How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 350 - 351 Pilgrimage Hongzhi

Chapter 350: Chapter 351 Pilgrimage Hongzhi


"Hahahaha!!! Father, you still say I'm arrogant, aren't you?"

Hearing his father's inquiry, Donon's expression stagnated, and then he laughed, as if he had heard a joke he had not heard since he was born. He even laughed out his tears.

Ordinary people will be angered by his behavior, but the royal family owner is familiar with his son. He will behave like this, which shows that he really asked a very stupid question in his opinion, just like asking an adult what is one plus one.

After laughing wantonly for a while, Duocon finally calmed down.

"It's really a gaffe, but it's also your father's fault that you asked a stupid question."

The royal family owner thought about his son's words and quickly realized it. He looked at his son without blaming or lamenting, but re-examined the stranger.

"When did you... start to believe in such a thing as 'God'?"

"I know you don't believe it, and I don't expect you to believe it. What I said is the truth. Believe it or not is your business."

In this way, the two looked at each other and fell into silence, and the whole prison room seemed very quiet.

"What is the basis for saying that it is God? If I remember correctly, there are records in the files related to the spiritual realm that change the cognition of the Selin people. Can you guarantee that there is no problem with your memory?

The implication is that he suspected that Dorgon was artificially brainwashed and adjusted his memory.

It's not impossible. The Selin soldiers who launched a terrorist attack at the banquet also thought that what they had done was contributing to the empire.

To the question, Duocon shook his head with a smile.

"Father, you don't understand. The art is just a trick. It's okay to deal with you mortals, and it's useless for the contractors."

"In fact, it is not the Lord, nor has it asked us to do anything, and even not communicates too much. Pilgrims just happened to know it in the spiritual realm, and then give it a definition according to everything it shows, which is the same concept as you give flowers, plants and stones."

"For an omniscient and omnipotent being, can we have any other definition besides calling it the Lord?"

In the eyes of the royal family owner, he knew that his son did not lie.

"All-knowing and omnipotent..."

The elderly royal head savored the word carefully. In his thinking, he hypothesized the existence of an omnipotent individual.

Then, many paradoxes appeared. For example, since it is omnipotent, can it create something that cannot be created? Do you know what you can't know?

As a result, the logic of the royal family leader suddenly entered a dead end.

"How can this kind of thing exist? Omnipotence is a paradox in itself!"

In the face of his father's questioning, Dorcong looked like he had expected for a long time. He sneered contemptuously at the question.

"Oh, father, you said that people never learn from history, and you are the same, just like those who believed in theology in the past, regarded scholars as 'dirty' and burned."

"All-knowing omnipotence exists, but father, your shallow cognition can't imagine, just like you couldn't imagine that there would be two civilizations in the same star system, just like you couldn't imagine what the spiritual realm was before you came into contact with the spiritual realm."

"I never doubt that you will continue to make mistakes for the third time. After all, you have always been so arrogant."

The sovereignty of the royal family has been balanced for a while. It is meaningless to debate the existence of the concept of omnipotence. In comparison, it is crucial to obtain more information.

Therefore, although he still does not believe in the existence of omnipotence, he still verbally accommodates himself as a mad son.

"Okay, let's think 'God' exists, so what is the purpose of calling it?"

"For the whole Selin race."

Staring at his obviously stunned father, Dorgo began to brew his own words.

"Father, I told you that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility..."

"Do you think I long for the power of the head of state because of my simple jealousy? Is this the reason why I joined the pilgrims? You don't know enough about me, father.

"I'm not convinced! The cause we have done can bring a better future to the whole Celine race! Why should we not have such a right? Is it a bunch of waste? Do you know how unwilling I am?"

"Bullying, hatred, prejudice... Have these empires been resolved? No! They don't have the ability at all, and they don't want to dispel it! Just limit these things to one scope so that the whole Selin race can barely maintain one!"

"A little trick to fool people! It's nothing more than transferring garbage from one place to another and continuing to pile up! The happiness of some people is based on the pain of others, but you call it success..."

"Oh, don't laugh."

The owner of the royal family looked at the son who made a passionate speech in front of him and his mood turned around. If this was the purpose of the pilgrim, everything seemed to make a point when he connected to the all-knowing and almighty god mentioned before.

Satisfy everyone, A society without sadness, bullying and prejudice needs to satisfy the desires of all Selin people, that is, endless productivity.

Although the concept of infinity is much better than omnipotence, it should not exist in this universe. Something that represents infinity will break the conservation law of the universe itself, and a series of consequences will also be disastrous.

However, the owner of the royal family has not been in a hurry to make a conclusion, and there are still some things that need to be confirmed first.

"The 'God' who summons you can solve these problems?"

"Of course, it's not just about solving these problems. The whole Selin race will usher in unimaginable changes, all people will become better, and we will usher in the era of 'heaven'."

"What you can't do, the Lord can do it. It can bring salvation to the Selin people."

Dogon was completely immersed in his own world and didn't seem to realize that his father was talking about him, or maybe he didn't care about being talked about by his father at all. He emphasized this point, and he could feel the disdain for the empire from his words.

"Why do you think that your Lord will really be as you wish? Don't you feel a little better about yourself?"

Even if there is a god, why does this god follow the instructions given to it? It's not because they are not relatives. Why does the other party have to meet the various requirements of the Selin people? Maybe it will be like in mythology, because mortals anger the gods, and the gods will give serious punishment.

The royal family owner does not believe in God, nor does he believe in the existence of the kind described by his son. He can't imagine it just by imagination, but the reason will not change. It is the same situation to replace the god with some kind of creature.

Since the other party is so powerful, why should he obey the requirements of the Selin people?

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