How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 261 - 261 Sheep Enter the Tiger’s Mouth

Chapter 261: Chapter 261 Sheep Enter the Tiger's Mouth

The air in the room seemed to be frozen at this moment. The person who came in stood still in horror and did not dare to move his body, because his body was already surrounded by a sharp blade.

The sharp single-molecular blades of several collectors are only half a millimeter away from the other party. If Huo Gu hadn't used his ability to stop it in time, I'm afraid that those who came in would have been shattered and could not die.

"Will, why stop us?"

"Yes, traitors deserve to die! Never tolerate it!"

The collector shouted in the life field channel, gritting his teeth at the traitor who entered their vision, and couldn't wait to gnaw on his bones, eat his meat, drink his blood, and let the scum in their eyes disappear.

"All of you should be calm, use your brains, recall your current identity, and where is this place? I brought you here this time. I just hope you can lighten your brain a little."

"You stayed where you were just now, and you are also tired."

Huo Gu's order, several collectors stared at the traitor who was trembling in place and obediently returned to the soft bed sofa.

However, their eyes are still fixed on the traitor, just like a hunter staring at his prey.

Huo Gu glanced at the collectors and turned his eyes to the traitor who entered the room.

"Long time no see. This is the second time we meet. It seems that we are still very predestined."

"Will... Isn't it said that they are all collectors?"

The other party calmed down. From the life field channel, Huo Gu could read that the other party felt unbelievable that it was here, and he was also shocked and shocked.

"Don't you welcome me? If it weren't for me, I'm afraid you're gone now."

Huo Gu was very kind. The moment he saw this individual, the little abacus in his heart turned again. The traitor may play a role in this trip to the Selin Mother Star. Its tentacles naturally swing to the side and kindly invited the other party to sit down.

"What's your name?"

"I... I call it private."

"Private, if I remember correctly, you traitors are extremely selfish. If you contact with the collector, you will die. What kind of benefit makes you not even want to die?"


For a moment, I don't know how to explain it. As Huo Gu said, traitors are all egoists, and their own interests are the highest in their eyes. Therefore, contrary to the collectors, they cherish their lives very much and regard their lives as more important than anything else. They generally do things as dangerous, unless it is a special situation. Besides.

However, in the last negotiation, he met Huo Gu. He thought that he would be understood on the spot that he was not dead. Huo Gu did not fight against him as a traitor, which made him bold, thinking that as long as he was next to the big tree of the Selin people and knew how to take advantage of the situation, at least Huo Gu would not kill him on the surface.

Because we need to consider the gains and losses of interests, Think rationally, weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and consider whether it is worth it, what you can get, and what you will lose - as long as you are not crazy or fool, or beyond the scope of understanding, this set of methods is very useful, especially for individuals with high IQ.

However, the collectors just don't eat this set. They have low IQ and are impulsive - what? Is it bad to kill you? But I killed a traitor, which is beneficial to the ethnic group. Why does it have a bad impact?

It was because of this mistake that he almost died on the spot just now, if Huo Gu hadn't stopped him.

Although Huo Gu can't read his mind, he can judge some clues by observing the emotions expressed in the other party's life field. The traitor obviously did not expect that the collectors would directly fight at it. Simple logical derivation can also understand a general idea.

"Private, you should know that whether you die or not has nothing to do with both of us. Even if it is the worst result, it is impossible to fight because of you. Do you understand? Unless the leader of the Selin people is crazy."

" said that."

When the two sides fell into a long silence, Huo Gu suddenly popped up such a paragraph, and his selfish heart sank to the bottom with the appearance of this passage.

It thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be right. Then it was annoyed by its promise to the Serin. If there is a medicine of regret in the world, it must buy it all!

Just as he was panicked, Huo Gu continued.

"So do you want to live? Or do you want to die here meaninglessly like this? Don't worry, it won't destroy the relationship between the two sides. I will let them eat you, and there will be no residue left. At that time, I will deny the contact with you, and the Selin people will only treat you as missing.

"Of course I want to live! Great will, please give you a way to live!"

In the face of selfishness that has been out of control, Huo Gu's reply tone is still so slow. Its eyes make his private hair tremble. This unparalleled deterrent is like the powerlessness of mortals looking up at the gods, and privately feeling the pressure from the field of life, which is indescribable despair.

"I can restrain these idiots from doing anything to you, but you can't reveal my existence, do you understand?"

"I understand! Got it!"

"I will never leak any information. I guarantee it with my life!"

He nodded privately. Nothing is more important than living. After confirming the other party's true thoughts through the life field, Huo Gu did not use any intimidation means. The life field returned to the previous calm, as if nothing had happened.

"That's right. Well, speaking of which, what's the matter with you coming to us?"

Huo Gu turned the topic to other directions to ease the tense atmosphere just now.

"I have been assigned as your guide, and my responsibility is to translate and record." A very respectful answer.

Hearing this, Huo Gu couldn't help sneering. He expected that the Selin would do this early morning, but he didn't expect them to move so quickly that they didn't even sit on the chair as soon as they came, so they arranged it.

What Huo Gu didn't know was that it was all due to the imperial messenger named Tian, He truthfully reported his situation and emphasized the differences in civilization, so that the empire reacted so quickly.

"Is there a regular report? Don't talk about records, isn't it just surveillance? Let me guess, I'm afraid that something will happen to us, which is not easy to deal with? Huo Gu asked.


I don't know whether to answer this question or not.

"That's okay. There is a guide. I'm hungry and need to add some biological energy."

Get up from his seat, Huo Gu turned his eyes to several collectors who still did not intend to let go of the traitor and shouted.

"Don't lie down. Let's go to dinner."

Several collectors stood up silently and stared straight at me. They had a bad hunch that it was better for him to run away immediately now.

Then, several collectors said the words that made it unforgettable for life.

"Will, is it to eat this guy? If you can, please give me your head. You have always thought we are stupid. I think we will definitely become smarter after eating it.

"I'll take you to the nearest eating place!"

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