Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 119: Rumors

Chapter 119: Rumors

Oj exited the car and slowly walked around the premises. He looked around him and it was mostly forest. There weren't many homes or any type of buildings at all. The road was also not as well developed as it had many dents. 'I guess this is the perfect place to start the investigation Well, At least the best place so I don't get detected even before getting close to the factory. I need to walk a bit before I actually get there but I can observe anything off around this area as well because such isolated places will often have people hiding around.' He noted as he continued down the road. 

Oj was careful and on high alert, the last thing he wanted now was to be spotted. Slowly but surely, Oj finally reached a spot from where he could see the military factory properly. It had heavy guards all around the vicinity and it seems like all of them were on high alert. 'I should have requested them to at least ask the military to not be on high alert like this Even making it slightly loose could have made it easier for me but it seems like things will be difficult for me right now. It's 5 pm right now, I'll have to rest here. Make camp and then get into the factory late at night so the visibility is less.' He planned as he made a small spot to rest on and quickly set up a timer to sleep. 

Midnight and Imani both were on the highway, they were going towards the abandoned factory to investigate. It was the best option for them at this moment due to the recent complaints and the missing officer. Midnight had a serious expression on her face. She seemed to be slightly worried. 

Imani saw Midnight's expression and smiled, "I don't think we need to worry about anything related to the facility anymore They probably won't face any more attacks so that's that. We have more security personnel there and even the awakeneds in the facility are on high alert. They would need an entire military force to properly attack the facility so it's pretty much safe. So why don't we only worry about the mission?" She said in a friendly tone. 

Midnight nodded, "I'm not worried about what might happen to them but more worried about what might happen to us" She looked at Imani for a brief second. Imani, who was confused by Midnight's words shook her head, "What do we have to worry about? I'm sure we can deal with many top-tier awakeneds if we work together so it'll be fine I can also hear them from far away because of my ability so It'll be a safe investigation." 

Hearing Imani's words, Midnight shook her head, "You're right, we don't need to worry about the criminals at all But we should worry about Hana here. I know that Ryan has taken many preventive measures so that we won't meet her in the field. And even if we were to meet her, she wouldn't get mad at all But the situation is very delicate for her. Out of everyone, this entire thing had to be related to that mad scientist. Hana might be cold and even outright scary at times but she would never be violent with us unless we did something worth it" 

Imani nodded, "exactly, she wouldn't do anything to us because we've done nothing bad The rumors seem to be a bit too far fetched for me to grasp. She might just be rude and anti social but not the type of attacking us without warning." She spoke with doubt. 

Midnight slowed down the car, "That's the problem. The rumors are the truth. Someone nearly died before, A few dozen hospitalized and she was nearly forced to isolation before. But that was all around 10 years ago, when Hana was only 15 After that, she hasn't had that many problems from her until that scientist is mentioned. As soon as he is mentioned, Hana turns from cold to murderous That's my worry." She slowly spoke. 

Imani, who seemed to be dismissive slowly turned towards Midnight with slight fear. She remembered back to hearing the rumors and dismissing them. She didn't ask Ryan about them as she just assumed them to be baseless rumors but Midnight, someone who is known to be truthful is telling her that the rumors were true Nothing but shock and fear filled Imani's mind.

Alex walked around the room and warmed up a bit. He heard a familiar female voice, [Challenge mode. No training.] He was slightly confused by the words but he didn't mind them as they didn't seem to be that useful for what was about to happen soon. 

After a few dozen minutes of waiting, Alex finally heard that deep voice again, "Now that rest is up, You must be completely healed The challenges shall continue as normal now. I have some hopes for you, This is the farthest someone has come in the last 50 years Good luck!" The voice dissipated as the scene around Alex scanned. He didn't feel like he was falling but as if the floor was moving on its own. 

Alex looked around and noticed that it was indeed true, the floors were moving around. The entire room was being dragged around. HT walls slowly changed and the place seemed to look different. It still looked like a dungeon but it was different. Alex quickly ran around trying to familiarize himself with the surroundings but he noticed that by the time he reached one corner of the room, he could hear small groans behind him. 

Following the sounds of the groans, Alex turned around to see the leaching gremlins again. Looking a bit happy and sad at the same time, Alex jumped back, "I won't jump to attack them just yet, I need to know who the other enemies are That guy mentioned that there were two types." Alex was right to be patient.

A few wolf like creatures jumped out of the walls, if they had kept themselves hidden, Alex would have been taken down while trying to kill the gremlins.

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