How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 342 - 343 The Heart’s Go (8)

Chapter 342: Chapter 343 The Heart's Go (8)

Below the tentacles was a big mouth of the blood basin, in the huge mouth with ferocious and ferocious fangs neatly arranged. The space capsule fell down like this, constantly getting closer, close... until it was eaten.


The American astronaut collapsed first. He didn't remember that there was another one in the script. He came to establish diplomatic relations with aliens, not to serve rations for alien creatures. Now he regretted how much that Hogu's decision to refuse when he asked them to leave.

No one can save themselves. Everyone is dead. The space capsule was violently torn apart, and the tentacles pierced everyone, including Huo Gu, who was recognized by human beings to be important to aliens.

His limbs were limited, and he knew the fact that he was being eaten through his five senses, but it was quite desperate, but Huo Gu was not as desperate as the other three. On the contrary, he was very calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Can you tell me the reason for doing this?"

"Answer me, I want to know why you did this."

Finally, his insistence got an answer.

"If we eat you, we can become the supreme will."

"You... have only reached this level?"

"What do you mean by this sentence?"

"It means that I'm very disappointed in you. You shouldn't just be like this. Things that are limited by the supreme will should not exist. Obviously, I have planted so many seeds, but you..."

"No, it's not all your fault."

After Huo Gu finally said this meaningless sentence, he closed his eyes and ignored what happened in the outside world.

However, things outside did not stand still because of Huo Gu's closed eyes. The huge object with a diameter of 1,000 kilometers suddenly accelerated across the lunar orbit and flew straight towards the earth.

At this time, all countries on earth have known about the capsule crash. They don't understand why they were attacked. Isn't Hogu an important creator for these aliens?

However, these are irrelevant now. The causal relationship does not need to be clear. It is enough to know that human beings on earth are facing unprecedented power of extermination.

Human beings want to live!

Some people think of nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs in space will not be weakened, but will be limited to the range of energy release. However, on the other hand, the power of the nuclear bomb will also be enhanced in disguise. Which kind of power is greater, the energy of points and surface is greater? Primary school students know that the explosive power of nuclear bombs will be fully absorbed by the target, as long as The target is still at the molecular material level, so it can never withstand such power.

Humans use supercomputers to measure. Through force analysis and stress entanglement, they mark the weak points of giant creatures in space. As long as the nuclear bomb detonates on these parts, giant creatures can be blown into multiple pieces, and then they will be divided into more pieces because of their own stress, inertia and angular momentum. Although The earth's ecology will still suffer an unprecedented blow, but it is better than a whole piece directly hitting the earth. It is the collapse of the earth.

Countries have launched their nuclear arsenals that have been hidden for many years. In the face of the crisis of human extinction, these guys who like infighting have finally learned to join hands.

In a distance and time measured by a supercomputer, in a missile silo around the world, the most grand feast in human history began.

These weapons, which were once feared by their own makers, have now become shields to protect their Creators, pointing directly at the enemies from the sky.

From the initial speed of 7km/s, it soared to 10km/s. After directly breaking through the Earth's atmosphere, it was orbited in a weightless environment in the low-Earth orbit.

Retired from the burned-out fuel compartment is the same as the rockets in the past.Then proofread the position of the target and continue to speed up. In the trajectory predetermined by humans, the speed reaches 13km/s and goes straight to the aliens with a diameter of 1,000 kilometers.

This is human resistance. No one will wait for their own demise. As long as it is hit, the human race can continue to continue on the earth.

Everyone is looking forward to the moment when these missiles hit.

But they can't wait, and they will never wait. In the face of tens of thousands of intercontinental nuclear bombs that go straight to it, these aliens have done something unexpected but reasonable for the people of the earth.

The huge size of 1,000 kilometers was actively split into hundreds of pieces, large and small, and scattered like a net. These intercontinental missiles instantly became headless flies.

Missiles are different from some air combat movies and television. They are very fast, but they have less endurance, so it does not exist in reality for you to chase between fighters and missiles. Once they are locked by missiles, fighters in flight often do not come. And if you make air maneuvers, it will turn into a bonfire in the air.

But once the environment is switched to outer space, weapons such as missiles are not very good. At least the chemical propulsion is not good, and their too complex maneuvers are impossible to achieve due to low endurance. All these intercontinental missiles are shot in the air and none of them hit.

The earth is in chaos after this failure. Some people swallow guns and commit suicide, some people burn and rob, some people kneel and pray, some people have a mental breakdown, a doomsday scene.

On the third day, the alien creatures, which split into hundreds of individuals, large and small, were evenly distributed in the outer space of the earth, wrapping the whole earth. After this behavior, the height was reduced.

Wrapped in the flames of red lotus, they descended their attacks from the sky.

The human army, which is still loyal to its duty, uses anti-aircraft missiles to try to intercept, but their mass is too big. Even if they are divided into hundreds of pieces, they are still too big. Air defense missiles don't work at all, just make a slight shift in the position where they fall, that's all.

From the orbit of the planet, you can see the red lotus fire blooming below, and the shock wave caused sweeps everything in the range. Cities, villages, and even desolate places are not spared. Houses collapse, people and animals are not left, only the extremely tenacious weeds stand strong on the surface.

An intuitive description - as if watching a pile of garbage swept into the shovel by a broom.

Tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes came one after another, and the power of terror gave way to a further sharp decrease in the number of human beings living near coastal areas, seismic belts and dormant volcanoes.

I don't know how many people are sad, crying, and thinking about saving human civilization in this way, but these are just in vain.

Humans are over.

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