Hellmode ~A Hardcore Gamer Becomes Peerless in Another World with Retro Game Settings~

Chapter 551: Muras’ Dungeon Conquest

Chapter 551: Muras' Dungeon Conquest

Allen had planned on getting through the 5 A Rank Dungeons in the next few days.

He went there with Cecile, the terrified Rodan and Gerda, Muras whose eyes were twinkling, and one of the generals of Allen's Army, Ryback, who brought two of his men.

"Ryback, I know how busy you are, so thank you for still coding to accompany us. Have you gotten used to being a Shield King?"

"Yes, I'm currently working on strengthening my Skills."

(He's still acting rather formally.)

Ryback had recently become a 4 Star Shield King, and was the general of the human troops of Allen's Army, which had joined Allen after the elves, dark elves, dwarves, beastmen, and mermen. Allen was in charge of overseeing the entire Army, so he also wanted to talk with them during these days.

Allen had decided that the Talent Change Points he had would be spent first on Helmios and Galara's parties, and then the Army's generals.

In the Army, the generals did not have as many chances to fight directly, but having better Talents helped them keep respect from the troops, and also be stronger against the Demon King. Not to mention that Ryback and his men used shields, so they were the main defense.

That was another reason why Allen picked him before the other generals.

(I still need to get more Talent Change Points though.)

Ryback fell silent, and Allen looked at a long corridor in front of them.

"Everyone, we're going to fly. Stay in formation and advance together."

"Okay! Brother Allen!!"

Unlike Rodan and Gerda, Muras was not afraid at all of the B Rank monsters there.

Everyone floated into the air thanks to Kuwatoro's [Floating Wings], while [Thousand-mile Gaze] let Allen see where all the enemies were.

They were also flying so they would not step into any traps.

Allen went on the front, followed by Cecile, then Rodan, Gerda, and Muras in the center, with Ryback behind them and his two men next to the center group.

They all had seen the layout of the dungeon, so they flew in a straight line to the end.

After turning a corner, they saw a lion-like monster 100 meters in front of them.

"Maria, use Poltergeist."

'Yes! Diee!! Poltergeist!!'

Allen brought his Wraith C summon with Growth Level 9 50 meters ahead, and had her use the Special Skill [Poltergeist], and a moment later the B Rank monster's head was blown up.

(I knew summoning Maria was a good idea.)

The Wraith C summon's Special Skill took very little time to activate, so it was ideal there.

"Good job, Maria."


A few seconds later they flew through the spot where the monster had been.

"Woah?! What's that!!"

Gerda only noticed the monster as they passed through, but it still shocked him.


After half a day, they reached the end of the A Rank Dungeon, where the body of a giant dragon lay maimed.

(I have to check this for their safety.)

Those monsters would sometimes keep moving even if their heart was destroyed, so Allen checked the Grimoire to make sure they were defeated.

'You defeated 1 Heavy Dragon. You gained 1600000 Experience.'

"Good, we defeated it."

"Yayyyy! Brother Allen is so stronggg!!"

"Yes, but if I'm not around then you should never get close to a dragon."


Muras jumped with joy, and Allen patted her head.

"Allen, we just went through an A Rank Dungeon in half a day."

"We have no option, Cecile. There's too many dungeons we need to get through."

"That's not what I'm trying to say."

They had gone there so Rodan and Gerda could gain a Talent, and Muras could have a Talent Change. They had been working on that the entire day, and now it was already getting late.

After waking up early in the morning, first they went to register the three as adventurers, since otherwise they could not get into the dungeons.

Allen's exploration of the divine realm had been stopped, and he still had things to discuss with his army and the Academy City's expansion.

Because of that he had tried to hurry everything as much as he could, but some things were out of his hands.

[Things he was able to speed up]

-The 10 year old Muras' registration as adventurer

-Skipping the C and B Rank Dungeons

[Things he could not change]

-Requirements for a Talent Change

-Requirements to enter the S Rank Dungeon

Allen had tried to become an adventurer when he was 8 years old, but was rejected until he turned 12. The guild only would register those who had developed their body enough.

But now Allen was a S Rank adventurer, and everyone knew of him, so the guild let him register Muras, and gave him permission to take everyone to the A Rank Dungeons.

So in the end, they were able to complete the A Rank Dungeon the same day as they left Rodan Village.

The rules of the S Rank Dungeon and Talent Change Dungeon were placed by the Dungeon Master Digragni though, so those could not be overruled so easily. While the guild would let royalty enter dungeons even when they were 5 years old, if accompanied by knights.

Having Levels could make it easier for them to study faster, so they would often be taken to dungeons for that. And Allen was doing something similar for his family.

Now they all stood in front of the cube that appeared in the last floor of the dungeon.

'Congratulations, here's your Certificate of Conquest for this A Rank Dungeon.'

They were given new certificates.

"Here, Muras. Take good care of it."

"Okay! Thank you!!"

They obtained certificates with 1 stamp. They needed 4 to enter the S Rank Dungeon.

(Hmm, so in two days they should be able to enter the S Rank Dungeon.)

Sophie and Luck would be back around that time, so Allen would get them to help too.

"I've been wondering for a bit, but wouldn't it be better if more people came along?"

Finally able to catch a breath, Kurena's father Gerda asked that question.

They were only 8 with Ryback and his men, which seemed like too few people compared to the enormous dragon. Even with Rodan they would take 30 to 50 people to hunt boars.

"With many people you rely on them too much and never learn to deal with things yourself. Try to get used to moving as a group of 8."

Rodan and Gerda wore orichalcum armor and looked shocked hearing that.

(Individual Skills don't improve in large parties after all. 8 is the upper limit.)

Allen recalled the players who always went in parties of 10 or 20 were always really bad in games. They would only attack or use healing spells without much thought.

Being in a smaller party taught them when to attack, defend, heal, or use a Skill with a long cooldown but that would cause a lot of damage.

Allen wanted Rodan to become stronger, but also a better gamer so he could defend the village.

"You really are merciless. Somehow this reminds me of the time you brought five of us here."

Cecile sighed thinking back to their days in the Academy. Back then they all needed to fulfill their roles as best as possible as there were only a handful of them.

"I'm hungry…"

Muras started holding her stomach.

"Right, we should go back to the village for a bit."


They were done with the dungeon, so they returned to Rodan Village.

Ryback and his two men also went with them, as they would accompany the group.

Gerda went back to his house, while Allen ate with his family, and Muras then went to bed.

After that Allen went to the forest nearby to try the Divine Technique he had obtained.

"I wonder what your new Skill is like."

Cecile went with him too.

(I'm almost trembling with excitement.)

He could not wait to see if the Divine Technique he had obtained in the Spirit Paradise was worth the effort. He had come to this world to grind and speedrun it after all.

"So first I should say [Divine Technique Activation] and I should be able to use it. So… Divine Technique Activation."

Just like many of his friends, he had also gained the Divine Technique Activation Sill.

<em class="chakra-text css-0">Click

Multiple glowing numbers appeared in the air around him, which started to form a magic circle.

<em class="chakra-text css-0">Beep

The Grimoire appeared in front of him, a log appearing in silver letters.

'You have used Divine Technique Activation. You obtained the Divine Technique [Generation]. As this is the first time the Generation Skill is being used, the Bird H, Grass G, Stone F, Fish E, Wraith D, Dragon C, Angel B, and [-] A have been unsealed.'

(What's this!)

Allen took a deep breath and went to check his stats.

[Name] Allen

[Age] 16

[Talent] Summoner

[Level] 220

[Strength] 27015 + 17000

[Mana] 43180 + 24000

[Spiritual Power] 59180

[Attack] 15116 + 23200

[Endurance] 15116 + 34000

[Agility] 28079 + 44200

[Intelligence] 43190 + 56000

[Luck] 28079 + 10000

[Skills] Summoner (9), Create (9), Synthesis (9), Strengthening (9), Awakening (9), Growth (9), Grimoire Expansion (8), Inventory, Fast Summon, Equivalent Exchange, Command, Kingship, Sharing, Divine Technique Activation, (Sealed), Delete, Swordsmanship (5), Throwing (3)

[Divine Technique] Generation 1 (1)

[Experience] ~100'000'000 / 10'2900'000'000'000'000

-Skill Level:

[Summoner] 9

[Create] 9

[Synthesis] 9

[Strengthening] 9

[Awakening] 9

[Growth] 9

[Generation 1] 1

-Skill Experience:

[Create] ~22'000'000'000 / 100'000'000'000

[Synthesis] ~20'000'000'000 / 100'000'000'000

[Strengthening] ~30'000'000'000 / 100'000'000'000

[Awakening] ~18'000'000'000 / 100'000'000'000

[Growth] ~10'000'000'000 / 100'000'000'000

[Generation 1] 0 / 10000

-Summons Acquired:

[Insect] Seal A B C D E F G H

[Beast] Seal A B C D E F G H

[Bird] S A B C D E F G H

[Grass] Seal A B C D E F Seal

[Stone] Seal A B C D E Seal Seal Seal

[Fish] Seal A B C D Seal Seal Seal Seal

[Wraith] S A B C Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal

[Dragon] Seal A B Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal

[Angel] S A B Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal

[ - ] S A Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal

-Holder (All 90 slots):

[Insect] 8 Total: H x 1, G x 1, F x 1, E x 1, D x 1, C x 1, B x 1, A x 1

[Beast] 8 Total: H x 1, G x 1, F x 1, E x 1, D x 1, C x 1, B x 1, A x 1

[Bird] 18 Total: G x 1, F x 1, E x 1, D x 1, C x 1, B x 1, A x 11, S x 1

[Grass] 6 Total: F x 1, E x 1, D x 1, C x 1, B x 1, A x 1

[Stone] 5 Total: E x 1, D x 1, C x 1, B x 1, A x 1

[Fish] 5 Total: D x 1, C x 1, B x 1, A x 1, S x 1

[Wraith] 14 Total: C x 1, B x 1, A x 11, S x 1

[Dragon] 25 Total: B x 1, A x 24

[Angel] 1 Total: A x 1

[ - ]

[Weapon] Orichalcum sword: Attack 10000, Attack 5000

[Armor 1] Dragon hide armor: Endurance 8000, Physical Damage taken halved

[Armor 2] Dark dragon coat: Endurance 4000, Magic Damage taken halved

[Ring 1] Intelligence +5000, Intelligence +5000

[Ring 2] Intelligence +5000, Intelligence +5000

[Bracelet 1] Mana Recovery 1%, Endurance +5000, Intelligence +5000

[Bracelet 2] Mana Recovery 1%, Endurance +5000, Intelligence +5000, Cooldowns halved

[Necklace] Intelligence + 3000, Intelligence + 3000

[Earring 1] Physical Damage dealt +7%, Intelligence +2000

[Earring 2] Physical Damage dealt +7%, Intelligence +2000

[Anklet 1] Quickstep, Agility +5000, Dodge Chance +20%

[Anklet 2] Quickstep, Agility +5000, Dodge Chance +20%

-The Bird S, Fish S, and Wraith S summons raise different stats by 10000

-The additional stats to accessories came from Kasagoma's Divine Techinque

-After obtaining Graham, Allen focused on raising his Intelligence

"The summons I have available have increased so much!"

(What just happened?!! This has to be a good speedrunning strat!!)

It had been a long time since Allen felt that way, his heart beating fast with excitement.

Allen had obtained the Divine Technique [Generation].

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