How the Cult Saves the World

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

I almost choked on my soup. Did Sevenus don't like me spending so much time at the temple?

Well, our whole family used to believe in Diego Faith.

I cleared my throat and forced a smile.

"Yes. I feel like it's fate that I visit the temple often. It somehow makes me feel at ease."

As soon as I said that, Sevenus slammed his spoon down.

What's his problem?

Sevenus' eyes darkened.

"Revy. You only go to that temple for treatment."

Was he telling me not to get involved in anything else? I had no intention of doing that, kid.

"Sevi, don't be like that."

Thankfully, Mother intervened before Sevenus got more angry.

"I just want Revy to be healthy. Whatever he does, whatever he wants, it's all up to Revy."

"But, Mother---"

Sevenus tried to say more, but Mother cut him off.

"We have no right to force anything on Revy."

His lips shut tight at her reasonable words.

As expected of my mother! As if I had a thousand troops behind me, I felt reassured.

-Your brother is good at saying mean things.

'I sometimes want to punch his mouth.'

-Haha, you shouldn't do that.

I was about to say more to Kyros when it suddenly happened.


I suddenly felt nauseous. It felt like something was trying to burst out of my stomach. I covered my mouth with my hand.


I saw the surprised faces of Mother and Sevenus. I quickly got up from my seat, knocking over the chair. I was torn between leaving the room or taking out a handkerchief.


I couldn't hold back the vomit and spat it out on my hand. Then, the sickening feeling subsided.

-Oh, child! Your hand!

Kyros exclaimed in shock as I looked at my hand. There was a blue worm the size of my finger joint.

'Did I just throw this up?'

I almost gagged again, but then I realized what this worm was.

It was a Malone worm.

-Wow, child! Is this the cause of your illness?

'Yes. It is.'

I wiped the saliva from my mouth and smiled faintly.

Finally, I was cured.

"Young Master... You are... Cured. Your condition is much better than before! I don't know how it happened, but you are healthier than an average person!"

Dr. Frank, who was examining me, said with tears in his eyes to my family.

Mother, who had been anxiously watching over me, hugged me as soon as Dr. Frank finished speaking.

"Revy, my baby. You've suffered so much."

It wasn't just Mother. Sevenus also looked at me with reddened eyes.

"I'm so glad."

I hugged Mother back and cheered inwardly.

'I'm finally cured!'

I didn't have to take Pasrel poison anymore.


I wanted to run around as much as I could, but I restrained myself and just smiled.

Come to think of it, I noticed that the amount of blood loss had decreased significantly a while ago, but I didn't expect to be cured.

I was very happy.

"My baby, you'll only have happy things from now on."

Mother stroked my cheek and shed a tear. I looked at her for a moment and then put on a serious face.

"Mother. There's something I want to tell you."

It was time.

Mother looked into my eyes and dismissed Dr. Frank and Paul the butler.

Now only Mother and Sevenus were left in my bedroom.

Mother dabbed her tears with a handkerchief and faced me squarely.

"Yes, Revy. My baby, what is it?"

I couldn't open my mouth easily. With Mother and Sevenus' eyes on me, I spoke with difficulty.

"I... I'm sorry to say this to you, Mother, but there's something I want to do."

Mother's hand warmly wrapped around mine.

"Yes? This mother will support you no matter what you do, Revy."

I overlapped my hand on hers and held both hands.

"I want to convert to Kyros Faith."

It was almost like an announcement. But Mother didn't waver as if she had expected it. Rather, it was Sevenus who was surprised.

"Revy! Do you know what you're saying?"

Sevenus stomped over to us with a loud noise. I looked at him with an unchanged expression.

"I know what I'm saying, brother."

It meant that I would give up all my rights as the son of a count and devote myself to a religion.

I didn't need any status or position as a nobleman.

I looked at Mother and Sevenus while speaking earnestly,

"I've always been trapped in this room. I had nothing to do, nothing I wanted to do. I was just waiting for death."

Mother and Sevenus closed their mouths.

"But hope came to me, and I finally regained my life. I want to dedicate myself to Kyros Faith, the one who gave my life back."

Was it because of my improved acting skills, or because of the memories of the real 'Revelof' in my head? As I spoke, I became sincere.


Sevenus called me with a pitiful look. Mother had a calm look. She nodded her head after looking at me for a while.

"I understand, Revy. If that's what you want... Let's do that."

As Mother gave her permission, Sevenus couldn't say anything more and bit his lips. He had a lot to say, but he swallowed it.

"Thank you, Mother."

"Please... give me a little more time with you, my son. I want to spend the time I missed with you, even if it's only now."

Mother said that without shedding tears, but somehow she sounded like she was crying. I had no choice but to nod.

"Of course."

Mother asked me for a week. But I didn't spend all that time with her.

She only had two days to spare. For the rest of the five days, she had to deal with her work in advance to make time for me.

During those two days, I hung out with Mother and Sevenus. We reminisced about our childhood and went on a picnic at a lake near the city. We also went boating.

We walked along the streets of Elyn while holding Mother's hand and hired a famous painter to draw a new family portrait.

And finally, the two days passed and tomorrow was the day I would leave Holden.

After spending time with my family in the late evening, I packed my things to take to the temple. I could have asked the servants to do it, but I wanted to do it myself.

I packed some expensive jewels that I could take right away from my personal property and put some clothes in a bag.

-I'm so sad.

Kyros had been crying and sniffling all the time while I was with my family.

'Don't be sad, Kyros. This is all for Kyros Faith.'

I was tired of listening to Kyros' whining for the past few days, but I tried to be kind to him.

-Hmm... It feels like I'm the one who broke up a happy family.

'No, you're not.'

If we don't spread Kyros Faith widely, the world will end. Then everyone will die whether they are a happy family or not.

'Is this enough clothes?'

Knock, knock.

As I was wondering if I should pack another bag, the door opened with a click.


It was Sevenus.

What was he doing here? He had been sulking ever since I declared that I would convert to Kyros Faith.

He didn't initiate a conversation with me or anything while we were spending time with Mother.

He was acting like a spoiled child.

"Yes, brother?"

I stopped packing and tried to get up from the chair, but Sevenus came over to me and stopped me.

"You don't have to get up. Keep doing what you were doing."

Well then, I don't care.

I opened another bag and stuffed some clothes in it. I felt Sevenus stare from my side.


Why are you staring at me? Just say what you want to say. You brat.

"You could have asked the servants to do this."

"...No. It's not like I'm taking much, anyway."

"Why don't you pack more?"

Actually, the jewels I packed were enough. They were worth several years of the temple budget.

I needed some clothes to wear, so I packed a few sets. But, once I entered the temple, I would wear the leader's uniform almost every day, so I didn't need that many clothes either.

Two bags of luggage were just right.

"This is enough."

When I finished packing roughly, Sevenus handed me something.

"Take this."

What he gave me was a silver pocket watch with Holden's seal engraved on it.

Why...? As I looked at Sevenus with a puzzled look, he stared at me fiercely and opened his mouth.

"Even if you're leaving, it doesn't change the fact you're still a Holden. You will always be Revelof Holden, my brother."


It was cheesy but quite touching. I smiled.

-What a tearful brotherly love! Sob.

Then, Sevenus' lips curved slightly.

"You can come back anytime. Mother and I will always be here."

I put the pocket watch in my chest and nodded.

"Yes, brother."

Holden's mansion was busy since early in the morning. Today was the day Revelof Holden, the second son of the Holden family, would depart.

There were two carriages in front of the mansion. One was for Revelof while the other carriage was for his luggage.

The servants were busy lodging the luggage onto the carriage. Revelof sighed inwardly as he watched them.

'...Did I pack that much luggage?'

He only packed three bags for himself. Two of them were clothes and one was jewels that weren't very big.

But now, the servants were struggling to fit in several heavy chests.

"Mother, there seems to be more luggage than what I packed."

Finally, Revelof asked his mother, Leira, who was watching the situation. She smiled brightly.

"Of course, Revy."

Revelof was surprised by Leira's explanation. She had prepared not only his personal property but also a generous amount of money for him.

That wasn't all. There was also a huge donation for Kyros Faith. The amount was comparable to 'Tear of the Sun' that they had given to Kyros Faith as a reward before.

This was the decision of Leira and Sevenus. They wanted to express their gratitude for curing Revelof's illness and ask for his convenience with such a donation.

'That greedy leader should value the rewards properly.'

Sevenus thought so; without realizing that Revelof was the leader of the Kyros Faith.

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