How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 237 - 237 Delegation

Chapter 237: Chapter 237 Delegation

The place of negotiation is on the satellite of a gaseous planet. A physical planet is very cold because it is far away from the stars and is covered with ice and snow all year round. Therefore, it was chosen as the negotiation place because it is very far away from Mian and Selene, and both sides can be convinced.

The planet was chosen by Hogu, but the Selins must be the first to land, which is a tacit understanding between the two sides. Therefore, after receiving the planet marked by Hogu, the delegation set sail immediately.

The mother ship creature representing Huogu set out later. During the whole operation, it blatantly released a radio signal and showed its position to the Selin people, and so did the Seline delegation's spacecraft.

Unlike the Selin people, Huo Gu went to negotiate by himself. It's not that it doesn't want to be handed over to the collectors, but the collectors are not competent. To put it well, it's simple. If it's hard to say, it's stupid. Let them negotiate with the Selin people. Maybe they are sold and happily count money to others.

Once the negotiation is over, it is not easy to change the story. It is a damage to trust. Since we intend to solve it peacefully, we should pay attention to this trust, at least it can't be broken by Huo Gu.

In the action, Huo Gu also considered emergencies, such as what assassination represents, which is also a few in human history. Therefore, the representative cannot be the head of a force, but a person who can be trusted by the head.

Since Huo Gu went there in person, it was naturally guarding against Selin. It did not station the mother ship creatures, but one of the many sub-body bodies of the mother ship creatures, swimming around the mother ship creatures, so that even if the mother ship creatures were suddenly attacked, Huo Gu would not have too much danger.

Marvin and his party quickly came to the satellite that had nothing but ice. The delegation's spacecraft stayed in low-ground orbit. The first thing they did was not to land, but to check the environment on the planet to make sure that they had been landed before landing.

This is a reasonable vigilance. After all, people cherish their lives. Logging in first means that the other party may have bad intentions, so they have reason to question it.

Of course, they themselves did not want to find out anything, so after the insucce of the inquiry, they were relieved and began to arrange the landing matters.

The delegation spacecraft threw an object into its orbit. Affected by the gravity of the planet, the object fell heavily from a high altitude, leaving a huge crater on the neat ice.

Then it unfolds, which is supplied by the internal fission reactor. The mechanical body will not affect its operation because of the severe cold. The white steam mass covers the mechanical body, which makes people unable to see what is going on inside. Only the roar caused by various mechanical operations can be heard.

When everything calms down, the machine covers the ground, a transparent cover appears on the surface, and the people inside can see the night and the bright stars when they look up.

This building is specially developed for peace talks, so that people who enter it will not subconsciously feel that they have entered a closed building, but are still outside.

The hood will spontaneously absorb the stellar light, and then store it to maintain the temperature inside. Of course, it is not 100% absorption, but local, just like the ozone layer on the earth.

The Selin people who arranged everything landed on the satellite and entered this hood to wait for the arrival of another civilization delegation.

Some time after that, the representative mothership creature arrived in the satellite orbit.

The arrival of the mothership creature made the representatives of the Selin people a little nervous. Although they knew it in advance, it was really stressful to actually see it. Looking up at the sky, because of the arrival of this mothership creature, there was a bright moon in the shape of a mother ship in the stars.

"You said, is this showing us force..."

"I don't think so. According to their side, it takes a long time to get to the negotiation site because it is too small and lacks motivation..."

"I hope everything goes well this time."

The people in the delegation couldn't help but start talking.

"Private, what do you think?"

Marvin's eyes turned to the private side.

As a translator, he was brought here privately. Of course, the Selin people have a special translation machine. They are only brought here privately just in case. They can't cause a war between the two civilizations because of the nonsense accident that there is a problem with the translation machine, right?"I'm not very clear. The genetic memory is not complete. I can only understand it."


After arriving in orbit, the mother ship's creatures entered the orbit smoothly, and the cover was very obvious, especially on the ice and snow-covered surface, which was like impregnated with an ink spot on a piece of white paper.

Huo Gu set out to land. Although the volume of the child body is not large, it is also more than ten times that of the earth fighter compared with the warship. The amount of material is enough to land.

In the mid-air where it landed, it expanded into a sarcoma and changed into an umbrella-like structure. The reverse propulsion began to slow down and decline. In the spray of hydrogen and oxygen combustion, Huo Gu successfully landed on the satellite in a mist filled with water vapor.

A creature with the appearance of a collector is separated from the fleshy mushroom behind him. The landing distance of is not too far. Huo Gu can walk to the cover.

Entering the hood, Huo Gu felt that the temperature had changed significantly. The average temperature on the satellite was about dozens of degrees below zero, which was probably in the center of the earth's Antarctic. In the hood, it was a normal temperature, and the temperature was in the range of 20 to 30 degrees.

Maintaining temperature is not a difficult technology. What is difficult is that Huo Gu did not see any obvious thermal exchange devices and insulation layers.

Interesting design...

Huo Gu thought so and came to the center of the hood, where was the long-awaited delegation of the Selin.

"Your Excellency is just one person coming?"

"Yes, I have the full authority to speak on our behalf."

"Sit down."

When the two sides sat down, the Serin looked at Huo Gu opposite. Except for Marvin, everyone was a little uneasy, because the appearance of the collector was a little scary. From the information of the colonies, the limbs of this creature were extremely sharp, and even the materials that made the mother ship could be easily cut off.

Now it's so close that as long as the other party wants to, or is provoked by them, a shock and sweep can separate all their heads.

Huo Gu noticed their uneasiness and followed his eyes to see his limbs.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't think about it carefully, so..."

The limbs began to change, and in the surprised eyes of the Selin people, they changed into the same hand as the Selin people.

Is this their power? How do they do whatever they want? Others are just surprised, and Marvin is really shocked. She has knowledge in the field of biology and sees more than others. The other party's Xiaolu's hand is to directly change genes!

"Then let's start. I don't want to have any accidents." Huo Gudao.

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