Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 92: Dark Temptation

Chapter 92: Dark Temptation

Chapter 92 Dark Temptation

Yi Xin didn't hear clearly for a moment and asked, "Brother Lu, what did you say?"

"Well...it's okay." Lu Chen thought for a while, and then said: "Did you tell your family when you went back? Your Yi family is considered a family in Kunwu City, and there are many people from this family in the Kunlun School for so many years. And have a good friendship with the sect, please ask your parents to find someone to talk to about it?

Yi Xin smiled bitterly and said, "I went back and told them about it, and my family had also asked someone to speak for me, but ......" her voice dropped at this time and she said softly, "Our Yi family's current situation is just so so."

Yi Xin didn't say anything more, and Lu Chen didn't continue to ask. Some truths have been the same since ancient times, and it is difficult to change even if the times change. Perhaps the Yi family produced outstanding talents a long time ago, and passed down the family business from it, but the things in this world are no longer realistic. Now that you are weak, your natural voice is not loud enough, and even the former Friendship will also slowly become thinner as the years go by.

A powerful Golden Core cultivator is enough to create a family inheritance, and He Yi is such a prodigy who is favored by everyone. They think that he will definitely achieve Golden Core in the future, and many people even think that he may have the hope to hit a powerful one. The incomparable real Nascent Soul. With such a character, it is obviously uneconomical to say that someone who is prone to injustice would fight against an ordinary family that has nothing to do with him.

What's more, in fact, He Yi never came forward to really feel sorry for little girl Yi Xin from the beginning to the end. It's just that his younger brother loves other girls, so he pursues them wholeheartedly.

"This thing looks quite troublesome." Lu Chen sighed softly and said to Yi Xin.

Yi Xin wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and said, "Big brother Lu, you are so powerful, you can help me, right?"

Lu Chen looked at Yi Xin, only to see her sitting there and looking at him with eyes full of expectation, after a moment, Lu Chen suddenly laughed and said, "Why should I help you, what's in it for me?"

Yi Xin froze for a moment as if she didn't expect Lu Chen to say such a sentence at all, and after a long while, she stammered: "Ah ...... this, this, Brother Lu, I ...... am not, I do not know ...... I think you are a good person, you are quite good to me, I, I thought you would definitely help me."

Lu Chen laughed dumbly and said: "Who told you that I am a good person, you little girl's brain is too simple, no wonder people force you."

Yi Xin had a bitter face, as if she didn't know what to say for a moment, so she could only mutter in the end: "I, I just think that when you were in the land of confusion, Brother Lu, you saved me and helped me like that, so ...... so I just think you are very good."

"Tsk ......" Lu Chen was speechless for a moment, shook his head and pondered for a moment before saying, "Anyway, I'm not the kind of person you think, I can't work for nothing. If you want me to help you solve this matter, you will have to pay some reward too!"

"Oh oh oh, I should, I should." Yi Xin repeatedly said, "Brother Lu, what do you want, as long as I have, I will give it to you!"

Seeing her eagerness, she really wanted to get rid of He Gang's entanglement all at once, obviously she was about to be driven crazy.

"So, okay, then you can give me your body." Lu Chen said.

Yi Xin instantly froze like a wooden stick, her mouth opened wide, as if she had instantly turned into a stone. After a few moments, she suddenly saw a vague smile hanging at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, which snapped her back to consciousness, stomping her foot in shame and annoyance, and said angrily: "Brother Lu, you, what are you saying? ah!"

Lu Chen laughed: "What, just one sentence and you can't stand it anymore?"


Lu Chen said: "I see that when He Gang came to pester you, you were ashamed and angry but panicked from the beginning to the end. You had no power to fight back. Was your mood the same as now?"

Yi Xin realized, but her cheeks still felt a little hot, and she whispered: "It's about the same."

"Hmph!" Lu Chen sneered, with a bit of undisguised mockery, and Yi Xin suddenly felt her face getting hotter. And Immediately heard Lu Chen say: "I'll help you out with this, but I haven't figured out what the reward is. You owe me, and you just remember to promise to do something for me in the future."

"Okay, okay." Listening to Lu Chen's words, Yi Xin suddenly felt that she suddenly saw a glimmer of light in the darkness, and hurriedly agreed, and then looked at Lu Chen with an expectant face, as if seeing an omnipotent god general.

The hot gaze, even a cheeky person like Lu Chen could not stand it. He glared at her, then said: "Just now I thought about this from beginning to end, and I think your biggest problem is that there is no way to sue, if your master of the Golden Dan realm will be out of the gate, perhaps you will not be in such a mess?"

Yi Xin did not hesitate to say, "Of course, Master Dongfang loves me the most, if he came out of the gate, he would never sit back and do nothing."

"Well, then it's clear. The most important thing now is to let you wait until your master leaves the test. There are also ways. It's very simple. There are two ways."

Yi Xin's eyes immediately brightened, and she looked at Lu Chen with a sense of admiration, and quickly said, "Brother Lu, teach me quickly."

Lu Chen stretched out his first finger, and said: "First, you pretended to be perfunctory to He Gang, and stabilized him first, and even allowed him to take advantage if necessary, and endured until your master came out of the customs, and officially accept you as a disciple before turning the other cheek."

Yi Xin froze for a moment, then suddenly shook her head hard and said decisively, "No!"

Lu Chen looked at her and asked, "Why?"

Yi Xin had a look of disgust on her face and said, "That person is so disgusting now, every time he comes over to pester me, he says and does things as if he wants to eat me up. I can't stand it."

Lu Chen nodded to show that he understood, and then said, "In that case, there is a second method. But now the situation you should understand yourself, so to use this method, it depends on whether you are ruthless enough."

Yi Xin looked a little bewildered and said in confusion, "Brother Lu, what do you want me to do, what is ruthless enough?"

Lu Chen smiled faintly and beckoned to her, Yi Xin complied and walked to his side, leaning down slightly, and then saw Lu Chen whispering something in her ear.

Yi Xin listened and listened, her face slowly changed, first in amazement, then her body trembled slightly, seemingly excited and fearful, mixed with a complex look of flushing, for a moment, she was stunned to straighten up, looking back at Lu Chen, as if struggled to say: "This, this is okay?"

At this moment, in the dead of night, the man was silent, just sitting quietly at the table in the pavilion. For some reason, Yi Xin suddenly had a strange illusion that the man in front of her seemed to suddenly become very strange.

At that moment, Yi Xin felt that the darkness around her was coming in like a tide, crowding around the man, blurring his face and making him hide in the darkness. Even the faint smile he occasionally showed seemed to carry a trace of the coldness and chill of the night.

"I told you earlier, I'm not a good person." After a while, Lu Chen, who was sitting in the darkness, said indifferently.

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