Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Chapter 35 35. Assement

Even now, as the assessments were still going on, Lucius could see countless figures in the white academy uniforms pouring through the golden gates.

Most were entering with a dazzling flint and anticipation in their eyes, but there were still a few that could be seen leaving these gates with only despair. It was obvious that these people didn't make the cut.

Looking at this, Lucius couldn't help but tighten his fist.

Although he had confidence that his schemes would get him in, he was still a little nervous.

Lucius, Alice and Camilla all got down off the carriage and averse saying goodbye for the drivers all strode through the golden gates.

Within a few minutes, Lucius and the group had already made their way through reception and registered.

Even though Camilla was different from the noble children and got recommended as a commoner with outstanding talent, the people in the sanctuary weren't fools.

They wouldn't just believe the person that gave the recommendation, these things still had to be tested for themselves for them to be passed through.

Lucius knew that Camilla and Alice would pass easily. Their talents were enough to turn heads anywhere they went. He could just hope that his talent that he cheated would be enough to carry his way through the examination.

Within just a few minutes, both Camilla and Alice had their names called and entered their respective examination rooms. But before they left, they didn't forget to give Lucius one last word.

"Good Luck Lucius, I'll see you inside the academy!" Called Alice

"I'll also be waiting for you inside the academy." Said Camilla calmly.

Of all the people here, Camilla obviously had the most confidence in Lucius.

In fact, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that she had more confidence in Lucius than she did herself.

Lucius could only let off a conflicted smile as he watched the two enter.

Soon it didn't take long before he also heard his name.

"Lucius, please enter test room 5"

Hearing his name, Lucius didn't procrastinate and quickly moved up.

As Lucius walked, he confidently pushed open the door and walked inside.

As he looked in, he could see a wide room with a group of 5 examiners sitting down at a desk whilst various sets of equipment lay inside the room

Suddenly, the examiner at the centre of the desk spoke up.

"Lucius, correct?"

"Yes sir, " replied Lucius unhurriedly

"It says here that you were recommended by Baron Moore in a recent talent scouting. Is that true?"

"Yes, that's all true." Replied Lucius.

"Well, since we've confirmed that it's the right person, then we can proceed with the test. First, start with strength."

Since this was an assessment, naturally there would not be any way to cheat, so it was impossible for Lucius to use the magic equipment he gained from the amulet of the high king in this scenario.

Right now, they slowly wanted to test Lucius's raw stats.

Obviously, because not everyone was like Lucius with a system panel, they had to use magic equipment to find it out.

Taking a deep breath, Lucius walked over to the strength measuring equipment.

It was not all too dismissed from one of those punching machines you see in an arcade

Just a machine with a large padded punching box in it.I think you should take a look at

Lucius didn't hold back and gathered all his strength in his limbs and entered a solid stance and punched out with everything he had!


Beep! Reading detected! Strength- 7 points!

As the examiners saw the number, they all frowned slightly.

In their eyes, this reading really wasn't all that good for someone who claimed to be a fighter student like Lucius, but even with this, they didn't overreact and just quietly noted it down. Maybe he was an agility based fighter or even an archer, so it wouldn't be that bad in the end.

But as time went on, their expectations were soon shattered.

Lucius soon came to the agility test strip and sprint across at speeds that would leave college athletes impressed

As the beep went of the reading was sound shown

Beep! Agility 6 points!

Under the stunned gaze of the examiners, Lucius conducted the other the other tests

Beep! Endurance 6 points.

When it came to his magic test, the examiner's jaw dropped.

As he walked up to the crystal ball and placed his hand on it the examiners and Lucius both waited for a while, but there was simply no reaction.

Staff: ….

Lucius: …..

It wasn't until the man at the centre of the examination table let off an awkward cough that they escaped from the embarrassing state.

"Cough! Young student, it seems like you have no magic power. That's why there was no reaction. No matter how long you stay at the device, there will be no reaction."

As Lucius heard this, even his shameless skin turned a little red in embarrassment.

As The examiners to the side that heard this, their faces tune a little ugly.

What the hell was this?

Was this kid playing some prank?

How did this kid get a recommendation into Sanctuary !'

How can someone join Sanctuary with no mana!

It wasn't that there had never been such cases before but they were exceptional freakish students with strong physiques or other qualities that compensated but who was this kid in front of him.

Although his stats weren't bad, that was only among regular people.

He may be able to stand out amongst them and even become a valiant soldier, but this was Sanctuary!

All Strength under 3rd class fighters was useless noise!

Although deep down inside, the examiners all wanted to kick out this sub par student, they still held it inside and waited for the most important talent test to be completed.

Nobody was willing to take the risk!

A few years ago there was a similar situation where they kicked out a student who didn't meet the basic requirements only to find out later that he had a master grade talent.

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