How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 178 - 178 Loch’s Limit

Chapter 178: Chapter 178 Loch's Limit

The unknown mother ship group followed the order and turned on the maximum engine to approach their target. At the same time, it pushed all the explosives in stock into the launch pad, just like the old hunter staring at the prey and getting closer, carefully filling the shotgun ammunition and preparing to lock the prey for itself, the most powerful fatal blow.

Long-range fireships and frigates have also begun to fill bombs. According to this posture and the special form of bursting energy release, even if the planet will not turn into powder like those rocks because of gravity, it will become a planetary-level glass ball.

But they won't be given this opportunity.

Just as the Fourth Fleet and the planet approached a certain distance, a mother ship class had a movement.

A rattling sound spread throughout the mother ship class. Whether the alien is in the bow or the stern, this strange sound can be heard.

It's like some kind of 'giant beast', which bears the power of the upper limit of its own ability. The desperate wailing, the voice is dull and powerful, and makes people's teeth sour. It seems to be in a fierce confrontation with unknown forces. It is easy to make people realize that it is not that the ability of the 'giant beast' is too weak, but that it is applied to the 'giant beast'. The strength on the body is too huge.

Located in the engine part, the command and the subordinates to repair the damaged area, and the cabin captain who debugged the engine was the first to react.

This sound is the sound he is most familiar with. It is the sound caused by the stress on the distortion of the frame when the architectural frame is on the verge of the limit.

The cabin captain soon realized where the root of the problem was.

"Dragon bone! It's a keel! There is something wrong with the keel of the mother ship!"

He shouted like this, so that his men could quickly realize the root of the problem.

However, before he could figure out what power the mothership keel had suffered, it was too late.

They all hit the metal bulkhead heavily. Not only them, but all the crew of the mother ship encountered the same emergency. The only difference was that the direction of the metal wall smashed was inconsistent.

At that moment, they seemed to feel that they had returned to the ground, and the thick chains tied their whole body, and even they needed considerable strength to fight against it.

This change was disastrous. The huge mother ship finally reached its limit. It couldn't stand it any longer. In this competition against invisible forces, it was defeated.

The loser should look like a loser. The mother ship class gradually disintegrated under the shocked eyes of the crew. The special armor with pop-sound function on the outer layer is useless and has no role in this competition with unknown forces.

The disintegration begins from the weakest part of the keel, just like being torn apart by some invisible force. The outer armor is like glass debris, scattered and falling off in the universe. It requires sub-light shells, and it requires Huo Gu to prepare huge energy to destroy it. The mother-class warship that the aliens are proud of, just In this way, it simply ushered in its destruction.

One collapse is the turn of another, one after another, destroyed by invisible opponents. Just now, it is still majestic and arrogant, intending to launch annihilation of the alien Fourth Fleet, which is now like a chicken held in the palm of the hand by a giant, with no power to fight back at all.

"What's going on?"

Bokoal couldn't believe his eyes. At this moment, he even doubted whether he was dreaming, otherwise how could he see something so beyond his cognition?

His belief, his pride, his pride, are gradually collapsing with the destruction of the motherships.

"AI! Tell me, what's going on?"

At this time, Bocall could no longer control his emotions and shouted hysterically.

[In the data summary... please wait a moment]

"I don't want it later! I want it now! Right away! Immediately! Give me the answer information you want!"

"Immediately! Did you hear that!"

If AI is a living person,

Now I'm afraid that Bokohl, who is out of control, is strung to his neck and pressed on the ground with a gun to his forehead.[Data summary completed... quality point]

"What did you say?"

Obviously, Bocoal did not understand the short answer of AI, and AI gave a more detailed explanation in a humane way.

[The limit of the gravitational force of a large-mass object, when a large-mass object gravitations a small-mass object, the maximum distance that a small-mass object can be torn apart by the gravity of a large-mass object]

[Analysis of the reasons for the disintegration of the mother ship class]

Of course, Bogaard knows what the limit of celestial gravity is. Every alien who is qualified to board a space warship knows what it means. This is common sense.

But common sense belongs to common sense, but there are some things that he can't understand or understand.

"You told me that the reason for the collapse of the mother class is the limit of celestial gravity?"

"Then you tell me where the celestial bodies are!"

Bocaul patted the display screen angrily. The picture shows that the mother ship is still disintegrating at this moment. Countless crew corpses are exposed to outer space and become floating space garbage. is accompanied by armored debris, which are shown in the sun's light. It's sparkling, but there is nothing except the alien side.

Fortunately, the display screen is virtual imaging, otherwise Bokohl's angry shot will probably be scrapped on the spot.

[According to the analysis results... Preliminary speculation: the mass point comes from the colonial star]

[At present, the gravity in the direction of the colonial star is zero]

"You mean the planet...?!"

Just as Bocaul wanted to say something, the whine came to the flagship, and the flagship was no exception. Even if it was a flagship, with a special status than other mother ships, even if its keel was ten times thicker, it was fragile like a piece of tofu in front of the cold physical laws, and gradually disintegrated.

"Tell me which ships are spared!"

[Small ships, the smaller the quality of the ship, the greater the probability of survival]

"The whole ship is on the order! Withdraw..."

As the last order was sent out, Bocaul's voice was submerged in the collapsed ruins. The flagship mother class was like a whale with a split abdomen, and there were blood stains called 'wreck fragments' scattered on the track, including the commander of the Fourth Fleet.

Bocaul's eyes stared straight ahead, and his eyes were dull. Several steel bars penetrated his body and nailed him firmly to the captain's bench. The winding coils burned his neck and even his shoulders into coke with sparks, and a little blood of body temperature floated from his mouth, nose and wounds.

However, he will not feel any pain. The round hole on the side of his head and the matching gun in his hand have foreshadowed that he was completely dead long before the complete disintegration of the flagship. Now this is at most a destruction of the corpse.

The remaining warships of the Imperial Fourth Fleet began to turn their backs to their colonial star and embark on a return journey called 'Escape'.

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