Hogwarts Outsider

Chapter 196: “Sad Status Quo”

Chapter 196: “Sad Status Quo”

Matthew couldnt believe his luck.

Amidst such a crisis, he had been saved in such a straightforward manner.

Had Professor Rosier appeared later, or had other wizards loyal to Grindelwald been present, the outcome could have been entirely different.

Matthew couldnt be certain that, even if he had been startled and unprepared, and even with the aid of the mysterious book, he couldnt have stood against five or six seasoned adult wizards.

And even if they had managed to defeat them and escape, the subsequent situation would have been far from favorable.

With people aware of his visit to the Hogs Head Bar, Matthew would effectively become a social pariah.

He would have to leave Hogsmeade, depart the wizarding world, and live in exile as an obscure wizard

Such a life was undoubtedly fraught with difficulties.

Fortunately, Professor Rosier appeared under the moonlight on Hogsmeade Avenue, Matthew felt grateful to be in the company of someone as seemingly cold as Professor Rosier.

If I recall correctly, you were working at Honeyduke Candy Shop over the summer, correct? Professor Rosier stopped, glanced at Matthew, and spoke at a measured pace.

Yes, Professor, Matthew responded promptly and respectfully. Thank you so much, Professor Rosier I was terrified just now. I had no idea what was happening. I thought I was really about to be sent to Azkaban

Matthew had fully transformed himself into a frightened young boy, blurting out phrases like, Its dreadful Azkaban is like hell, Ive heard. Im so fortunate that you arrived

Yes, you are indeed fortunate, Professor Rosier remarked, her mouth curving slightly in what appeared to be a touch of irony.

Matthew wasnt entirely sure about the meaning behind her words.

For a while, he dared not respond.

The moonlight illuminated Hogsmeade Avenue, and the two of them remained motionless.

Professor Rosier didnt glance at Matthew but rather at the bright moon above.

Professor Rosier? After nearly thirty seconds, Matthew couldnt help but whisper.

Its disheartening, Professor Rosier sighed.

I cant believe how deeply our corruption runs

This time, Matthew was taken aback.

Werewolves Vampires Blackmailers Butchers Muggle sadists Professor Rosier continued, still not looking at Matthew but rather at the moonlit sky. When I was younger, I would have used my wand to send them all to hell. But now, I have no choice but to cooperate with them

Matthew suddenly found himself at a loss for words.

Its disheartening, dont you think? Professor Rosier repeated, her tone laden with bitterness.

Matthew felt that nodding in agreement was probably the most appropriate response

Do you believe theyre there to capture the remnants of the dark wizard? Her voice now carried a hint of irony. Impossible Do you truly believe they dont know? That bar was merely an ordinary one before. A simple, ordinary bar that has endured for over fifty years Countless unsuspecting customers may have passed by at any time

Its because they know that they do this Professor Rosier shook her head. Did you think they were pledging allegiance to Lord Grindelwald? No, theyre simply serving their own interests!

Ah, I see, Matthew suddenly understood.

Before, something had struck him as peculiar The Hogs Head Bar had always been frequented by individuals of all backgrounds.

While it didnt host many patrons, it certainly wasnt lacking in visitors.

If wizards entering the Hogs Head Bar were all destined for Azkaban, would it mean that one-third of the wizards in Hogsmeade would be incarcerated?

It now made sense that there was a deeper purpose behind this operation!

Its disheartening, Professor Rosier reiterated for the third time. Power, when placed in the hands of individuals like that, is used for nothing but abuse.

The new generation of Alliance are like this!

Whats even more disheartening is my need to seek our greatest interests in cooperation with such individuals.

She finally spread her hands, and then fell silent.

Once again, the two of them stood in silence for a while, and Professor Rosiers emotions seemed to ease somewhat.

No lingering concerns, Wickfield? Professor Rosiers voice started to convey a bit more concern.

Im fine, Professor! Matthew quickly assured her.

It seemed that she harbored no suspicions about him, much like the believers at the Hogs Head Bar earlier.

At this point, Matthews mood had improved considerably.

Todays situation didnt appear to be as dire as he had initially thought!

Head back and get some rest, Professor Rosier instructed, waving him away. Remember not to venture out recklessly during this time, especially in unsavory areas

I understand! Matthew nodded eagerly. To be honest, I didnt even want to come here originally. It was Madam Rosmerta who She recommended this place to me.

Ill inquire about that with Rosmerta later, Professor Rosier said impatiently. Lets go now. Youre a good lad, and I believe Lord Grindelwald wouldnt misjudge someone like you

Her voice alternated between heaviness and lightness. In the future, strive to become an upstanding wizard. Dont become like those who came before you Were all growing old, you know. The future belongs to you Our greatest interests are ultimately achieved for your sake

No, Professor, youre still young Matthew retorted quickly.

Professor Rosier offered a faint smile.

Thats just for show, she murmured.

Then, her form dissipated into a black mist and vanished before Matthews eyes!

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