr stood calmly, observing his opponent. He held his quarterstaff with his fists in front of his thighs in a neutral, unassuming stance.

Ferrutius approached from the right and raised his staff to attack.

THWAP!! The length of Zehr's staff struck Ferrutius' bare chest, leaving a painful red welt.

Ferrutius struck down in anger, but Zehr side-stepped to dodge.

THWAP!! Again, Zehr's quarterstaff slapped against Ferrutius' back, causing the man to groan and bend backward in pain.

Justus watched the duel in deep thought.

Zehr was toying with Ferrutius. As fast as the Decanus could move, he could easily send an accurate strike at Ferrutius' chin or temple. Instead, Zehr struck with the broad part of his staff to inflict loud, painful bruises.

Earlier, Decanus Zehr mentioned wanting to lead a forward group to scout for traps and possibly skirmish with the kobolds. Justus wanted to volunteer himself. He was known as the Hero of Leopardon and had the rare Class, Holy Swordsman. There was no way he'd be refused, especially since their numbers had dwindled due to casualties.


Zehr's skill in combat was at a level Justus couldn't even fathom.

Could he really help his Decanus, even if he wanted to?

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