How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 319 - 320 Close to the Sound Source

Chapter 319: Chapter 320 Close to the Sound Source

"I already know that the supreme will of Amoeba has contacted me. If you want to do it, just let it go."

"Thank you for your support."

General Nore responded to the head of state at the other end of the channel.

With the authorization of the F.D. After the communication was disconnected, Norae turned to look at the Wangfan team, fully armed with power armor in the command room of the same base with him.

The status of the soldier's army is extremely high in the military, and ordinary soldiers are not qualified to listen to the communication between the commander of the base and the head of state.

Of course, relatively speaking, the requirements of the King of Soldiers are also more stringent. Whether in terms of training requirements or punishment, they are better than those of ordinary troops, and even to the extent of change.

Nore spoke seriously to the members of this army.

"You also heard what the head of state said just now."

"Remember, it doesn't matter what you do, but you must make sure that the Amoeba guys are all desperate and their combat effectiveness is not weak, it doesn't mean that you can relax your vigilance. No one is invincible. You should know better than anyone else."

"As an elite among the elite, the most elite team in this base is also equipped with the latest power armor of the empire. The empire trusts your ability to hand over this task to you. Don't let the head of state down, and don't let the empire down."

Hearing this, the king of soldiers made a military salute neatly.

"Yes! We will swear to protect your safety to the death!"

Unlike the past, the whole research base became lively and began to do various preparatory work. After obtaining the approval of the head of state, a large-scale material transfer began.

Perhaps considering the possible battle, ammunition accounted for the majority of the material transportation of materials obtained by the research base, and many logistics transport sergeants even began to worry about whether the research base would be directly blown up by an accidental shooting gun.

The Selin people in the research base began to test the operation of the systems in the base, and outside the base, the military mobilized the army to block the three and outer floors of the base.

In space above nine days, the planetary ring orbital gun around Celine is also conducting a self-test and is on standby. For more than ten days, the replaced weapon will remain warm-up to ensure that it is locked and fired.

[The highest order is that the base will enter a fully closed state at 5:32, and the closure will last for 16 days. The base will enter a quasi-commeary state as a whole. All members of the base are requested to prepare for emergencies.]

"It's really hot..."

Huo Gu sighed that the large-scale collective action of the Selin people gave it an illusion of facing the collectors. Huo Gu didn't expect to see it in the Selin people in order to overcome a huge problem or reach a certain destination spirit.

"It's a little more or less sustainable in their style."

After waving the strange thoughts in his mind, Huo Gu began to think about his own affairs.

The Selin people have their own military plans, but this does not mean that Hogu is safe enough. It is a strange means to see unknown forces. Among other things, just opening the portal to the unknown field is enough to make the current layout of the Selin people much inferior.

"What will happen to me next? A sudden wormhole? Abrupt space transfer? Or is it some monster that can take people through the entity to about me?"

A series of questions come to mind. Depending on the situation, the ways to deal with them are also different, so these problems are temporarily put on hold after leaving their own solutions.

Suddenly, Huo Gu, who was drifting in his mind, noticed a few problems.

Speaking of which, my own auditory organs failed, how did I know the source of the noise?

Moreover, even if the hearing is blocked, the noise still exists. Is the reason for the disappearance of the chief scientist just because he resisted formally?

So why didn't the noise source stop the person who committed suicide?

It can get people away from the heavily guarded research base.

Forcing a non-specialized Serin to lose the ability to act should also be simple - Huo Gu's thinking seems to have grasped some key points.Huo Gu got the information of the chief of missing science from General Noley, recalling the information he had received. There were no messy traces in the room at the scene of the disappearance. There seemed to be no problem, but in fact it was a very strange situation. Anyway, he was a high IQ Selin. When he met an unknown guy, he planned to rape himself, but The reason does not leave a hint.

Therefore, there are two possibilities. One is that the chief science was attacked and taken away after losing consciousness. The two science chiefs took the initiative to leave, so there is no trace of struggle at the scene.

Following this thought that came to mind by chance, Huo Gu continued to deduce, and the conclusion was also obvious - that is to say, although the noise source has been nagging endlessly, is more likely not to be a creature, but a certain mechanism, or now For the like, people who understand science trees actively block their own auditory senses, which satisfies the mechanism or phenomenon, and then naturally causes disappearance.

Huo Gu thought it was a little ridiculous, but this was the most logical explanation, otherwise it could not explain why the act of 'suicide' was allowed.

After a while of silence, it began to ask and answer itself.

"Then the problem arises. What if other senses are also blocked? What will happen?"

"Hensure has been tried, so let's start with vision and try one by one."

With that, it did it. Huo Gu's action has never been weak, and the surroundings have become dark, absolutely dark, without a trace of light.

There was no fear, but it aroused Huo Gu's nostalgia. The last time it was in this state of absolute darkness, I still didn't know how many years ago. At that time, it was still struggling to survive.

"Huh? Is it my illusion? It seems that the noise source is a little closer.

"No, it's not an illusion. It's really close."

"Am I wrong? Is it really some kind of monster?

Huo Gu noticed that there is a certain degree of increase in the noise of the noise source. This increase is not obvious, nor is it caused by increasing the power. It is more like someone who was shouting at ten meters, but suddenly became shouting at five meters. In terms of details, Huo Gu can't go wrong.

However, Huo Gu did not mean to stop, and it began to close the remaining senses one after another.

"The sense of smell..."



When the last sense is closed, the noise source is like someone talking in its ear, very close.

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