How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 321 - 322 2 Exploring the Spiritual Realm

Chapter 321: Chapter 322 2 Exploring the Spiritual Realm

The Selin people began to explore another unknown world, both for the purpose of a third-party alien force and a greedy idea of a new resource area.

Hogu saw the Selin people put a small iron cage into the black mud. In this small iron cage, there was a small creature of the native Serin, which was equivalent to a white mouse used for experiments on the earth.

The purpose of putting the small iron cage into the black mud is to confirm whether the unknown space at the other end of the black mud is really suitable for the survival of the Selin people. Although there have been a detector for simple detection in advance, there are some factors that the detector cannot detect, such as germs, and because the whole event completely deviated from common sense, there is a back. Factors away from common sense are also very likely.

For this reason, the Selin people put the small iron cage over and then pull it back. If the small creature in the cage is safe and sound, it means that there is no danger in the unknown space opposite. On the contrary, it means that there is danger. They will reverse the danger it encountered before their death through the death of the small creature in the cage, and then make adjustments. In order to avoid the harm caused by this factor to the Selene people.

The small creature, together with the cage that imprisoned it, pulled out of the black swamp mud without any abnormality. Huo Gu knew this result for a long time, but because of his identity, it did not tell the Selin people this information, but just watched the Selin people carefully carry out various tests on the unknown world.

Then, the Selin battle team began to act under the order of General Nore.

The first Serin team passed through the black mud one after another, and then immediately put up their guns on guard and guarded the surrounding environment. After observing for a while, he reported.

"Arrival confirmed, the current area is safe."

The radio signal reported by the team leader was received by the signal receiver extending through the black mud, and then transmitted to the other side of the research base through wired transmission.

"Start the exploration mission."


The captain who received the order gave an order to his team.

"Two people in groups, eight groups scattered, carefully explore, and the others stay in place to protect the transmission point."

"If you come into contact with unknown creatures and confirm the threat of the other party, you will be allowed to kill them at any time."

In the vision of Huo Gu's unknown space, these two or two groups of Selin people quickly disappeared into the invisible clouds.

However, this is only that the field of vision in the visible spectrum is blocked by clouds. Using high-power electromagnetic waves or low-frequency infrared, their whereabouts can still be captured.

On the unknown side of the unknown space, it is also possible to use radio, so technological products such as radar will not fail. Hogubythelin people know better about the environment after the black swamp mud.

This is a vast plain. No, it is flatter than the plain. It is more like a man-made thing than a natural thing.

This plane is very large and ridiculously large. When the radar feedback information is received by Huo Gu, it is a little dumbfounded. The area actually reaches the level of almost 100 million square kilometers, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the earth's surface area.

Imagine that one-fifth of the earth's surface is flat, and such a huge scale structure can exist steadily, as if gravity does not exist.

However, the crux of the problem is that the gravity of this unknown space does not exist. Hogu and the Selin people can still feel a downward pull, so the Selin's troops did not float in mid-air after crossing the black mud, and they felt the same as acting on Selin, which seemed very contradictory.

This is the second contact with this unknown space, but the environment shown in this unknown space shows three different styles. The first giant chair, then the place where hundreds of ghosts travel at night when they meet Karenna, and then the current one is surrounded by clouds, but it is very flat in radar imaging. Straight star-rated huge plane.

Huo Gu decided to let the people of the empire lie in front of him this time, and hide behind him to wait for the result.

Such a choice is wise. When Huo Gu is monitoring the exploration of various groups,

Some things appeared very abruptly.This is the result of radar wave feedback. In the place that was originally empty, after a while, there was an entity that could be used for radar waveback.

At first, Huo Gu didn't pay much attention to it. He thought it was the radar wave that had not been scanned before, but with the emergence of more and more entities, Huo Gu finally realized that something was wrong, and the Selin people who explored deeply were still unknown about it.

"This is 3456. Everything is normal. That's it."

"This is 6784. Everything is normal so far, but the visibility is still very bad. That's it."

"This is 4652. No creature in the mission warning has been found. Everything is normal. It's over."

"This is the captain. The original plan is to be revised. Continue to explore about one kilometer, then arrange the feedback device, camp in place, and wait for the arrival of the follow-up troops."

"I understand."

There is no obstruction of electromagnetic waves, and radio communication is naturally no problem. In this strange field, as well as the phenomenon of extremely low visibility and counter-common sense, everyone in the Selin team has a twelve-point spirit, and does not dare to slack off at all.

It's just that nothing was gained in the process of exploration, which inevitably made people feel frustrated. After many weighings, the captain decided to go one more kilometer deeper in the exploration mission.

This decision was not meaningless, and the captain quickly received feedback from the exploration team.

"This is 0378. We found a lot of buildings. From the appearance, some of them are like the buildings of our Selin people's religious period."

"Report your location." The captain answered in the channel.

"The current coordinates are..."

Taking this exploration group as the starting point, the captain received feedback from other groups. They also found something, but it was not a building.

Mountain-raised corpses, a large cemetery, strange rocky wasteland, a large number of 'eggs', suspected to be the spawning ground of some kind of creature...

If it's just some geomorphological environment, it's okay. The following groups reported one after another. The roar of some large creatures and the unknown vibration on the ground were captured in the monitor, and then the shadows shaking after seeing a large cloud.

The exploration team used evasion. I don't know whether the large creatures really didn't find it, or didn't want to pay attention to these outsiders they had never seen before. It didn't take long for them to disappear into the clouds and disappeared.

Although the unknown large creature was vaguely observed by the exploration team, as a soldier, they could still judge that the weapon in their hand was still very reluctant to hurt this size, so they reported it to their captain, and the captain answered.

"The task remains unchanged. After arriving at the exploration point, you will stay in place and wait for the arrival of the follow-up troops."

The news was quickly sent back to the research base, and a new group of Selin troops also entered the unknown space. Unlike the previous exploration troops, they carried assembled equipment parts.

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