Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 82: Two Branches of Kunlun

Chapter 82: Two Branches of Kunlun

Chapter 82 : Two Branches of Kunlun

Lao Ma: "...Brother, the poor also have dignity, and they also have a life to live."

Lu Chen grunted and said, "Life to live, who are you fooling with all that shit?"

Lao Ma said seriously: "Although we are poor, we still have dreams, Don't we? If you look at this place with your heart, you will feel that this place is really good!"

Lu Chen shook his head speechless, turned around and called out to the dog, "Ah Tu!"

Ah Tu woofed and ran over, followed Lu Chen and Lao Ma to the inside. This house actually covered an area that was not too small, with two front and back entrances facing the street ......Well, the front hall was facing the alley. Lao Ma had set up a counter. It seemed to be made into a store model. The back was a small courtyard, not large, it was in the shape of a square surrounded by corridors on both sides. Further back there were two rooms, which were not too big, but it was still enough for people to stay and sleep.

"Huh, it's not bad." Lu Chen said to Lao Ma.

Lao Ma was instantly happy and laughed, saying, "I was right!"

"It's barely okay to live in, forget about doing business, it won't pay you anything."


Lu Chen stood in that bare courtyard, casually said: "Get some rockery stones to put here, plant some grass, and plant two trees, and it's almost done."

"Go away, I don't have money to toss those boring things!"

Lu Chen chuckled, and did not take it seriously, and asked another question, saying: "You just said that there are still big families living in the city around here?"

Lao Ma scratched his head and said: "Oh, it's actually not too close, it's about two streets away. That is the gathering place of the old mansions of the big* families in the city, and many of them have either explicit or implicit intimate relations with the Kunlun Sect."

Lu Chen nodded, this was also a matter of course, Kunwu City was under the Kunlun Mountain, a large Kunlun fraction of the Sect coiled here, no matter who it is, it is necessary to hug this huge thigh.

Lao Ma walked towards the back room, opened one of the rooms and said, "For now you will stay here, later when Zhenjun's place would properly be arranged, you will be arranged to enter the Kunlun Sect directly."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Okay."

At night, Kunwu City gradually quieted down, the night breeze swept back and forth. The lights of thousands of houses lit up. In the city's slightly inconspicuous corner, in that shabby and simple alleyhouse, Lao Ma and Lu Chen moved a small table in the courtyard, then each of them took a stool, with a pot of wine, two cups, three plates of small side dishes, sat down in the courtyard and started gossiping.

A cold moon hung high in the night sky, a faint clear light sprinkled down, gave the courtyard a little bit of light, and under the surrounding roof there was darkness. In the shadows, Ah Tu like a ghost peeked out from the dark corners of the corridor, looking around carefully, and then wagged his tail in the courtyard sniffing around, and sneakily slipped under a corner to pee, and ran back to Lu Chen contentedly, stretched, and then sat down at Lu Chen's feet.

Lu Chen casually picked up a chicken feet from the plate and threw it, Ah Tu did not even get up, but he stretched his neck forward, and grabbed the chicken feet in one bite, and then leaned against Lu Chen's feet and chewed happily.

Lao Ma looked at Ah Tu and said: "In a few days you will go up to the mountains, what will happen to this black dog?"

Lu Chen picked up the wine jug and poured wine into his cup, and said under his breath, "First I'll leave it here with you, wait until I'll settle down in Kunlun Sect, and then see if I can take it to the mountain."

Lao Ma rolled his eyes and said, "The Kunlun Spirit Mountain is the most blessed cave in the world, the mountain is full of immortal* birds and beasts, If you will get such a lame dog up there, what would it look like?"

Lu Chen touched his chin, thoughtfully, and said: "Hey, when you said that, I suddenly remembered that I used to struggle outside while working, when the ghost gate closed and I was in danger, I had to eat those various demonic beast's flesh and blood, but I've only these legendary immortal spiritual beasts only few times or never....... "

Lao Ma's face sunk, he glared at Lu Chen, and said: "Hey, you have not yet gone up the mountain, but the first thought you have is about whether the meat of the mountain spirit beast is good or not, it's not very good!"

Lu Chen laughed and said, "I was just thinking about it."

Lao Ma gave him a suspicious look and said, "But why do I always feel that you have some malicious intentions?"

"Cut it out, the heart of a villain!" Lu Chen disdainfully dropped the topic and said, "How is the current situation in the Kunlun sect, can you tell me about it?"

Lao Ma nodded and said: "Now the large Kunlun Mountain Range, has been in the hands of the Kunlun Sect, where the spiritual mountains has continuous peaks and ridges, for thousands of years countless divine caves have been opened up, but the most important location, or the so-called 'Sky Dome*' has these four stange peaks Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. It's in the depths of Kunlun, suspended above the mountains, is the first-class wonders of heaven and earth. The legend says that it was created precisely 5,000 years ago when the great star fell into the world."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "I have also heard of the four suspended peaks between the clouds in the sky, although I have not witnessed it, but I think it must be a magnificent spectacle of heaven and earth."

Lao Ma said: "More than that, it is said that the four suspended peaks, which have spiritual energy filled with ten times more than that of the mortal world, is a natural holy land of cultivation. In the Kunlun Sect, in addition to the two gods, I heard that only the firstborn ture Daoist Yuanying is qualified to set foot on these four strange peaks."

Lu Chen raised his wine glass, clinked glasses with Lao Ma, and laughed: "I wonder if the two of us will have the opportunity to go up there in the future?"

Lao Ma shrugged his shoulders and laughed: "Stand up on the ground and look up a few times, there would probably be a chance."

Lu Chen laughed and drank his cup of wine, then said, "Tell me about those Sect figures."

Lao Ma pondered for a moment and said, "Nowadays, the cultivation world is full of masters, although Kunlun sect can not be said to be the first, but it is still among the top five sects. There are quite a few outstanding talents in the sect. But in the future, after your initiation, you still need to pay attention to one thing."

When he said this he slightly lowered his voice, and said: "Kunlun Sect has been inherited so far, the Daoist tradition has never been broken, but there are two ancestors, Kun Yuanzi and Tie Luo, so There are actually two factions in the legal system that has been passed down over the years, one is called 'Kun Zhi*' and the other is called 'Tie Zhi'."

Lu Chen frowned and said, "What, these two schools do not get along?"

Lao Ma said, "The face and heart do not get along."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Could it be that there is a lot of private rivalry and fighting?"

"Not bad." Lao Ma laughed a little and said lightly.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Huh, that's strange."

Lao Ma said: "It's nothing strange, because now the Tie Branch of the Kunlun Sect of this lineage, has been in decline for many years, but the Kun Branch side is increasingly strong. Today, the Kunlun Sect has the two Great Masters of transformation gods, Tianlan and Bai Chen, who are from the Kun Branch of this lineage, out of the nineteen Nascent Soul* Daoists, fifteen are from Kunzhi, what do you think?"

Lu Chen said: "Well, if that's the case, then it is no wonder that that lineage of the Tie Branch has to pin up its tail and behave."

Lao Ma laughed, and said: "Who said it is not, originally Kun Branch and Tie Branch were the two major law lineage inheritances, and had an equal share of Kunlun Spirit Mountain, not to mention the other, the four strange peaks of the Sky Dome between the clouds were also two on each side. But as today one is for Lan Zhenjun, Bai Chen Zhenjun has one, and the remaining two are also occupied by the fifteen Nascent Soul Daoists from Kun Branch. If you were a disciple of Tie Branch, what would you do?"

Lu Chen thought about it for a while, then smiled and said, "Or just rebel!"

*Big: Rich

*Immortal: Fairy

*Dome: Cloud

*Zhi: Branch

*Nascent Soul: YuanYing

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