How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 311 - 312 I Want to See the Will

Chapter 311: Chapter 312 I Want to See the Will



Waking up from a drowsiness, he immediately noticed that there was something wrong with his body. His body inexplicably felt constrained, and the surrounding environment was not the room he was familiar with.

It took me a second to sort out my thoughts and process information, and understood that I was kidnapped.

Just as it wondered who was going to kidnap it, and when it saw the two individuals not far away, all these doubts were solved.

"You're awake, traitor."

One of them seemed to be frightened by unprecedented shock, and the separation struggle twisted, as if he wanted to escape from here.


In fact, this private reaction is normal, because these two individuals once made it so blunt that the idea of swallowing it alive is to regard the traitor as the collectors who must remove the stain from the world.

"What's the matter? I've been with Selin for so long that I even forgot how to communicate with the channel?

After such a reminder from the collector, they realized that they could also exchange life field information and use life field to release information in private.

"What are you... going to do? I warn you not to mess around!"

"I'm not going to do anything. I just want to communicate with you, a traitor."

One of the collectors answered, and the other asked again.

"Don't you wonder how we brought you out of the house arranged for you by the Selin people?"

" did you bring it out?"

I don't understand why the collector asked this, but since the other party said so, it will go on with the other party's meaning. Maybe they will let themselves go if they are in a good mood.

"In fact, it is to use the stingling to pierce the gap between the cells to ensure that every cell is not destroyed, cut you into pieces, then transport it from the ventilation pipe to the outside, then transport it from the underground to here, and then reassemble it together. Isn't it awesome? This is something we couldn't do before, and we can do it now.

While explaining this, the collector compared his limbs in front of him, as if he had seen that he had been cut into pieces by these horrible guys, and he was shocked and shocked.

"Do you dare to say that I have been cut off by you?"

I don't doubt the words of the collector. Because I can't lie in the field of life, I will be found immediately as soon as I lie, so I'm afraid that I have been cut into diced meat, and I am even more apprehended by the ability of the collector.

However, the next words of the collectors made it feel worse.

"Don't care about these details. The important thing is that we didn't steal food during the process of moving you... Maybe we stole a little? I didn't eat it secretly. What about you?

"I don't know. I don't have it anyway."

"I didn't eat it either."

That's what it is said, but in the field of life, I feel that these collectors are blatantly indicating that they are lying.

"You can't lie in the life field. In the final analysis, you ate it, didn't you?"

The collector spread out his hands with his tentacles, indicating that it doesn't matter.

"Anyway, it's not much. It will grow back soon."

"At worst, let you take a bite of us and eat it back?"

"I'm not like you guys who can eat the same people! Why can't you learn from Selin people!"

It also has its own bottom line. It has been educated by the Selin people. It absolutely can't stand eating the flesh and blood of the same race without the psychological burden like the collectors. Its three views are the closest to the Thuring people among the traitors, so it can eat freely on the Selin people.

"Not to mention this, we want to thank you, your family. You are much more useful than we thought, because the strength of your ethnic group has made great strides and stronger than we could imagine before."

"Although there is also the will and our efforts, the role you play in it is also immeasurable. The ethnic group will not ignore the credit of any of the same race. Even if it is a traitor, we are all glad that we did not kill you at that time, and we really understand why the will left you. You live and die. It's more useful for ethnic groups.

The collector said this, and the thorns gently scratched on the private skin, which made it sting.

I don't understand what kind of emotions the collectors have about it. There is no compromise in the words. They are really grateful that they couldn't kill themselves at the beginning, but it can feel that these collectors seem to have no intention to kill.

They resisted the fact that they wanted to kill themselves and sincerely felt a pity, but they were acting with the intention of killing.

"Yes, is it? Then can you stop scraping me with your tamps? I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid. We will do it quickly in a while, and you won't feel pain at all."

"Wait! What do you mean by that?

I asked a question knowingly in private. The answer to this question has long been clearly placed in the Life Field Channel, but I was unwilling to face it directly.

"Let me tell you, don't be afraid. My limbs are sharp in the same race here, and the slashing speed is also the fastest. Look."

Another collector came over, rolled up a metal plate with his tentacles, and privately recognized the metal plate, which was a superalloy widely used in mother ship building materials. The strength is the highest metal in the current physical knowledge of the Selin people.

The collector's limbs waved lightly, and such a metal plate was easily cut like a piece of tofu, and the section was neat and smooth.

I was stunned...

Fear is also amplified at an exponential level...

So it got out of control and showed the lowest idea in its heart without reservation...

"This is not what I want to hear! Isn't it very helpful to the ethnic group? Why do you still cut me? Aren't you betraying the ethnic group by doing this?"

"Oh, I see! Are you jealous of me? Jealous of me as a 'traitor', obviously betrayed the supreme will, but it is more useful to the ethnic group than you 'loyalous people', so you want to cut me down, because you are not willing to think that I am more useful than you, right?"

The collectors paused together, looked at each other for a few seconds, and spread out their tentacles.

"...The thinking of the traitor really can't be understood."

"It's too late for us to be happy to do something beneficial to the same ethnic group. Why do we feel uncomfortable? Just because you didn't do it yourself? I didn't play my role this time. Won't I play it next time? I can't understand this kind of thinking at all.

The collectors are not as dirty as the traitors. Those who are loyal to their will will will not understand the emotion of 'jealousy'. They will only feel sincerely happy because of the success of the same race, and will not feel that successful individuals are not themselves.

"Then why are you... Wait, isn't it?"

It seemed that he thought of something that made it more afraid, and the collector also gave a positive answer.

"Is that the thing? Our action is the will of the supreme will. It's not that we want to cut you. is the will to cut you. Do you understand?"

"What on earth did you say to your will? We have decided not to cut you down, because you, a traitor, are more useful to the ethnic group than to die..."

One of the collectors complained that it is more useful for the betrayer to live than to die, so for the sake of the group, even if it is a traitor, the collectors don't want it to die.

But this is the order of the will. The will is always right. They can't understand it just because they are not smart enough. Just like the will to stop them from killing the traitor in exchange for the strength of the ethnic group, it must be the same now.

"No! What you said is not true! I have been loyal to my will! I have made contributions to the ethnic group! Let go of me! I want to see the will! The will can't do this to me!"

"I cut it. Don't worry, private. I will do it quickly. You don't realize it at all."

At least he is a meritorious minister, and the collector will not be too embarrassed. He starts to start neatly. One hand rises and falls with a knife. He can't see the movement clearly at all, and there is no pain. He only feels that his perspective begins to tilt, and half of his body slowly slips down.

When he was dying, he muttered.

"That's not what I want to hear..."

"It's not fair. Obviously, I've done so much..."

At this moment, the private body section extends out of the tentacles and recombines with the other half body to ensure the private life activity, and the familiar life field fluctuation appears in the channel.

"Huh? Will."

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