Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 43 A Vassal?

[: Affirmative...please wait for a moment...1%...10%...50%...100%...Completed :]

[: Primordial Omega Dragon God Bloodline has fused with Eternity Infinity Phoenix Bloodline and has formed a mutated Bloodline, Primordial Omega Nexus God :]

[: Primordial Dragonexus God :]

- A bloodline that has never been heard before and its history remains a mystery, but one thing for sure is that the Primordial Dragonexus God Bloodline has transcended beyond the understanding of 'Infinity', 'Eternity', and 'God' -

* Bloodline Skill: Primordial transformation, True Primordial Transformation, Forbidden Primordial Nexus God Transformation, Primordial Nexus Control, Nexus God Authority, Nexus Force *

* Bloodline Passive Skill: Primordial Nexus Qi, God's Body, Nexus Code, Eternal Universal Regeneration, Nexus Infinity Affinity *

'These are some galaxy busters skills' He had instantly mastered and understood how each of the skills worked and can't help but wonder if he should go for universe supremacy.

After all, each of his skills is devastating enough, if harnessed for even a mere second, it possesses enough capacity to end the entire world.

If before he was unstoppable, now, he has evolved into the epitome of invincibility.

"Come here Crista, I've got something to give to you"

After receiving his rewards from the quest, it was time for him to uphold his promise to Crista, and he looked forward to her reaction.


Crista tilted her head as she wondered what he needed, but seeing the reassuring smile of Fresia beside him, she came forward.

"From now on, you're my disciple and the person that I care for. If there was no happiness in your life before, then let me be your shining light" He comforted.

For some reason, Crista liked the feeling coursing through her body when Daniel caressed her hair as he comforted her.

It felt calming and warm just like how her mother used to comfort her when she couldn't sleep at night.

It was an addictive sensation that she wished it'd last forever.

Nevertheless, once Daniel placed his hand on her head, he began using all of the cards on her.

''It's alright, don't be alarmed'' He said.

Though she wondered at first what was happening.

But after listening to his words, her heart was filled with pink.

Nevertheless, an unexpected power began filling her up like a bright shining light that became her miracle.

[: Crista Vicil has received Star Cluster Physique(???), Ark Angel Bloodline(???), Holy Miracular Spiritual Root(???), Faith of God(???), Judgement of Believer(???) :]

Essences of light began surrounding her as they transformed her body into holiness. Her hair and eyes became as pure as the holiness of white which was mixed with the colour of gold.

And her body which was in ruins was repaired instantly and they became 100 times stronger than before.

When it ended, Crista cried once again and was greatly emotional which needed her to calm down for another half an hour.

Her entire existence had changed and now, she became the epitome of purity and holiness as though she was the Holy Maiden that belonged to the Heavenly Harem Sect.

"Alright. Now that I've completed part of my goal, I'm planning to return to my sect. It's time for my girls to return to the sect''

Daniel said as he announced his next plans to both of them.

Crista was still absorbing what she had seen after receiving those cards.

She couldn't believe that such godly figures could exist and she wondered just what kind of miracle she encountered.

But because of that very reason, her gratitude towards her master had started to distort.

Due to her physique and spiritual roots, her speed of comprehension had affected her mind as well as maturity, thus, it can be said that she has developed a dangerous emotion for her master.

'Master...I'll gladly serve you for the rest of my life... hehehehe She made an oath in her heart as she stared at her master with eyes of obsessiveness.

On the other hand, Fresia was excited about the sect which she had been looking forward to since becoming his disciple and also a woman.

But before that could happen, they'll need to fetch Elizabeth and Megan from their house before Daniel could bring all of them to the sect.

''Crista are you fine now?'' He questioned after noticing how she had calmed down after the initial shock of receiving the cards.

''I-I'm fine master...'' She replied but at the same time, she was baffled by how her voice had cured and she couldn't help but almost let her tears out.

''Good. Although I wanted you to rest more, I wanted to bring you and all of the disciples I have recruited back to the sect. Is it fine with you?'' He asked.

''I-I'm fine with it master'' She didn't want to be a hassle to him and bring him down.

Moreover, like Fresia, she also wanted to look at the sect that her master has established.

''Great, Then Fresia, can you lead the way to the Tristan Household?'' He requested with a smile, and of course, Fresia didn't hesitate to obey.

''Gladly Darling'' She replied with a seductive smile as she created a portal that led to the Tristan household.

As he visited the household of Tristan using Fresia's ability, Zuke was surprised yet expected their visit to his house.

"Young Master, I never expect you to visit us once again!" Zuke welcomed them with open arms and he noticed 2 new presence that came along with him.

'Hm? Even the matriarch of the Romenia Family and the daughter of the Patriarch Vicil Family has come. Does that mean?'

He raised his eyebrow at the realization, and he smiled widely.

"My visit to this city is partially completed, and I wish to take Elizabeth as well as another disciple of mine back to the sect" He explained his situation.

"But I never expect the Patriarch of the Jazz Family to be here today. What a coincidence" Daniel noticed Viston sitting down on one of the chairs as he sipped his cup of tea.

"You can just ignore me, Great Master. Zuke and I were just having a conversation regarding a certain matter that we wanted to discuss with you"

Zuke and Viston eventually wanted to explain their decision, and now that Daniel had visited them abruptly, it was a chance for them to present their astonishing idea.

"Oh? A matter that both of you wanted to discuss with me?" Daniel was intrigued by the idea. As the sect leader of his disciples, he'd naturally assist them in however his women wanted.

But seeing them taking the initiative, he wondered what would be their plans. Thus, he can't help but show an interest.

"Great! If the young master would like to hear, then, perhaps Elizabeth and Megan should join in our conversation. After all, it involves them as well" Zuke said.

He then called out his daughter who was with Megan in another room and as they entered the guest's room, they immediately went to Daniel's side.

"Master!" Both of them yelled at the same time as they had been waiting and yearning for his presence.

"It seems like both of you were eager about your newfound body that you've made progression"

He was taken aback that their cultivation base had risen from the Mortal Realm to the Foundation Realm 1st stage within a day without any Spiritual Stones provided by him.

But due to their physique, spiritual roots, and cultivation manual, their speed was a behemoth.

It was nothing to be surprised about, but for their fathers, it was horrifying and it put them into shame. Nevertheless, they were still proud of them.

"It's all thanks to Master for giving me this opportunity" Elizabeth proudly claimed as her feelings for Master grew over the past one day.

For someone who couldn't cultivate, her gratitude for Daniel was beyond comprehension it quickly grew into obsession.

Her respect for him was no longer the boundary between a student and a master, but rather, a worshipper and a god.

He was her god at the same time, her man and Megan felt the same as well.

"B-Because of Master, I could finally cultivate" She tried showing her best method to thank him, but it came off as quite as cute.

"Well I'm glad that my disciples are satisfied with gifts, and surely this won't be the end" He smile and chuckled softly at their cute reactions.

"And come to think of it, both of your fathers wanted to discuss a certain matter with me and they wanted both of you to join in as well. So why don't all of us have a good discussion while having tea?" Daniel suggested.

Both Zuke and Viston nodded their head and Zuke called in his servants as they quickly put down teapots, cups as well as some desserts.

The ladies took their seats around Daniel and as Daniel took the cup of tea, he was greatly pleased at how it tasted.

"This is a good tea" He complimented.

"I'm glad that you like it young master" Zuke was pleased that his collection of tea could finally show its value.

"So now that all of us have gathered, I'm interested in hearing about what both of you wish to say" He eventually raised the main point that both of them wanted to convey.

Hearing that, Zuke gazed at Viston who nodded his head, and as Zuke took a deep breath, he eventually explained his reason.

"Young Master...the truth is we both have abolished our clan or to be precise, our noble status in wanting to become the vassal to your sect" Zuke finally said.

Initially, Daniel raised his eyebrow in trying to comprehend his words, but upon pondering further, he realized the meaning behind his words.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but both of you want to submit and lower yourself to a clan that's not even a Grade 2 yet?"

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