How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 298 - 299 The Paradox of Civilization (Part 2)

Chapter 298: Chapter 299 The Paradox of Civilization (Part 2)


Karenna opened her eyes and opened her mouth, but found that she didn't know how to explain it. Indeed, as Hogu said, the Empire and Amoeba reached the sublight speed. Even if it was only a small mass, it was the sublight speed.

As long as superconductor technology and electromagnetic propulsion technology are unlocked, a civilization will do its best and invest all resources. It is not difficult to achieve sub-light speed. The difference is only in how much mass reaches sub-light speed.

According to this inference, the whole universe should still be full of regular signals. Even if it cannot be interpreted, it can at least be observed.

Waiting for Karenna to finish chewing her words, Huo Gu continued to say his conclusion.

"The answer is very simple, 'Even if it reaches the sub-light speed, no information will be leaked, let alone the tombstone of civilization', and the result of this speculation..."

Karenna was stunned on the spot. This was something she didn't expect, or she didn't dare to think about it in this aspect. She subconsciously ignored it. Huo Gu just made it clear. There was no need to explain later. Everyone with online IQ understood it, and the two entered a silent atmosphere.

For a long time, Karenna said with a wry smile.

"...Gu, sometimes I really think you are an alien."

"If you are immersed in learning and love learning like me, you will also be the next 'alien'."

Huo Gu's words were a little meaningful, but Karenna shook her head and declined as a joke to enliven the atmosphere.

"You can't learn your exaggerated learning style. It's better for ordinary people to follow my own learning steps and be a mortal honestly."

"Real? That's a pity."

Time passed quickly. After the meal, the two entered the big library to browse the books, and it was nightfall in a flash.

"See you tomorrow."

Karenna waved goodbye to Hogu, and Hogu also waved goodbye out of courtesy, but when Karenna's figure disappeared, Hogu's eyes did not move away from the direction Karenna left.

After a while, Huo Gu thought about something and muttered.

"...So you didn't come for me?"

"Hidden technology is far worse than the military... What kind of power is that guy? Or are you involved in some trouble?"

"Forget it, what does this have to do with me? It was she who refused to join me. What reason do I have to help her?

I don't know whether it was out of disappointment or lament, Huo Gu shook his head, looked around to change his appearance, and entered the Greenscher Library again in a new identity.


"Rare guest, our Amoeba Embassy is the first time to host the science chief of the Science Association. Our embassy is full of glory because of your arrival."

"Well... If the battle is not so exaggerated, it will be perfect."

Huo Gu played the role of welcoming the visitors who made an appointment earlier at the main entrance of the embassy, but this time the team of visitors was a little different.

There are a total of five flying cars. The flying car in the middle looks like a tanker, with a heavy metal package. The degree of protection is the highest since Hogu arrived in Selin, and even the protection level of the head of state cannot be compared.

At the same time, the other four armed flying cars were equipped with two soldiers armed to the teeth. As soon as they arrived in front of the embassy, they immediately entered a state of alert as if no one was around. It seemed that some flood beasts would attack at any time.

Among the companions, in addition to the Bingwangfan team, there is also a science chief of the scientific association and General Noley of the military, as well as traitors.

Hearing the meaning of Huo Gu's words, General Norey opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry, this is a last resort, because what we are going to observe for you is too dangerous. For the sake of our safety and you, this kind of behavior is necessary."

Then, after heavy unlocking from the core of the flying car, they carefully took out a cylindrical metal body and brought it into the embassy.

Place the cylindrical metal body vertically.

Noley pressed a switch, accompanied by a series of metal collisions, and the side of the cylinder became transparent, and inside was a piece of meat that was still alive."Is that what you said?"

"So what do you want to ask?"

During the appointment, the Celine people vaguely said that they had got some unknown and needed Amoeba to answer some information, but they did not clearly explain what it was. Until Huo Gu saw this lively piece of meat, Huogu could vaguely guess what the Selin people wanted to ask.

Then, General Nore played the projection after the shelter failed that day and asked.

"Is this thing related to the supreme will?"

"We don't mean anything else. It's just the performance of monsters. It's really..."

Nole noticed that his wording was a little biased and added, but was interrupted by Huo Gu.

"We can understand, don't mind. This thing has brought huge losses to you. The idea of catching the culprit is understandable."

"I can give you a clear answer - no, it is not the product of supreme will interference. Your private Excellency beside you should be able to make the same judgment."

With that, Huo Gu looked at the privateness beside him and nodded in a hurry, and Noley's sharp eyes were obviously much softer. Although private talk had nothing to do with the supreme will earlier, because the monster's performance was too similar to the supreme will, it was difficult to make the Selin people associate this.

Now that both sides are facing each other, it means that it is not Amoeba who is behind it. General Noray is relieved.

"This thing is very interesting. Can I do a little research?"

Xiangting at the lively meat in the container, Huo Gu suddenly asked.


The chief of science stopped talking and finally looked at General Noley, who shook his head.

"Sorry, sir, we have not passed on this monster that has made a lot of sacrifices to your intention. The empire needs to find the mastermind behind it."

"No, you misunderstood. It's just a few minutes. It's just this place. Just watch it."

A few minutes?

Nore was stunned for a moment, looked at each other with the Chief of Science, nodded and agreed.

"Go and take that out."

Huo Gu motioned a collector to leave the living room, and it dominated the cells on the collector's body to produce an equally small piece of meat.

Looking at the meat cubes brought by the collector, General Norai did not understand its function, but he still had to remind him.

"Mr. Talk, the container can't be opened, and the monster will escape immediately."

"No need."

Huo Gu shook his head and directly pasted the meat on the transparent outer wall of the container, and the foreign body in the container was also attracted by the meat and immediately stuck to the inner wall of the container attached to the meat.

At the microscopic level, the cell is dominated by Huo Gu. Using the coordination of the material, a single-molecule-sized hole is cut out, and a cell of foreign body is extracted from the hole to analyze its genetic structure.

After a moment of silence, Huo asked strangely.

"...Have you checked the genes of this monster?"

"Although it behaves strangely, its genes are actually still you Selin people. That is to say, if the gene is extracted directly from this monster, it will only be cloned by you Selin people, not this monster."

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