How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 407 - 408 Interpretation of the Book of Array (3)

Chapter 407: Chapter 408 Interpretation of the Book of Array (3)

The ambition of expansion made us ask the other party to leave the river system. The other party refused, and the war between the two civilizations began after the negotiation broke down.

I admit that this is irrational behavior, but at that time, we were stunned by the surging self-confidence. We think that even if we are not the top combat power in the universe, we can have enough voice. We can even transform a neutron star into a phase cannon to real-time against any target within a thousand light years. Strike... Well, I admit that this is not a high-end technology, but it is indeed a powerful and effective position weapon for us in this period.

In terms of resources, we have a clear advantage. In addition to this river system, we also have the material resources of the mother river system and the other two colonial river systems. Our hostile civilizations did not carry out cross-river system colonization, so we can only use the resources in our own mother river system to fight against us.

We have even decided that if the war requires it, we will consume the two colonial river systems and erase the hostile civilizations from the universe together with their river systems.

The fronts on both sides stretch for more than 100,000 light years. Our technical level is similar. They have also developed superluminal technology, which will lead to the war involving imaginary space and time outside the main universe. At that time, some commanders in civilization once suspected that the war would delay the time to the material consumption that the two civilizations could control. So far, fortunately, it didn't turn out like this.

The enemy uses gravity, a material detached from ten dimensions, to destroy and kill our warships. It is very backward. For us, the speed of light and any means of attack below the speed of light have long been outdated relics of the times. The space-time folds created by dark energy can be used to defend them.

And our vacuum decay attacks can't be defended. They can only dodge by switching back and forth between the imaginary space-time and the main universe. However, this method has limitations after all. As long as we set a trap in advance, they must confront us head-on in the main universe.

The enemy is retreating steadily. Although we have sacrificed, we have made great progress all the way.

In order to resist our vacuum decay strikes, they detonated supergiant stars one by one and created many black holes in the river system. The whole river system is full of high-energy plasma nebulas. They intend to rely on black holes as a strategic stronghold to resist our attack.

But this is useless. It's just a black hole. We have many ways to destroy such stars. With the rapid decay of the mass of black holes and the subsequent huge explosion caused by the loss of control of singularities, the positions in their river system are gradually lost.

In the case of deliberately guiding the battlefield, we launched a final decisive battle near the quasar in the center of the river system. This is an extremely bad battlefield for them. Gravitational attack methods near the strong gravitational source need more energy to be effective. We use this to force the storage in their singularity core. The energy of the reserve is exhausted, so that they have to return to the main universe from imaginary time and space.

The war came to an end, and our other three river systems are preparing to prevent the rising intensity of the war.

The reason for telling these in detail is not because we are belligerent, but that the reader can understand how glorious our civilization called 'Hui' has reached, and the impact of this river battle on us is far-reaching and huge.

We continue to expand. During this period, we have encountered a lot, such as the unrestricted number of uncontrolled atomic machines, logical viruses left over from other civilizations that infect intelligent creatures, and all kinds of war garbage that have survived although civilization has long died, such as wandering black holes and singular bombs, which are a flower to clean up. It took a lot of time.

These are dangerous, but thanks to technology, we can easily deal with them properly. In addition to these, there are also more interesting and safe things, such as plasma life that feeds on stars and wanders around the river system. We have never imagined that there is such a life structure, which really refreshes our understanding of organisms.

There are also ecological civilizations that are extremely difficult to communicate and discover. In fact, we are still uncertain whether it is a civilization or not, because they do not have strong collective subjective initiative like us, but rely on passive subjective initiative to develop themselves. If it is not accidentally found on multiple terrestrial planets. For the same ancestral species, we may not realize that there is still such a group in the universe.

Of course, what we encounter more is civilization. They are all civilizations built by chemical life, and the level of technology is not high. The highest technology is only to achieve the displacement between stars, only reaching the sub-light speed without exceeding the speed of light. Each displacement requires a lot of time and cost, extremely Backward.

In the face of these civilizations, we can't even raise the desire to erase them, because they are too small. and they generally don't live long. Few civilizations can be like us. At least after that river confrontation, we haven't had it for a long time. Encounter civilization at the same level.

We even began to think, will our civilization be the most powerful civilization in the universe? The last river battle defeated the only opponent civilization that could rival us - I know this idea is very naive, but at that time we were still very young, and the young civilization always likes to think nonsense, which is inevitable.

What ends our naive idea is a target civilization. We call it 'teacher', the title given to the most respected people in civilization.

If we don't meet the teacher, our future may anger a hidden civilization and lead to the fate of destruction. In a sense, it saved us.

Because of its existence, we know a lot and know where we should be in this universe. Although we know that this is its responsibility, we are still very grateful to it, which completely annihilates all our ignorance and arrogance.

The teacher has no name, no code name or anything like that, and the volume is not large, which is probably the size of my head. Compared with our warship and the whole river system, it is so small that it can hardly be said that it does not exist.

But it is so horrible and powerful that all our proud military forces are not worth mentioning in front of it.

Even now, with the unprecedented development of technology, we still feel that the power of teachers belongs to the gods - I know that this is because our technology is still backward. It should be said that teachers are worthy of being a powerful target civilization in the universe.

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