Hellmode ~A Hardcore Gamer Becomes Peerless in Another World with Retro Game Settings~

Chapter 512: To the capital Rabul

Chapter 512: To the capital Rabul

After some time, the patriarch returned to the room with a letter requesting an audience with the Heavenly King. Allen took it and the group headed to the capital on Tam-Tam.

The divine realm's continent looked like an inverted triangle, similar to North America, and the capital was in the middle.

"Allen, are you sure that I have to meet the Heavenly King as well?"

Abigayle still felt unsure if he also deserved meeting the king, as he had hardly helped.

"Of course, please come with us."

(I'll only get some good use out of Abigayle and the dragonkin later though, assuming they keep their word after they get stronger.)

They were gathered in Tam-Tam's cockpit. Hearing Allen's reply, Abigayle just said "I see."

He did not feel comfortable, but had to agree since Allen would help the dragonkin later.

They were just traveling to the capital, so there was little else to talk about.

Some time later Dogora approached Allen.

"Allen, get Bron in here."

"Sure, come out Bron."


Bron appeared in a corner. The Stone D summon was good for target practice, its Special Skill [Protect Oneself] doubled its Endurance, even after gaining stats from Growth.

Dogora took out his weapons and changed his equipment to raise his Mana.

His magic bag was filled with food and training equipment.

"I'll join you too."

Shea also changed her equipment and trained alongside Dogora.

(It'll take us a few hours to reach the capital where the Heavenly King is at this speed.)

Using Thousand-mile Eyes, Allen calculated the distance to the capital.

Seeing there was time, Allen took out a pot and began using Grass B summons to make Heaven's Blessings in a corner. Before he would use Grass D summons to make Mana Seeds, but Heaven's Blessings gave a lot more Experience.

Doing that required bigger Magic Stones which cost 100 times more, but were more convenient.

Now that they were working with Peromus' company, it was also easier to acquire Magic Stones, so Allen did not have to worry about the cost of them.

As soon as he created a Heaven's Blessing, he used it, since he as well as Dogora and Shea needed Mana, which did not regenerate in the divine realm. Instead there was Spiritual Power.

[Results of experiments on Spiritual Power]

-B Rank ghosts give Spirit Stones that regenerate 200 points of a single target

-A Rank ghosts give Spirit Stones that regenerate 200 points of multiple target

-The area of effect of Spirit Stones from A Rank ghosts is 50 meters

-Spiritual Energy fully regenerates in 6 hours

-Spiritual Energy capacity is the same as Mana

-Grass F summon's Special Skill [Aroma] and Awakened Skill [Herb] have no effect on Spiritual Power's regeneration speed

-Skills can be activated with Spiritual Power

-Spending Spiritual Power also grants Experience

-Experience gained from Spiritual Power is the same as Skills activated with Mana

(So that's how the dragonkin could use Skills without Mana. I could switch to Spiritual Power too, but that's not efficient when farming Skill Experience.)

Allen could not create items to regenerate Spiritual Power.

He would keep Spiritual Power as a reserve for Divine Techniques.

"Hmph, hmph!"

Dogora's breath became heavier as he swung his axes at the Stone D summon.

He seemed to be frustrated after the fight with Nestiad, where he was unable to do anything.

At least Allen was glad he found more motivation in the divine realm.

(I'm almost jealous of him. Though I guess I'm in no position to think that.)

Allen watched Dogora's potato face training. Allen was at Level 140, higher than everyone else.

Dogora and Shea had reached their maximum of 99, unable to gain more stats, but Allen continued gaining Levels without limit. Though if Allen and Dogora had a physical fight, Dogora would win. Stats mattered a lot, but Allen did not have any Skills to fight with weapons.

No matter how many Levels he gained, that was something that would never change.

Now that they were encountering Demon Great Generals and Demigod Rank ghosts, there were less enemies Allen could just overwhelm with stats and push through.

His fighting style as a summoner was largely based on him using his Intelligence to observe the fight from afar through summons and command that way.

(I really want to fight myself though. But I guess it wouldn't be very balanced.)

Allen understood that was a selfish wish. He was just jealous of how fearlessly Dogora charged at Nestiad.


Kagutsuchi was placed against the wall, glowing slightly from the Goddess of Fire's presence.


'Hm? What is it?'

Allen wanted to ask something.

"If you defeat ghosts and gain Divine Power, will Kagutsuchi also grow stronger?"

Dogora's power was determined by his stats, Skills, and weapons.

Freya wanted to gain more Divine Power herself, so Allen wanted her to work for it so they could defeat strong ghosts like Nestiad.

'Hm? Well, yes. A sacrifice will always be repaid.'

"Thank you. Let's work hard so you can become a Higher God too then."

'I appreciate that. Though Higher Gods also have their duties, so I'll have to prepare myself.'

It would take a lot of ghosts to reach that point. Though being a Higher God would also be more stressful for her.

(I see, she wants more power but not responsibility. She sounds like an office worker that doesn't want to get promoted.)

Powerful Gods also had many responsibilities. Her attitude towards them was very human-like.

But at least Allen got confirmation that Kagutsuchi would get stronger.

A few hours later the capital of Shandar came into view.

Even though the divine realm lacked resources, the city was built in three layers.

"Is there really a need for tall buildings when we're already so high above?"

Cecile wondered that, since they were already above the clouds overlooking the human realm.

"I guess it's a matter of pride. The king wants to live in a good city."

(Though it's not particularly large for a city. It's 10 kilometers wide at most.)

The buildings were quite big, but small compared to Baukis or Prostia's capitals.

Both of those were at least 100 kilometers wide.

Those countries also had populations of nearly 100'000'000, while Shandar's was around 10'000'000.

[The capital's layout]

-First layer: 10 kilometers in diameter

-Second layer: 3 kilometers in diameter

-Third layer: 1 kilometers in diameter

The layers were supported by 1 kilometer columns, and the buildings also were made mostly by columns to let light inside.

Tam-Tam landed a distance away and everyone headed to the entrance of the first and largest layer, where a divine person stood as gatekeeper.

(I see no dragonkin here. Oh right, apparently they were chased out for not working.)

Allen recalled what the patriarch had said. No one crossed the Gate of Judgement in thousands of years, so there were less dragonkin around making it harder for them to hunt ghosts.

The Heavenly King turned his back on them and chased them out of the capital.

The group approached the gatekeeper, Allen thinking how there was always a gatekeeper wherever he went.

"Stop there! You aren't divine people!!"

(That's a harsher reception than I expected.)

"Yes. I'm Allen, I came from the human realm."

"What? The human realm? I see, so it's true someone crossed the Gate of Judgement."

There had been rumors about that already. 3 days had passed since their arrival.

"Yes, we did. Could we pass?"

They needed to pass to offer the Spirit Crystal Stone.

"You're not dragonkin, are you?"

"No, though there's a dragon with us, Should I bring him here?"

Kurena and Haku were in the S Rank Dungeon.

Allen continued talking with the gatekeeper, and Kiel was once again impressed by how easily he did that.

"There's no need for that. Why did you come to the city of Rabul where our Heavenly King resides?"

"The patriarch entrusted us with a letter so we may meet the Heavenly King."

"Hm? And why would a dragonkin have that kind of authority? That's extremely rude."

The gatekeeper glared at Abigayle as he said that, displeased with what he heard.

(I see, so that's how they treat the dragonkin here.)

According to the patriarch, there were a few million dragonkin in the divine realm.

There were more dragonkin in the divine realm than dark elves in Fabraze, but Arbus was still called king. The low position of dragonkin meant their leader was not called king but patriarch.

"I understand that, so I apologize for it, but it's an urgent matter."

Allen did not argue, since that would only slow down things. The moment Allen mentioned they had hunted ghosts with Abigayle and obtained a Spirit Crystal Stone, the gatekeeper's attitude changed.

"Oh, ohh? Ohhhh!! You came to bring a Spirit Crystal Stone to the Heavenly King!! Why didn't you say so earlier!!"

It took him a few seconds to process it, but he quickly understood what Allen was there for.

"That's it. Could we have an audience with the king then?"

"I'll take you to the prime minister. He'll arrange things for you."

(I guess we didn't need the patriarch's letter after all then.)

The patriarch's letter had no use in the end. Maybe he had written it in a desperate attempt to give dragonkin more validity.

They crossed the gate and saw the city on the first layer, with many columns in sight supporting the layers above. As they tried to head into the main streets, the gatekeeper stopped them.

"Huh? We're not going there?"

"No, that's the commoner's city. You'll have to go higher to meet the Heavenly King. Enter the transportation room there."

There was no point in visiting the first layer, and instead they were taken to a room next to the outer wall, which the gatekeeper opened.

The floor inside had some symbol drawn on it.

"So there are teleporting devices in the divine realm."

Allen said impressed.

"Yes. The Goddess of Magic Isiris gave them to us in exchange for a favor before."

"That's incredible. So divine people receive direct boons from the Gods."

"Precisely. I'm glad you're starting to understand the greatness of divine people."

Allen chose to flatter them for now.

(So Isiris is directly helping the lives of divine people.)

Allen felt like that information could be useful.

The group stood on the symbol as told. 100 people could easily fit in that room.

"Hm? Spirit Stones?"

"Yes, they're needed for the device to function. You should present more to the Heavenly King."

As they stood in the center of the room, Allen noticed a device in a corner, where Spirit Stones were put. They began to glow, and then they were teleported.

"Are we there now?"

"Yes, this is the second layer, the city for nobles."

They instantly reached the layer above. They could see outside a bit, but there were buildings in the way.

The gatekeeper led them out into the city.

"So the third layer is for royalty, the second for nobles, and the first for commoners?"

"That's probably it. And visitors need to go through the second floor."

Cecile noticed that the buildings and inhabitants of the second layer looked more refined.

The people there had clear limits between each rank of society, having them isolated on layers.

Everyone was taken to a mansion by the gatekeeper, it looked like an important building.

"Wait here for a bit."

The gatekeeper entered the mansion, probably to arrange things. So far the patriarch's letter had not helped them at all.

And so Allen's group arrived at the capital city of Rabul, where the Heavenly King resided.

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