How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 268 - 268 Computer Language

Chapter 268: Chapter 268 Computer Language

Huo Gu found an inconspicuous corner, turned his private back to the original appearance, and let him go back by himself, while Huo Gu entered the Greenscher Library alone.

Everything went smoothly. Huo Gu came to the main entrance of the library with the flow of people. As he said before, he lied that his original library card had been lost. This one was a replacement. The large library has a huge flow of people every day. Naturally, it is impossible to remember all by the human brain alone. What's more, similar things are not absent, so the guard is correct. The retired team of the door did not have any doubts. After kindly reminding Huo Gu that the number of reissues of the book card is limited, and after paying attention to keeping it, he took Huo Gu to register the white card and swipe his face.

Stepping into this hall, which is claimed to store all the knowledge and cultural treasures in the history of the Selin people, as soon as he entered the door, he saw a huge statue of the Selin people standing in the center.

This Selin statue holds an open book high, and the other hand holds a cross wheel. Judging from the dress, the sculptor should be a famous scholar, but I don't know whether the sculptor's skills are too poor, or the sculptor himself is like this. This sculpture gives Huo Gu a feeling, and it is more revolutionary.

After a distance, Huo Gu quickly glanced at the introduction plate under the sculpture with his spare light. The content of the introduction plate was not too much, only one sentence.

[Truth has never existed - Manles. check pattern

It's probably a sign similar to the famous sayings hanging on campus...

Thinking like this, Huo Gu took his mind back, wandered in the crowd, and followed the road signs in the big library to find the books he wanted to browse.

I have to say that this library is really big. The attices are staggered layer after layer. Looking up, I can't even see the shadow at the top. The whole person is like being in a huge deep well.

There are spiral stairs in the large library, which spiral from the ground to the apex where the end is not visible. However, the function of these ladders is only to facilitate the movement between the attic and the attic, or from the bottom to the closer attic, from the bottom to the high or top, there is a special elevator.

Of course, there are Selin people who really want to rely on the stairs. It's okay to climb to the top or high floor step by step. No one stipulates that the stairs of the big library can't be used like this, as long as you are careful not to get tired and your thighs trembling and fall down.

As it continued to deepen, the density of the flow of people was also decreasing. Huo Gu followed the instructions of the road signs and searched all the way, and finally found one of the books he was struggling to find.

"That's it, computer language..."

Huo Gu looked at the area logo, then looked at the book content on the bookshelf, and determined that this was one of the book areas he wanted to browse.

The opportunity is not to be missed. The time will never come again. Huo Gu, who doesn't want to waste time, directly picked up the nearest book, "Introductory Classics of 3 Languages" and quickly read it.

"Notify the mother ship biota in the stellar orbit and let them transit the information."

Such a radio signal is received by the mother ship creature anchored in the Xinghuan Harbor area. Although there is no life field, it can still judge that it is Huo Gu himself through a special channel and immediately forward the information.

And the mother ship biota in the star orbit, In the same way, a trans-star information transmission chain across stars was built from nothing in half an hour.

The mother ship creatures in the port area are also asked by Hogu to use the star-orbiting mother ship biome to transit on another radio channel to establish information communication with the star. The communication content is probably the humanistic, historical customs and habits of the Selin people, etc. In this way, even if the Serin fleet stationed in the star orbit notices from the direction of the home star. The transmission of radio information that belongs to Huo Gu can also be prevaricate.

The process of computer language from nothing is very similar to the development of human computer language, but the name is a little different.

When computers first came out, programmers had to manually control computers. At that time, computers were very expensive, so some Selin people thought of using programming language to solve this problem. Computer language was born. This language was named 'Class 1 language' by Selin people.

Class 1 language simplifies the complex operation instructions between the programmer and the computer, which greatly facilitates the use of computers at that time. This is like letting the robot walk. From the beginning, it tells the robot how many degrees the feet should be raised, how much force should be used to lift and put down, and how many degrees the body should be tilted forward to keep flat. Heng... Transition to tell the robot directly that you want it to walk. As for the problems that need to be solved by walking, there is no need for the programmer to tell it. The pre-set answers will be fed back after encountering problems in the logic door.

As the price of computers falls sharply, and computer programs become more and more complex, that is to say, development time is far more valuable than running time. Therefore, cooperation between individuals or organizations in the computer field is gradually becoming popular. This model can greatly reduce the time, money and brain cells paid. .

In this open environment, the "old stubbornness" who refuses to cooperate will eventually be surpassed by the latecomers, and then be thrown away and abandoned into the garbage heap of history. Under the fierce survival of the fittest, the program code base shared by the Selin people has been established.

The program code base has only one function, that is, as long as you tap a few keys, you can get a whole paragraph of usable Class 1 language code.

With the passage of time, the code became longer and longer, and the first type of language gradually became completely out of the face. Therefore, the Selin people carried out a large-scale optimization and rectification, removing redundant code symbols and greatly shortening the length of the code.

It is roughly understood that it is the feeling of changing a daily discourse into a military language, and two types of languages came into being in this way.

It is a data-free language that inherits the ability of Class 1 languages. All data can correspond to machine words, and programmers can directly operate memory through memory addresses. At the same time, there is a lot of memory left in the air, allowing more and more complex programs to be written in a single machine.

With the popularity of two types of languages, programmers can leave the machine level and express their intentions at a more abstract level. The resulting three important control structures and some basic data types can start to let programmers think and describe problems in a way that is close to the essence of the problem.

However, Class 2 languages has a fatal disadvantage, which is inherited from Class 1 languages, but in the period of Class 1 languages, this disadvantage is not obvious.

That is the fault tolerance rate. The programming model of the two languages cannot overcome the 'expanding of errors with the expansion of code', so that there was a global program crisis later. All computers frequently have bugs that are difficult to repair, and the economic losses caused are immeasurable.

Under the pressure of the crisis, a new way of thinking about programming and a programming model - object-oriented programming has emerged.

According to this new thinking framework, a new programming language that is very different from 1 and 2 languages, that is, '3 languages' is also born.

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